- 中文名:蘇建元
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:數字化學習、教育技術、學習系統設計與開發
- 就職院校:浙江大學課程與學習科學系
- 浙江大學課程與學習科學系講師 2014.03~目前
- 成功大學頂奔糊束檔尖大學計畫博士後研究員 2012.03~2013.12
- 嘉南藥理科技大學通識教育中心兼任助理教授 2012.02~2012.07
- 嘉南藥理科技大學資訊管理系、醫療資訊講拳擔管理系、通識中心兼任講師 2006.09~2012.01
- 台南市永康社區大學電腦課程講師 2009.08~2014.1
- 台南蒸鑽戲市新化社區大學電腦課程講師 2009.08~2014.1
- 台南大學附屬實驗國小 電腦代課教師 2008.4~2008.7、 2009.4~2009.7
- 國立台南師範學院 92學年度集中教育實習輔導教師 2004.04
- 台南市日新國小 電腦代課教師 2004.2~2004.7
現代教育技術 春夏學潤府拳期
人工智嚷疊犁能糊符在教育上的套用 秋學期
教育技術論文寫作 冬學期
- Su, C. Y.*, & Wang, T. I. (2010). Construction and analysis of educational assessments using knowledge maps with weight appraisal of concepts. Computers & Education, 55(3), 1300-1311. [SSCI]【2010 IF: 2.617, Rank: 5/184 =2.7% (category: Education & Educational Research)】
- Chien-Yuan Su, Chiung-Hui Chiu*, Tzone-I Wang. (2010). The development of SCORM conformant learning content based on the learning cycle using Participatory Design. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 26(5), 392–406. [SSCI] 【2010 IF: 1.250, Rank: 42/184=22.8% (category: Education & Educational Research)】
- Tzone-I Wang,Chien-Yuan Su*,Tung-Cheng Hsieh. (2011). Accumulating and visualizing tacit knowledge of teachers on educational assessments. Computers & Education, 57(4), 2212–2223. [SSCI] 【2011 IF: 2.621, Rank: 7/206=3.4% (category: Education & Educational Research)】
- Tzone-I Wang*, Tung-Cheng Hsieh,Chien-Yuan Su, and Ming-Che Lee. (2012). A fuzzy logic-based personalized learning system for supporting adaptive English learning, Educational Technology & Society, 15(1), 273–288. [SSCI]【2012 IF: 1.171, Rank: 46/219=21.0% (category: Education & Educational Research)】
- Ming-Che Lee, Jia-Wei Chang, Tung-Cheng Hsieh, Tzone-I Wang, Chien-Yuan Su, Hui-Hui Chen, Ching Hui Chen. (2012). A Syntactic Based Approach for Evaluating Semantics of Texts, IJACT: International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 4(21), 220-229. [EI]
- Tung-Cheng Hsieh, Ming-Che Lee,Chien-Yuan Su. (2013). Designing and implementing a personalized remedial learning system for enhancing the programming learning, Educational Technology & Society, 16(4), 32-46. [SSCI] 【2013 IF: 0.824, Rank: 94/219=42.9% (category: Education & Educational Research)】
- Chien-Yuan Su, Jia-Wei Chang, T.K.Chiu, T. C. Hsieh. (2015). A Cluster- Based Personalized Item Recommend Approach On the Educational Assessment System. International Journal of Emerging Technology in Learning, 10(5), 52-58. [EI]
- Mengmeng Cheng, Chien-Yuan Su, Jianping Zhang, Yuhui Yang. (2015). Analyzing Temporal Patterns of Groups and Individuals in an Online Learning Forum. International Journal of Emerging Technology in Learning, 10(5), 66-71. [EI]
- Jia-Wei Chang, Ming-Che Lee, Chien-Yuan Su, Tzone-I Wang. (2017). Effects of Using Self-Explanation on A Web-Based Chinese Sentence Learning System. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 30:1-2, 44-63. doi:10.1080/09588221.2016.1241806. [SSCI]【2017 IF: 1.928, Rank: 48/239=24.3% (category: Education & Educational Research)】
- Chien-Yuan Su. (2017). Investigating the Effectiveness of an Interactive IRF-Based English Grammar Learning System,International Journal of Emerging Technology in Learning, 12(11), 63-82. [EI]
- Chien-Yuan Su, Cheng-Huan Chen*. (2018). Investigating the Effects of Flipped Learning, Student Question Generation, and Instant Response Technologies on Students’ Learning Motivation, Attitudes, and Engagement: A Structural Equation Modeling. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(6), 2453-2466. [SSCI]【2016 IF: 0.903, Rank: 147/235=62.5% (category: Education & Educational Research)】
- Chien-Yuan Su, Chiung-Hui Chiu*, Ying-Chun Chou, Chi Chico. (2018). Patterns of motives for social network site use among sixth gradepupils in Taiwan. Telematics and Informatics, 35, 1781-1793. doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2018.05.008. [SSCI]【2017 IF: 3.789, Rank: 10/85=11.7% (category: Information Science & Library Science)】
