- 中文名:蘇應娟
- 畢業院校:中山大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:植物進化遺傳學
- 任職院校:中山大學
獲中山大學理學博士學位。瑞典Lund大學和美國Indiana大學博士後,分別師從瑞典皇家科學院院士 Lars Olof Bjorn 教授和英國皇家學會院士、加拿大皇家科學院院士、美國科學和藝術學院院士Loren Rieseberg 教授。英國Glasgow大學、加拿大British Columbia大學和北京大學訪問學者。擔任中國植物生理與分子生物學學會孢子植物生理與分子生物學分會的理事、國家自然科學基金委員會初評和會評專家、廣東省自然科學基金和科技計畫項目評審專家、廣東省教育廳高等學校教師專業技術資格評審專家、教育部科學技術獎勵評審專家、浙江省自然科學基金、廣西壯族自治區自然科學基金、天津市自然科學基金評審專家。指導研究生逾40人,其中三人獲國家獎學金。
主要從事蕨類植物、裸子植物和入侵植物的種群遺傳結構、分子系統發育地理、進化葉綠體基因組學和適應性種群基因組學的研究。以第一作者或通訊作者發表科研論文150餘篇,參編專著3本。研究結果發表在Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution、Genome Biology and Evolution、BMC Plant Biology、BMC Evolutionary Biology、Biology Direct、Scientific Reports、Frontiers in Plant Science、American Journal of Botany及Journal of Heredity等國際重要學術刊物上。以第一獲獎人,分獲廣州市(2008)和廣東省(2009)科學技術三等獎。獲湖北省自然科學優秀學術論文三等獎(2006)和一等獎(2014)。獲Journal of Systematics and Evolution的Outstanding Paper Award(2015)。
[1] Chen Hou, Nan Deng,Yingjuan Su*. 2019. Pacbio long-read sequencing reveals the transcriptomic complexity and Aux/IAA gene evolution in Gnetum (Gnetales). Forests(*通訊作者)(under revision).
[2]Chen Hou, Richard M. K. Saunders, Nan Deng, Tao Wan,Yingjuan Su*. 2019.Pollination drop proteome and reproductive organ transcriptome comparison in Gnetum reveals entomophilous adaptation. Genes, 10(10): 800(*通訊作者)
[3]Li Liu,Zhen Wang,Lijie Huang, Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*.2019.Chloroplast population genetics reveals low levels of genetic variation and conformation to the central-marginal hypothesis inTaxus wallichianavar.mairei, an endangered conifer endemic to China.Ecology and Evolution, 9, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5703(*通訊作者)
[4] Xiaoxian Ruan, Zhen Wang, Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*. 2019. Characterization and Application of EST-SSR markers developed from the transcriptome ofAmentotaxus argotaenia(Taxaceae), a relict vulnerable conifer. Frontiers in Genetics, 10:1014(*通訊作者)
[5]Yingjuan Su, Ziqing He, Zhen Wang, Yongfeng Hong, Ting Wang.2019.Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome ofLeptochilus decurrens(Polypodiaceae), a least concern folk medicinal fern.Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 4(2): 3346-3347
[6]Yingjuan Su,Lu Huang, Zhen Wang, Ting Wang. 2018. Comparative chloroplast genomics between the invasive weedMikania micranthaand its indigenous congenerMikania cordata: Structure variation, identification of highly divergent regions, divergence time estimation, and phylogenetic analysis. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 126: 181–195
[7]Yingjuan Su, Zhen Wang, Ting Wang. 2018. Methylation data fromPseudotaxus chieniiobtained using methylation-dependent restriction-site associated DNA sequencing. Data in Brief, 19:1556–1559
[8] Jia Li,Yingjuan Su*, Ting Wang. 2018. The repeat sequences and elevated substitution rates of the chloroplastaccDgene in Cupressophytes. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9: 533 (*通訊作者)
[9] Shanshan Liu, Zhen Wang, Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*. 2018. The complete chloroplast genome ofCibotium barometz(Cibotiaceae), an endangered CITES medicinal fern. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 3: 464–465 (*通訊作者)
[10] Qiqi Huang, Zhen Wang, Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*.2018. Development and characterization of 23 polymorphic microsatellite loci forAmentotaxus argotaenia(Taxaceae), a relict vulnerable species. Applications in Plant Sciences, 6(5): e1149
[11] Shufeng Li, Shanshan Liu, Zhen Wang, Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*. 2018. The complete chloroplast genome sequence ofCyrtomium fortunei(Dryopteridaceae), an important medical fern. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 3: 288–289 (*通訊作者)
[12] Ruixiang Xu, Shanshan Liu, Zhen Wang, Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*. 2018. The first complete chloroplast genome of a traditional Chinese medicinal herbOdontosoria chinensis(Lindsaeaceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 3: 292-293 (*通訊作者)
