- 中文名:薯蕷生殼針孢
- 拉丁學名:Mycovellosiella corni Y.L.Guo, sp. nov.
- 界:植物界
- 編號:MYS-93-10
- 定名人:呂國忠、白金鎧
編號 | MYS-93-10 |
拉丁菌名 | Mycovellosiella corni Y.L.Guo, sp. nov. |
中文菌名 | 薯蕷生殼針孢 |
定名人 | 呂國忠 白金鎧 |
Nomencla | Guo Yinglan |
發表文章 | Septoria 的新種和國內新記錄種 |
Article | Foliicolous Hyphomycetes ob Xiaowutai in Hebei Province |
作者 | 呂國忠 白金鎧 劉偉成 |
Author | Guo Yinglan |
作者單位 | 瀋陽農業大學植 保系, 瀋陽 110161 |
摘要 | 作者在1987-1991年間從東北地區收集和採集 Septoria 真菌標本221份, 鑑定出 Septoria 84種, 其中 2個新種: Septoria disocorical Lu Guozhong et Bai Jinkai 和Septoria saposhinikoviae Lu Guo-zhong et Bai Jin-kai, 以及13個國內新記錄種. Septoria 屬真菌 的產孢方式為全壁芽生合軸式 (holoblasticsympodial). |
Abstract | Forty species of foliicolous hyphomycetes collected from Xiaowutai in Hebei Province are reported in the presence paper. Two are new species:Mycovellosiella corni sp. nov., Phaeoramularia schisandrae sp. nov. And seven are new records for China. Latin diagnoses and illustrations of the two new species andbriefly descriptions of the new records are provded. Specimens examined are deposited in HMAS. |
關鍵字 | Septoria, Septoria dioscoricola, Septoria saposhinikoviae, 產孢細胞 |
Key | - |
期刊 | 真菌系統(真菌地衣系統學開放研究實驗室年報) 6:71-78, 1993 |
Publication | MYCOSYSTEMA (Ann. Rep. of Syst. Mycol. Lichenol Lab.) (Chinese(English Abstract)/English), 6:pp.91-102, 1993 |
分享省市 | 吉林省四平市 |
Place | Wei County, Hebei Province, China |
採集地 | 農田中薯蕷科植 物薯蕷帶有褐色至暗褐色銹斑的葉片 |
Environment | The fungi grown on the leaves of Corni bretschneideri L., C.walteri Wanger. of family Cornaceae with pale gray to brown colour rust spot, |
海撥高度 | - |
生態環境 | 溫帶大陸性季風氣候農田 |
寄主 | 薯蕷科植物薯蕷的葉片 |
Habitat | template monsoon climate template forest ecological system |
Host | on the leaves of Corni bretschneideri L., C.walteri Wanger. of family Cornaceae |
採集人 | 齊 P.K. |
Isolation Person | Guo Yinglan |
採集時間 | - |
保存單位 | 瀋陽農業大學植保系真菌標本室, 瀋陽 110161 |
Preservation Unit | Mycological Herbarium, Institute of Microbiology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China |
描述 | - |
等模式 | - |
Speciman No. | HMAS 65912 |
全文 | - |
Note | The fungi is a ill pathogen of Corni bretschneideri L., C.walteri Wanger. of family Cornaceae which usualy use ornamental plant. |
備註 | 該菌是我國栽培作物薯蕷科薯蕷屬植物薯蕷的真 菌性病害的病原菌. 薯蕷的用途很廣, 可供食用, 作副食 品, 可造酒, 根莖入藥滋養強壯. |