- Yue Hu, Yu-Hang Li. and Chien-Yuan Su*. (2019).Perceptions of teachers toward game-based programming tools in k-12 classrooms.IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems,Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 17-30[ESCI]
- Chen, C. C., & Su, C. Y*. (2020). Using the BookRoll e-book system to promote self-regulated learning, self-efficacy and academic achievement for university students. Educational Technology & Society. (SSCI IF:2.682) (accepted)
- Zhang, M.-H., Su, C.-Y*., Li, Y., Li, Y.-Y. (2020). Factors affecting Chinese university students’ intention to continue using virtual and remote labs. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. (SSCI IF:1.578) (accepted)
- T. K. Chiu, T. I. Wang, J.H. Fu, T. C. Hsieh, C. Y. Su, K. H. Tsai. (2009, July). Using comprehensive memory cycle updating in extensive reading. Paper presented at the 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2009), Riga, Latvia. [EI]
- Tzone-I Wang,Chien-Yuan Su, Jun-Yuan Chang. (2010, July). Construction and Analysis of Educational Assessments using Knowledge Maps with Weight Appraisal of Concepts. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2010, Freiburg, Germany. [EI]
- Chien-Yuan Su*, Tzone-I Wang. (2011, March). IKMAAS: AN ASSESSMENT SYSTEM THAT ACCUMULATES TEACHERS’ TACIT KNOWLEDGE. Proceedings of the IADIS international conference on e-society 2011, Avila, Spain.
- Cheng Hsieh, Tzone-I Wang,Chien-Yuan Su. (2011, March). An extensive reading system by using fuzzy logic and memory cycle theories, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on information system 2011, Avila, Spain.(Best Paper Award)
- Chien-Yuan Su, Tzone-I Wang. (2011, May). Accumulating and visualizing tacit knowledge of teachers on educational assessments (I), Proceedings of the Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education2011 (GCCCE2011), Hangzhou, China.
- Tzone-I Wang,Chien-Yuan Su. (2011, July). Accumulating and visualizing tacit knowledge of teachers on educational assessments (II)”, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on e-learning 2011, Rome, Italy. [EI]
- J. W. Chang, M. C. Lee, T. I Wang,C. Y. Su, T. C. Hsieh, (2012, April) Using Grammar Patterns to Evaluate Semantic Similarity for Short Texts. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Next Generation Information Technology, Seoul, Korea. [EI]
- Chien-Yuan Su, Tzone-I Wang, (2012, July). Personalized item recommendation based on clustering assessment knowledge of teachers, Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 2012, Barcelona, Spain.
- Cheng-Ching Chang,Chien-Yuan Su, Tzone-I Wang, (2012, July). The effects of integrating variation theory on a web-based object-oriented programming learning, Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 2012, Barcelona, Spain.
- Tzone I Wang, Wei-Chih Jaw andChien-Yuan Su. (2012, July). AN IRF-BASED ENGLISH GRAMMAR LEARNING ASSISTANT (IRF-EGLA) SYSTEM, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on e-learning 2012, Lisbon, Portugal. [EI]
- Cheng-Ching Chang,Chien-Yuan Su, Tzone-I Wang, (2013, May). The Effects of Variation Theory in Web-based Object-Oriented Programming on College Student Achievement,Proceedings of the Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2013, Beijing, China.
- Chien-Yuan Su, Tzone I Wang. (2013, August). KEEP OUR MEMORIES: THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS CO-DESIGN GRADUATED ALBUM VIDEOS THROUGH GOOGLE+, The Fourth International Conference on E-Learning (ICEL2013), VSB-Technology University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.
- Jia Wei Chang,Chien Yuan Su, Ming Che Lee, Tzone I Wang. (2014, March). Using Dynamic Word Order Diagrams to Assist Learning about Chinese Sentences for Learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language, The 6th International Symposium on Digital Technologies in Foreign Language Learning, Kyoto Japan.