[13] Shanshan Liu, Jingyao Ping, Zhen Wang, Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*. 2018. Complete chloroplast genome of the tree fernAlsophila podophylla(Cyatheaceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 3: 48-49 (*通訊作者)
[14]Yihui Min, Jingyi Guan, Shufeng Li, Shanshan Liu, Yongfeng Hong, Zhen Wang, Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*. 2018. The complete chloroplast genome ofLeptochilus hemionitideus, a traditional Chinese medical fern.Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 3: 784–785 (*通訊作者)
[15]Xinyao Sun, Ziqi Kang, Shanshan Liu, Ruixiang Xu, Zhen Wang, Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*. 2018. The complete chloroplast genome sequence ofHistiopteris incisa(Dennstaedtiaceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 3: 772–773 (*通訊作者)
[16]Minghui Zhang, Haoyun Xiao, Shanshan Liu, Shufeng Li, Zhen Wang, Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*. 2018. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of medicinal fernPolypodiodes niponica(Polypodiaceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 3:770–771 (*通訊作者)
[17]Shicheng Cai, Xiang Cai, Shufeng Li, Shanshan Liu, Zhen Wang, Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*. 2018. The complete chloroplast genome ofPyrrosia bonii(Polypodiaceae), an important ornamental and medical fern. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 3: 801–802 (*通訊作者)
[18]Hairuo Zeng, Mingyu Li, Ruixiang Xu, Shanshan Liu, Zhen Wang, Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su *. 2018. The first complete chloroplast genome ofPteris vittata(Pteridaceae), an arsenic hyperaccumulating fern. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 3(2): 953–954 (*通訊作者)
[19]Zhe Ding, Tianjian Chen, Shanshan Liu, Shufeng Li, Zhen Wang, Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*. 2018. The complete chloroplast genome of monotypic fern,Mesopteris tonkinensis(Thelypteridaceae).Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 3(2): 870–871 (*通訊作者)
[20]Songyan Zhou, Shuaixi Zhou, Ruixiang Xu, Shanshan Liu, Ziqing He, Zhen Wang, Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*.2018.The complete chloroplast genome ofMacrothelypteris torresiana, a reputed medicinal fern (Thelypteridaceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 3(2): 591–592 (*通訊作者)
[21] Qi Deng, Hanrui Zhang, Yipeng He, Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*. 2017. Chloroplast microsatellite markers forPseudotaxus chieniideveloped from whole chloroplast genome ofTaxus chinensisvar.mairei(Taxaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences, 5(3): 1600153 (*通訊作者)
[22] Ting Wang, Zhen Wang, Guopei Chen, Chunbo Wang,Yingjuan Su*. 2016. Invasive chloroplast population genetics ofMikania micranthain China: no local adaptation and negative correlation between diversity and geographic distance. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7:1426 (*通訊作者)
[23] Lu Huang, Zhen Wang, Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*. 2016. The complete chloroplast genome sequence ofMikania micrantha(Asteraceae), a noxious invasive weed to South China. Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources. 1(1): 603-604 (*通訊作者)
[24] Ting Wang, Zhen Wang, Fan Xia,Yingjuan Su*. 2016. Local adaptation to temperature and precipitation in naturally fragmented populations ofCephalotaxus oliveri, an endangered conifer endemic to China. Scientific Reports, 6: 25031(*通訊作者)
[25] Jia Li, Lei Gao, Shanshan Chen, Ke Tao,Yingjuan Su*, Ting Wang. 2016. Evolution of short inverted repeat in cupressophytes, transfer of accD to nucleus inSciadopitys verticillataand phylogenetic position of Sciadopityaceae. Scientific Reports, 6:20934 (*通訊作者)
[26] Jia Li, Lei Gao, Ke Tao,Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang. 2016. The complete chloroplast genome sequence ofAmentotaxus argotaenia(Taxaceae).Mitochondrial DNA, 27(4): 2919-2920
[27] Ke Tao, Lei Gao, Jia Li, Shanshan Chen,Yingjuan Su*, Ting Wang. 2016. The complete chloroplast genome ofTorreya fargesii(Taxaceae). Mitochondrial DNA, 27 (5): 3512-3513 (*通訊作者)
