山姆·雷米(Sam Raimi),1959年10月23日生於密西根州,導演,編劇,演員,製片人,

魔境仙蹤/奧茲大帝(台) Oz The Great and Powerful------(2013) |
墮入地獄/地獄魔咒(台)/地獄巫門等你來(港)/拽我入地獄/拖我下地獄/帶我下地獄 Drag Me to Hell------- (2009) |
蜘蛛俠3/蜘蛛人3(台) Spider-Man 3------- (2007) |
蜘蛛俠2/蜘蛛人2(台)/蜘蛛俠2(港) Spider-Man 2------- (2004) |
蜘蛛俠/蜘蛛人(台)/蜘蛛俠(港) Spider-Man------- (2002) |
驚魂眼/靈異大逆轉/天賦/禮物 The Gift------- (2000) |
棒球之愛/為愛執著 For Love of the Game------- (1999) |
簡單計畫/絕地計畫 A Simple Plan------- (1998) |
鳳舞狂沙/致命快感 The Quick and the Dead------- (1995) |
鬼玩人3:魔界英豪/魔界英豪(台)/人玩鬼(港) Army of Darkness------- (1992) |
變形黑俠/黑暗的人 Darkman------- (1990) |
屍變2鬼玩人/鬼玩人2/人玩鬼2/鬼玩人續集 Evil Dead II------- (1987) |
捉蟲殺人事件 Crimewave------- (1985) |
鬼玩人/鬼玩人(台)/屍變(港) The Evil Dead------- (1981) |
Clockwork------- (1978) |
Within the Woods------- (1978) |
It's Murder!------- (1977) |
Legend of the Seeker: The Making of a Legend!------- (2008) |
"Up Close with Carrie Keagan"------- (2007) |
Spider-Man 3: UK Premiere Special------- (2007) |
Suck My Geek!------- (2007) |
05 Spaceys------- (2005) |
A Powerful Rage: Behind 'The Grudge'------- (2005) |
Hero in Crisis------- (2004) |
Interwoven: the Women of Spider-Man------- (2004) |
Making the Amazing------- (2004) |
"Kela on the Karpet"------- (2003) |
Behind the Scenes: Spider-Man the Movie------- (2002) |
Spidermania------- (2002) |
The Spider-Man Story------- (2002) |
The Gift: A Look Inside------- (2001) |
The Making of 'Evil Dead II' or The Gore the Merrier------- (2000) |
"Intimate Portrait" Kelly Preston------- (1999) |
The Men Behind the Army------- (1999) |
"The Shining"------- (1997) |
"American Cinema"------- (1995) |
星際總動員 Galaxis------- (1995) |
石頭城樂園/摩登原始人/聰明笨伯 The Flintstones------- (1994) |
末日逼近 "The Stand"------- (1994) |
M.A.N.T.I.S.------- (1994) |
Journey to the Center of the Earth------- (1993) |
艷陽情 Indian Summer------- (1993) |
Body Bags------- (1993) |
Night of the Living Dead: 25th Anniversary Documentary------- (1993) |
不死的傳說/無辜的血 Innocent Blood------- (1992) |
Flying Saucers Over Hollywood: The 'Plan 9' Companion------- (1992) |
米勒的十字路口/米勒倒戈(台)/風雲再起時(港)/黑幫龍虎鬥 Miller's Crossing------- (1990) |
暴力警察/鬼面公僕2 Maniac Cop 2------- (1990) |
變態殺人魔 Intruder------- (1989) |
鬼面公僕 Maniac Cop------- (1988) |
Stephen King's World of Horror------- (1986) |
光棍出差 Spies Like Us------- (1985) |
最後追殺令 Stryker's War------- (1985) |
Hefty's------- (1983) |
Cleveland Smith: Bounty Hunter------- (1982) |
Attack of the Helping Hand!------- (1981) |
Shemp Eats the Moon------- (1978) |
It's Murder!------- (1977) |
驚異大腦的男人 Man with the Screaming Brain------- (2005) |
"Spy Game"------- (1997) |
M.A.N.T.I.S.------- (1994) |
影子大亨/金錢帝國/赫德薩克的代理人 The Hudsucker Proxy------- (1994) |
The Nutt House------- (1992) |
變形黑俠/黑暗的人 Darkman------- (1990) |
Easy Wheels------- (1989) |
捉蟲殺人事件 Crimewave------- (1985) |
Within the Woods------- (1978) |
聖徒/牧師 Priest------- (2011) |
凶兆2/信使2:稻草人/鬼使神差2/鬼差2 Messengers 2: The Scarecrow------- (2009) |
"13: Fear Is Real"------- (2009) |
裝甲車/監守自盜/絕對武裝(台) Armored------- (2009) |
Untitled Shannon-Swift Project------- (2009) |
惡靈空間2/夜魔2 Boogeyman 2------- (2008) |
Dibbuk Box------- (2008) |
探索者傳說/探索者傳奇 "Legend of the Seeker"------- (2008) |
三十極夜/惡夜30(台)/屍城30夜(港)/厄夜三十 30 Days of Night------- (2007) |
凶兆/信使/鬼使神差/鬼差 The Messengers------- (2007) |
血腥獵人之崛起/血之獵手 Rise------- (2007) |
美版咒怨2/不死咒怨2/新咒怨2 The Grudge 2------- (2006) |
惡靈空間/夜魔/半夜鬼敲門 Boogeyman------- (2005) |
Xena: The 10th Anniversary Collection------- (2005) |
美版咒怨/不死咒怨 The Grudge------- (2004) |
Xena: Warrior Princess - A Friend in Need (The Director's Cut)------- (2002) |
"Jack of All Trades"------- (2000) |
"Cleopatra 2525"------- (2000) |
"Young Hercules"------- (1998) |
少年海格力斯 Young Hercules------- (1998) |
Hercules and Xena - The Animated Movie: The Battle for Mount Olympus------- (1998) |
"Spy Game"------- (1997) |
變形黑俠之終極一擊 Darkman III: Die Darkman Die------- (1996) |
"American Gothic"------- (1995) |
"Hercules: The Legendary Journeys"------- (1995) |
"Xena: Warrior Princess"------- (1995) |
M.A.N.T.I.S.------- (1994) |
Hercules in the Underworld------- (1994) |
致命對決 Hercules in the Maze of the Minotaur------- (1994) |
Hercules and the Amazon Women------- (1994) |
變形黑俠2 Darkman II: The Return of Durant------- (1994) |
力挽狂瀾 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - Hercules and the Circle of Fire------- (1994) |
大力士:亞馬遜女人/迷失的王國 Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - Hercules and the Lost Kingdom------- (1994) |
時空特警/逾時空特警 Timecop------- (1994) |
終極標靶 Hard Target------- (1993) |
Lunatics: A Love Story------- (1991) |
Easy Wheels------- (1989) |
生死門 The Dead Next Door------- (1988) |
Within the Woods------- (1978) |