- J.W. Chang, Y.H. Wu, T.K. Chiu,C.Y. Su, T.I. Wang, M.C. Lee.(2014, July). Integrating synonyms annotation into English videos: the effects of vocabulary learning, content understanding and cognitive loading, 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 7-9, Barcelona.
- Chang, J. W., Wang, T. I., Lee, M. C.,Su, C. Y., & Chang, P. C. (2016, July). Impact of Using Creative Thinking Skills and Open Data on Programming Design in a Computer-supported Collaborative Learning Environment. Paper presented at 16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT2016), Austin, Texas. [EI]
- Chien-Yuan Su, Hao-yue Jin, Song Han, Anna Fu. (2018, March).INVESTIGATING THE EFFECTS OF FLIPPED LEARNING, STUDENT QUESTION GENERATION, AND INSTANT RESPONSE TECHNOLOGIES ON UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION, ATTITUDES, AND ENGAGEMENT. Paper presented at 12th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2018), Valencia, Spain.
- C.Y. Su, A.N. Fu, S. Han, H.Y. Jin. (2018, March). A PATH ANALYSIS OF IN-SERVICE TEACHERS’ INTENTIONS TO USE ICT IN PRIMARY AND SECONDARY CURRICULA: APPLYING AND EXTENDING THE TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL. The 12th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2018), Valencia, Spain.
- Chien-Yuan Su, Lan Tao. (2018, August). Associations between university professors’ LMS-based user typologies and their educational beliefs. Paper presented at International Conference on Education and Learning 2018 (ICEL2018), Tokyo, Japan.
- Chien-Yuan Su, Shu-Han Yang, Hue Hu. (2018, August). Understanding University Students’ Intention to Adopt an LMS in China: A Self-Determination Perspective, Paper presented at International Conference on Education and Learning 2018 (ICEL2018), Tokyo, Japan.
- Ngajie Berty Nsolly, Yan Li, Chien-Yuan Su. (2018, December), Analyzing the elements of argumentation for critical thinking in non-English major Chinese undergraduate students’ writing and the potentials of argument visualization tools. Paper presented at 7th International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology(EITT2018), Auckland, New Zealand.
- H. Yang, C.Y. Su, Y. Hu. (2019, July).Asystematic review and analysis of computer-supported argumentation using Citespace. Paper presented at the11th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN2019),Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
- Chien-Yuan Su*,Yue Hu,Yu-Hang Li. (2019, July).Teacher attitudes regarding the use of game-based programming tools in K-12 education,Paper presented atInternational Conferences part of the Multi-Conference MCCSIS 2019,Porto, Portugal.[EI].(Best Paper Award)
- Yu-Hang Li,Chien-Yuan Su*,Yue Hu. (2019, July).A sequential analysis of teaching behaviors toward the use of blackboard learning management system,Paper presented atInternational Conferences part of the Multi-Conference MCCSIS 2019,Porto, Portugal.[EI].