[28] Bo Wang, Bin Jiang, Yuan Zhou,Yingjuan Su*, Ting Wang. 2015. Higher substitution rates and lower dN/dS for the plastid genes in Gnetales than other gymnosperms. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 59: 278-287 (*通訊作者)
[29] Bo Wang,Yingjuan Su*, Ting Wang. 2015. Molecular cloning ofrbcS genes in Selaginella and the evolution ofrbcS gene family. Archives of Biological Sciences, 67(2), 373-383 (*通訊作者)
[30] Limin Cui,Yingjuan Su*. 2015. SSR markers for a critically endangered speciesEuryodendron excelsumand a distantly related speciesTernstroemia gymnanthera(Ternstroemiaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 58: 288-292 (*通訊作者)
[31] Chunbo Wang, Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*. 2014. Phylogeography ofCephalotaxus oliveri(Cephalotaxaceae) in relation to habitat heterogeneity, physical barriers and the uplift of the Yungui Plateau. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 80: 205-216 (*通訊作者)
[32] Ning Li, Qi Deng, Lu Huang,Yingjuan Su*, Ting Wang. 2014. Isolation and characterization of ten polymorphic microsatellite loci for avulnerable speciesDacrycarpus imbricatus(Podocarpaceae)in China. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology,54: 83–87 (*通訊作者)
[33]Lu Huang, Qi Deng, Ning Li, Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*. 2014. A set of microsatellite markers developed forDacrydium pectinatum(Podocarpaceae), a vulnerable conifer in China. Conservation Genetics Resources, 6: 167-168 (*通訊作者)
[34] Lei Gao, Bo Wang, Zhiwei Wang, Yuan Zhou,Yingjuan Su*, Ting Wang. 2013. Plastome sequences ofLygodium japonicumandMarsilea crenatareveal the genome organization transformation from basal ferns to core leptosporangiates. Genome Biology and Evolution, 5(7): 1403-1407 (*通訊作者)
[35]Junbo Sun,Yingjuan Su*, Ting Wang. 2013. Expression, purification and identification of CtCVNH, a novel Anti-HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) protein fromCeratopteris thalictroides. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 14: 7506-7514 (*通訊作者)
[36] Qi Deng,Yingjuan Su*, Ting Wang. 2013. Microsatellite loci for an old rare species,Pseudotaxus chienii, and transferability inTaxus wallichianavar.mairei(Taxaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences, 1(5): 1200456 (*通訊作者)
[37] Xuan Yi, Lei Gao, Bo Wang,Yingjuan Su*, Ting Wang. 2013. The complete chloroplast genome sequence ofCephalotaxus oliveri(Cephalotaxaceae): evolutionary comparison ofCephalotaxuschloroplast DNAs and insights into the loss of inverted repeat copies in gymnosperms. Genome Biology and Evolution, 5(4): 688-698 (*通訊作者)
[38] Lin Sen, Mario A Fares,Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang. 2012. Molecular evolution ofpsbA gene in ferns: unraveling selective pressure and co-evolutionary pattern. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 12: 145
[39] Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*, Yuan Li. 2012. Population genetic variation in the tree fernAlsophila spinulosa(Cyatheaceae): Effects of reproductive strategy. PLoS ONE, 7: e41780 (*通訊作者)
[40] Ting Wang, Guopei Chen, Qijie Zan, Chunbo Wang,Yingjuan Su*. 2012. AFLP genome scan to detect genetic structure and candidate loci under selection for local adaptation of the invasive weedMikaniamicrantha. PLoS ONE, 7: e41310 (*通訊作者)
[41]Yingjuan Su, Wenbo Liao, Ting Wang, Yufei Sun, Qiang Wei, Hungta Chang. 2011. Phylogeny and evolutionary divergence times inApterospermaandEuryodendron: Evidence of a Tertiary origin in south China. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 39(4-6): 769-777
[42] Lei Gao, Yuan Zhou, Zhiwei Wang,Yingjuan Su*, Ting Wang. 2011. Evolution of therpoB-psbZ region in fern plastid genomes: notable structural rearrangements and highly variable intergenic spacers. BMC Plant Biology, 11: 64 (*通訊作者)
[43] Lin Sen, Mario A Fares, Bo Liang, Lei Gao, Bo Wang, Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*. 2011. Molecular evolution ofrbcL in three gymnosperm families: identifying adaptive and coevolutionary patterns. Biology Direct, 6: 29 (*通訊作者)