- 邱瓊慧、蔡舜傑、蘇建元、吳肇宗(2006)。符合SCORM 2004 標準且具學習策略數位教材之編輯工具的研發,發表於TANET 2006。花蓮:花蓮教育大學。
- 蘇建元、邱瓊慧(2008)。以參與式設計方法整合學習環策略於數位教材內容的設計與開發,發表於2008科技與學習研討會。屏東:屏東教育大學。
- 王宗一、蔡昆樺、邱迪凱、張書龍、謝東成、蘇建元(2009)。具辭書式情境感知之語音導引機器人,發表於2009 全國計算機會議 National Computer Symposium (NCS),台北:台北大學。
- 王宗一、蘇建元、趙偉智、張駿淵(2009)。導入知識能量地圖於中國小教育評量之研究,發表於GCCCE 2009全球華人計算機教育套用大會。台北:福華。
- 張駿淵、蘇建元、王宗一(2009)。導入知識能量地圖於中國小教育評量系統之設計與開發,發表於第十四屆人工智慧與套用研討會 (TAAI2009),台中:朝陽科大。
- 王宗一、蘇建元、張佩琪(2010)。整合教師出題知識之智慧型評量輔助系統,發表於TANET 2010台灣網際網路研討會,台南:台南大學。
- 張家瑋、李明哲、王宗一、蘇建元、謝東成、邱迪凱(2011)。基於高階語意結構之英文短文語意運算模型,發表於2011 National Computer Symposium,嘉義:嘉義大學。(會議最佳論文)
- 詹家貞、蘇建元、趙偉智、王宗一(2011)。具發問與錯誤回饋之互動式英語文法學習系統的設計與評估,發表於2011 電腦與網路科技在教育上的套用研討會 (CNTE 2011),新竹,新竹教育大學。
- 蘇建元、王宗一 (2012)。套用群集分析技術於教師評量知識之推薦機制,發表於第八屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF2012),台灣,台南大學。
- 王宗一、蘇建元、周正欣、黃子峰(2012)。符合布魯姆認知目標之試題自動化分類機制,發表於TANET2012。桃園,銘傳大學。
- 蔡維軒、蘇建元、趙偉智、張家瑋、王宗一(2013)。結合三段式IRF教學對話之英語文法學習系統,發表於TANET2013台灣網際網路研討會。台中,中興大學。
- 黃子峰、蘇建元、張證欽、王宗一 (2013)。整合變易理論之物件導向程式設計與法導正系統。發表於TANET2013台灣網際網路研討會。台中,中興大學。
- 吳盈宏、邱迪凱、張家瑋、蘇建元、王宗一、郭育麟(2014)。探討同義字註解於英語影片學習對內容理解度、單字學習與認知負荷之影響,發表於eLFA2014第九屆亞洲地區數位化學習國際研討會,台灣,台南。
- 張家瑋、陳沛綺、蘇建元、林可捷、王宗一、李明哲、謝東成(2014)。自我解釋策略運用於數位化華語文句型學習環境之探討。第十屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2014),台北市,台灣。
- 蘇建元、程萌萌、張劍平(2016)。結合行動感知飛行器於遊戲化探究學習之初探,發表於GCCCE 2016全球華人計算機教育套用大會。香港:香港教育大學。
- 蘇建元、陶蘭 (2017)。基於自動化文本挖掘技術的教育技術學研究趨勢分析,發表於GCCCE 2017全球華人計算機教育套用大會。北京:北京師範大學。
- 邱瓊慧、詹渝崴、蘇建元(2017)。導入不同形式問題於線上教學影片對國小學生的學習影響,發表於GCCCE 2017全球華人計算機教育套用大會。北京:北京師範大學。
- 高郁晞、邱瓊慧、蘇建元(2017)。腳本支持探究式影片製作對國小學生科學探究能力之影響,發表於GCCCE 2017全球華人計算機教育套用大會。北京:北京師範大學。
- 蘇建元、翁瑞臨、邱瓊慧(2017)。影音分享社群之內容貢獻動機量表的編制及其信效度研究,發表於GCCCE 2017全球華人計算機教育套用大會。北京:北京師範大學。
- 蘇建元、韓嵩、胡玥(2019)。小學生專題式程式設計對運算思維和自我效能的影響,發表於International Conference on Computational Thinking Education 2019 (CTE2019)。香港:香港教育大學。
- 李宇航、蘇建元、王萌(2019)。智慧型問答技術研究進展及其教育套用,發表於GCCCE 2019全球華人計算機教育套用大會。武漢:華中師範大學。
- 邱瓊慧、孫景匯、蘇建元(2019)。科學探究視頻共創學習活動與行動套用程式架構,發表於GCCCE 2019全球華人計算機教育套用大會。武漢:華中師範大學。
- 傅安娜、蘇建元(2019)。STEAM機器人課程對提升小學生創造力的成效研究,發表於GCCIL2019全球華人探究學習創新套用大會。北京:北京師範大學。
- 金昊月、蘇建元(2019)。機器人編程學習活動設計對小學生問題解決能力的成效研究,發表於GCCIL2019全球華人探究學習創新套用大會。北京:北京師範大學。
- 楊泓、蘇建元、李宇航(2020)。基於設計式學習的大學生數字故事創作——以科學闢謠為例,將發表GCCCE 2019全球華人計算機教育套用大會。蘭州,西北師範大學。
Su, C. Y. (2014). The knowledge map assisting assessment system based on accumulating and visualizing tacit knowledge of teachers, Hangzhou: Zhejiang University.
(1) Journal paper reviewer:
- Educational Research and Reviews (2013)
- Journal of computer assisted learning (SSCI) (2013-2014)
- Computers & Education (SSCI) (2015)
- Computers in human behavior (SSCI) (2017)
(2) International conference reviewer:
- The fourth international conference on e-Learning (ICEL2013), Czech Republic.
- The second International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE2013), Poland.
- The International Conference on Education Technologies and Computers (ICETC2014), Poland.
- The second International Conference on Education Technologies and Computers (ICETC2015), Bangkok, Thailand.
- The 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2015), Hangzhou, China.
- The Seventh International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE2018), Lodz, Poland.
2010.03.24 台南市永康國小 教師座談會議 專題演講
2011.05.11 高雄市加昌國小全校性教師會議 專題演講
2012.05.28 台灣師範大學資訊教育所 專題演講
- T. K. Chiu, T. I. Wang, J.H. Fu, T. C. Hsieh, C. Y. Su, K. H. Tsai. (2009, July). Using comprehensive memory cycle updating in extensive reading. Paper presented at the 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2009), Riga, Latvia. [EI]
- Tzone-I Wang,Chien-Yuan Su, Jun-Yuan Chang. (2010, July). Construction and Analysis of Educational Assessments using Knowledge Maps with Weight Appraisal of Concepts. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2010, Freiburg, Germany. [EI]
- Chien-Yuan Su*, Tzone-I Wang. (2011, March). IKMAAS: AN ASSESSMENT SYSTEM THAT ACCUMULATES TEACHERS’ TACIT KNOWLEDGE. Proceedings of the IADIS international conference on e-society 2011, Avila, Spain.
- Cheng Hsieh, Tzone-I Wang,Chien-Yuan Su. (2011, March). An extensive reading system by using fuzzy logic and memory cycle theories, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on information system 2011, Avila, Spain.(Best Paper Award)
- Chien-Yuan Su, Tzone-I Wang. (2011, May). Accumulating and visualizing tacit knowledge of teachers on educational assessments (I), Proceedings of the Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education2011 (GCCCE2011), Hangzhou, China.
- Tzone-I Wang,Chien-Yuan Su. (2011, July). Accumulating and visualizing tacit knowledge of teachers on educational assessments (II)”, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on e-learning 2011, Rome, Italy. [EI]
- J. W. Chang, M. C. Lee, T. I Wang,C. Y. Su, T. C. Hsieh, (2012, April) Using Grammar Patterns to Evaluate Semantic Similarity for Short Texts. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Next Generation Information Technology, Seoul, Korea. [EI]
- Chien-Yuan Su, Tzone-I Wang, (2012, July). Personalized item recommendation based on clustering assessment knowledge of teachers, Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 2012, Barcelona, Spain.
- Cheng-Ching Chang,Chien-Yuan Su, Tzone-I Wang, (2012, July). The effects of integrating variation theory on a web-based object-oriented programming learning, Proceedings of the International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 2012, Barcelona, Spain.
- Tzone I Wang, Wei-Chih Jaw andChien-Yuan Su. (2012, July). AN IRF-BASED ENGLISH GRAMMAR LEARNING ASSISTANT (IRF-EGLA) SYSTEM, Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on e-learning 2012, Lisbon, Portugal. [EI]
- Cheng-Ching Chang,Chien-Yuan Su, Tzone-I Wang, (2013, May). The Effects of Variation Theory in Web-based Object-Oriented Programming on College Student Achievement,Proceedings of the Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education 2013, Beijing, China.
- Chien-Yuan Su, Tzone I Wang. (2013, August). KEEP OUR MEMORIES: THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS CO-DESIGN GRADUATED ALBUM VIDEOS THROUGH GOOGLE+, The Fourth International Conference on E-Learning (ICEL2013), VSB-Technology University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.
- Jia Wei Chang,Chien Yuan Su, Ming Che Lee, Tzone I Wang. (2014, March). Using Dynamic Word Order Diagrams to Assist Learning about Chinese Sentences for Learners of Chinese as a Foreign Language, The 6th International Symposium on Digital Technologies in Foreign Language Learning, Kyoto Japan.
- J.W. Chang, Y.H. Wu, T.K. Chiu,C.Y. Su, T.I. Wang, M.C. Lee.(2014, July). Integrating synonyms annotation into English videos: the effects of vocabulary learning, content understanding and cognitive loading, 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 7-9, Barcelona.