[44] Huawei Pan, Yingrong Guo,Yingjuan Su*, Ting Wang. 2011. Development of microsatellite loci forCephalotaxus oliveri(Cephalotaxaceae) and cross-amplification inCephalotaxus. American Journal of Botany, 98(8): e229-e232 (*通訊作者)
[45]Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang, Feng Deng. 2010. Contrasting genetic variation and differentiation on Hainan Island and the Chinese mainland populations ofDacrycarpus imbricatus(Podocarpaceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 38(4): 576-584
[46]Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang, Feng Deng. 2010. Population genetic variation, differentiation and bottlenecks ofDacrydium pectinatum(Podocarpaceae) in Hainan Island, China: implications for its conservation. Australian Journal of Botany, 58(4): 318-326
[47] Yongxia Yang, Xiaoqiong Qi, Lin Sen,Yingjuan Su*, Ting Wang. 2010. Cloning and sequence analysis of red/blue light chimeric photoreceptor genes from three fern species (Coniogramme intermediavar.glabra,Plagiogyria distinctissimaandPronephrium lakhimpurnense). American Fern Journal, 100(1): 1-15 (*通訊作者)
[48] Lei Gao,Yingjuan Su*, Ting Wang. 2010. Plastid genome sequencing, comparative genomics and phylogenomics: current status and prospects. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 48(2): 77-93 (*通訊作者)
[49] Jing Wang, Boqian Yan, Guopei Chen,Yingjuan Su*, Ting Wang. 2010. Adaptive evolution in the GAF domain of phytochromes in gymnosperms. Biochemical Genetics, 48(3-4): 236-247(*通訊作者)
[50]Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang, Puyue Ouyang. 2009. High genetic differentiation and variation as revealed by ISSR marker inPseudotaxus chienii(Taxaceae), an old rare conifer endemic to China. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology,37(5): 579-588
[51] Lei Gao, Xuan Yi, Yongxia Yang,Yingjuan Su*, Ting Wang. 2009. Complete chloroplast genome sequence of a tree fernAlsophila spinulosa: insights into evolutionary changes in fern chloroplast genomes. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 9: 130 (*通訊作者)
[52] Xiaoqiong Qi, Yongxia Yang,Yingjuan Su*, Ting Wang. 2009. Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of cyanovirin-N homology gene inCeratopteris thalictroides. American Fern Journal, 99(2): 78-92 (*通訊作者)
[53]Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang, Yufei Sun, Huagu Ye. 2009. High ISSR variation in 14 surviving individuals ofEuryodendron excelsum(Ternstroemiaceae) endemic to China. Biochemical Genetics, 47(1-2): 56-65
[54] Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su*, Guopei Chen. 2008. Population genetic variation and structure of the invasive weedMikania micranthain southern China: consequences of rapid range expansion. Journal of Heredity, 99(1): 22-33 (*通訊作者)
[55]Yingjuan Su, Qijie Zan, Ting Wang, Zhanming Ying, Huagu Ye. 2008. High ISSR variation in 24 surviving individuals ofApterosperma oblata(Theaceae) endemic to China. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 36(8): 619-625
[56]Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang, Bo Zheng, Yu Jiang, Guopei Chen, Puyue Ouyang, Yufei Sun. 2005. Genetic differentiation of relictual populations ofAlsophila spinulosain southern China inferred from cpDNAtrnL-F noncoding sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 34 (2): 323-333
[57]Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang, Bo Zheng, Yu Jiang, Puyue Ouyang, Guopei Chen. 2005. Genetic variation and phylogeographical patterns inAlsophila podophyllafrom southern China based on cpDNAatpB-rbcL sequence data. American Fern Journal, 95(2): 68-79
[58]Yingjuan Su, Ting Wang, Bo Zheng, Yu Jiang, Guopei Chen, Hongya Gu. 2004. Population genetic structure and phylogeographical pattern of a relict tree fern,Alsophila spinulosa(Cyatheaceae), inferred from cpDNAatpB-rbcL intergenic spacers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 109 (7): 1459-1467
[59] Ting Wang,Yingjuan Su, Xueyan Li, Bo Zheng, Guopei Chen, Qinglu Zeng. 2004. Genetic structure and variation in the relict populations ofAlsophila spinulosafrom southern China based on RAPD markers and cpDNAatpB-rbcL sequence data. Hereditas, 140 (1): 8-17