- Chang, J. W., Wang, T. I., Lee, M. C.,Su, C. Y., & Chang, P. C. (2016, July). Impact of Using Creative Thinking Skills and Open Data on Programming Design in a Computer-supported Collaborative Learning Environment. Paper presented at 16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT2016), Austin, Texas. [EI]
- Chien-Yuan Su, Hao-yue Jin, Song Han, Anna Fu. (2018, March).INVESTIGATING THE EFFECTS OF FLIPPED LEARNING, STUDENT QUESTION GENERATION, AND INSTANT RESPONSE TECHNOLOGIES ON UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION, ATTITUDES, AND ENGAGEMENT. Paper presented at 12th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2018), Valencia, Spain.
- C.Y. Su, A.N. Fu, S. Han, H.Y. Jin. (2018, March). A PATH ANALYSIS OF IN-SERVICE TEACHERS’ INTENTIONS TO USE ICT IN PRIMARY AND SECONDARY CURRICULA: APPLYING AND EXTENDING THE TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL. The 12th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED2018), Valencia, Spain.
- Chien-Yuan Su, Lan Tao. (2018, August). Associations between university professors’ LMS-based user typologies and their educational beliefs. Paper presented at International Conference on Education and Learning 2018 (ICEL2018), Tokyo, Japan.
- Chien-Yuan Su, Shu-Han Yang, Hue Hu. (2018, August). Understanding University Students’ Intention to Adopt an LMS in China: A Self-Determination Perspective, Paper presented at International Conference on Education and Learning 2018 (ICEL2018), Tokyo, Japan.
- Ngajie Berty Nsolly, Yan Li, Chien-Yuan Su. (2018, December), Analyzing the elements of argumentation for critical thinking in non-English major Chinese undergraduate students’ writing and the potentials of argument visualization tools. Paper presented at 7th International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology(EITT2018), Auckland, New Zealand.
- H. Yang, C.Y. Su, Y. Hu. (2019, July).Asystematic review and analysis of computer-supported argumentation using Citespace. Paper presented at the11th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN2019),Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
- Chien-Yuan Su*,Yue Hu,Yu-Hang Li. (2019, July).Teacher attitudes regarding the use of game-based programming tools in K-12 education,Paper presented atInternational Conferences part of the Multi-Conference MCCSIS 2019,Porto, Portugal.[EI].(Best Paper Award)
- Yu-Hang Li,Chien-Yuan Su*,Yue Hu. (2019, July).A sequential analysis of teaching behaviors toward the use of blackboard learning management system,Paper presented atInternational Conferences part of the Multi-Conference MCCSIS 2019,Porto, Portugal.[EI].
- 邱瓊慧、蔡舜傑、蘇建元、吳肇宗(2006)。符合SCORM 2004 標準且具學習策略數位教材之編輯工具的研發,發表於TANET 2006。花蓮:花蓮教育大學。
- 蘇建元、邱瓊慧(2008)。以參與式設計方法整合學習環策略於數位教材內容的設計與開發,發表於2008科技與學習研討會。屏東:屏東教育大學。
- 王宗一、蔡昆樺、邱迪凱、張書龍、謝東成、蘇建元(2009)。具辭書式情境感知之語音導引機器人,發表於2009 全國計算機會議 National Computer Symposium (NCS),台北:台北大學。
- 王宗一、蘇建元、趙偉智、張駿淵(2009)。導入知識能量地圖於中國小教育評量之研究,發表於GCCCE 2009全球華人計算機教育套用大會。台北:福華。
- 張駿淵、蘇建元、王宗一(2009)。導入知識能量地圖於中國小教育評量系統之設計與開發,發表於第十四屆人工智慧與套用研討會 (TAAI2009),台中:朝陽科大。
- 王宗一、蘇建元、張佩琪(2010)。整合教師出題知識之智慧型評量輔助系統,發表於TANET 2010台灣網際網路研討會,台南:台南大學。
- 張家瑋、李明哲、王宗一、蘇建元、謝東成、邱迪凱(2011)。基於高階語意結構之英文短文語意運算模型,發表於2011 National Computer Symposium,嘉義:嘉義大學。(會議最佳論文)
- 詹家貞、蘇建元、趙偉智、王宗一(2011)。具發問與錯誤回饋之互動式英語文法學習系統的設計與評估,發表於2011 電腦與網路科技在教育上的套用研討會 (CNTE 2011),新竹,新竹教育大學。
- 蘇建元、王宗一 (2012)。套用群集分析技術於教師評量知識之推薦機制,發表於第八屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF2012),台灣,台南大學。
- 王宗一、蘇建元、周正欣、黃子峰(2012)。符合布魯姆認知目標之試題自動化分類機制,發表於TANET2012。桃園,銘傳大學。
- 蔡維軒、蘇建元、趙偉智、張家瑋、王宗一(2013)。結合三段式IRF教學對話之英語文法學習系統,發表於TANET2013台灣網際網路研討會。台中,中興大學。
- 黃子峰、蘇建元、張證欽、王宗一 (2013)。整合變易理論之物件導向程式設計與法導正系統。發表於TANET2013台灣網際網路研討會。台中,中興大學。
- 吳盈宏、邱迪凱、張家瑋、蘇建元、王宗一、郭育麟(2014)。探討同義字註解於英語影片學習對內容理解度、單字學習與認知負荷之影響,發表於eLFA2014第九屆亞洲地區數位化學習國際研討會,台灣,台南。
- 張家瑋、陳沛綺、蘇建元、林可捷、王宗一、李明哲、謝東成(2014)。自我解釋策略運用於數位化華語文句型學習環境之探討。第十屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2014),台北市,台灣。
- 蘇建元、程萌萌、張劍平(2016)。結合行動感知飛行器於遊戲化探究學習之初探,發表於GCCCE 2016全球華人計算機教育套用大會。香港:香港教育大學。
- 蘇建元、陶蘭 (2017)。基於自動化文本挖掘技術的教育技術學研究趨勢分析,發表於GCCCE 2017全球華人計算機教育套用大會。北京:北京師範大學。
- 邱瓊慧、詹渝崴、蘇建元(2017)。導入不同形式問題於線上教學影片對國小學生的學習影響,發表於GCCCE 2017全球華人計算機教育套用大會。北京:北京師範大學。
- 高郁晞、邱瓊慧、蘇建元(2017)。腳本支持探究式影片製作對國小學生科學探究能力之影響,發表於GCCCE 2017全球華人計算機教育套用大會。北京:北京師範大學。
- 蘇建元、翁瑞臨、邱瓊慧(2017)。影音分享社群之內容貢獻動機量表的編制及其信效度研究,發表於GCCCE 2017全球華人計算機教育套用大會。北京:北京師範大學。
- 蘇建元、韓嵩、胡玥(2019)。小學生專題式程式設計對運算思維和自我效能的影響,發表於International Conference on Computational Thinking Education 2019 (CTE2019)。香港:香港教育大學。
- 李宇航、蘇建元、王萌(2019)。智慧型問答技術研究進展及其教育套用,發表於GCCCE 2019全球華人計算機教育套用大會。武漢:華中師範大學。
- 邱瓊慧、孫景匯、蘇建元(2019)。科學探究視頻共創學習活動與行動套用程式架構,發表於GCCCE 2019全球華人計算機教育套用大會。武漢:華中師範大學。
- 傅安娜、蘇建元(2019)。STEAM機器人課程對提升小學生創造力的成效研究,發表於GCCIL2019全球華人探究學習創新套用大會。北京:北京師範大學。
- 金昊月、蘇建元(2019)。機器人編程學習活動設計對小學生問題解決能力的成效研究,發表於GCCIL2019全球華人探究學習創新套用大會。北京:北京師範大學。
- 楊泓、蘇建元、李宇航(2020)。基於設計式學習的大學生數字故事創作——以科學闢謠為例,將發表GCCCE 2019全球華人計算機教育套用大會。蘭州,西北師範大學。
Su, C. Y. (2014). The knowledge map assisting assessment system based on accumulating and visualizing tacit knowledge of teachers, Hangzhou: Zhejiang University.
(1) Journal paper reviewer:
- Educational Research and Reviews (2013)
- Journal of computer assisted learning (SSCI) (2013-2014)
- Computers & Education (SSCI) (2015)
- Computers in human behavior (SSCI) (2017)
(2) International conference reviewer:
- The fourth international conference on e-Learning (ICEL2013), Czech Republic.
- The second International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE2013), Poland.
- The International Conference on Education Technologies and Computers (ICETC2014), Poland.
- The second International Conference on Education Technologies and Computers (ICETC2015), Bangkok, Thailand.
- The 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2015), Hangzhou, China.
- The Seventh International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE2018), Lodz, Poland.
2010.03.24 台南市永康國小 教師座談會議 專題演講
2011.05.11 高雄市加昌國小全校性教師會議 專題演講
2012.05.28 台灣師範大學資訊教育所 專題演講