薛璟祺,1980年3月出生,山西太原人,2003年獲中國農業大學園藝專業學士學位,2008年獲中國農業大學觀賞園藝專業博士學位。2008年7月在中國農業科學院蔬菜花卉研究所工作,中蔬“青年英才”入選者。2015年3月至2016年3月赴美國加州大學戴維斯分校訪問交流。2021年2月至2021年8月在在中國農業科學院人事局借調。工作期間兼任中國農業科學院牡丹研究中心 秘書處 秘書長,中國園藝學會牡丹芍藥分會副秘書長;園藝學報等期刊審稿專家。
- 牡丹優異資源評價、保護與高效利用,國家林草局,梁希林業科技進步二等獎, 2020. (2/10)
- 西藏牡丹野生資源調查研究與馴化栽培,西藏自治區, 科學技術三等獎, 2017. (4/14)
- 牡丹促成栽培新技術研發與推廣,中國農業科學院, 科學技術成果二等獎, 2014. (2/10)
- 月季采後花朵開放及其調節的分子生理機制,教育部,自然科學一等獎,2011.(3/10)
- Liu ZY, Shi YT, Xue YQ, Wang XP, Huang Z, Xue JQ, Zhang XX. 2021. Non-structural carbohydrates coordinate tree peony flowering both as energy substrates and as sugar signaling triggers, with the bracts playing an essential role. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 159: 80–88.
- Wang XP#, Wang SL, Xue YQ, Ren XX, Xue JQ, Zhang XX. 2020. Defoliation, not gibberellin, induces tree peony autumn reflowering regulated by carbon allocation and metabolism in buds and leaves. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 151: 545-555.
- Xue JQ, Huang Z, Wang SL, Xue YQ, Ren XX, Zeng XL, Zhang XX. 2020. Dry storage improves the vase quality of cut peony by increasing water uptake efficiency through aquaporins regulation. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 148: 63-69.
- Xue JQ, Tang Y#, Wang SL, Xue YQ, Liu XW*, Zhang XX. 2019. Evaluation of dry and wet storage on vase quality of cut peony based on the regulation of starch and sucrose metabolism. Postharvest Biology and Technology 155: 11-19.
- Xue JQ, Li TT#, Wang SL, Xue YQ, Liu XW*, Zhang XX. 2019. Defoliation and gibberellin synergistically induce tree peony flowering with non-structural carbohydrates as intermedia. Journal of Plant Physiology 233: 31-41.
- Xue JQ, Tang Y#, Wang SL, Yang RW, Xue YQ, Wu CH, Zhang XX. 2018. Assessment of vase quality and transcriptional regulation of sucrose transporter and invertase genes in cut peony (Paeonia lactiflora ‘Yang Fei Chu Yu’) treated by exogenous sucrose. Postharvest Biology and Technology 143: 92-101.
- Xue JQ, Li TT#, Wang SL, Xue YQ, Hu FR*, Zhang XX*. 2018. Elucidation of the mechanism of reflowering in tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa) ‘Zi Luo Lan’ by defoliation and gibberellic acid application. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 132: 571-578.
- Xue JQ, Wang SL, Zhang P, Zhu FY, Ren XX, Liu CJ, Zhang XX. 2015. On the role of physiological substances, abscisic acid and its biosynthetic genes in seed maturation and dormancy of tree peony (Paeonia ostii ‘Feng Dan’). Scientia Horticulturae 182: 92-101.
- Gao J#, Xue JQ, Xue YQ, Liu R, Ren XX, Wang SL, Zhang XX. 2020. Transcriptome sequencing and identification of key callus browning-related genes from petiole callus of tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa cv. Kao) cultured on media with three browning inhibitors. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 149: 36-49.
- Wang SL#, Xue JQ, Zhang SF#, Zheng SN, Xue YQ, Xu DH*, Zhang XX. 2020. Composition of peony petal fatty acids and flavonoids and their effect on Caenorhabditis elegans lifespan. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 155: 1-12.
- Guan YR#, Xue JQ, Xue YQ, Yang RW, Wang SL, Zhang XX. 2019. Effect of exogenous GA3 on flowering quality, endogenous hormones, and hormone- and flowering-associated gene expression in forcing-cultured tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa). Journal of Integrative Agriculture 18: 1295–1311.
- Ren XX, Xue JQ, Wang SL, Xue YQ, Zhang P, Jiang HD*, Zhang XX. 2018. Proteomic analysis of tree peony (Paeonia ostii ‘Feng Dan’) seed germination affected by low temperature. Journal of Plant Physiology 224–225: 56–67.
- Wei XB#, Xue JQ, Wang SL#, Xue YQ, Lin H, Shao XF, Xu DH*, Zhang XX*. 2018. Fatty acid analysis in the seeds of 50 Paeonia ostii individuals from the same population. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 17: 1758–1767
- Wang SL, Gao J, Xue JQ, Xue YQ, Li DD, Guan YR, Zhang XX. 2019. De novo sequencing of tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa) transcriptome to identify critical genes involved in flowering and floral organ development. BMC Genomics. 20: 572.
- Zhu FY, Wang S, Xue JQ, Li DD, Ren XX, Xue YQ, Zhang XX. 2018. Morphological and physiological changes, and the functional analysis of PdSPL9 in the juvenile-to-adult phase transition of Paeonia delavayi. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 133: 325-337
- Wang SL, Beruto M, Xue JQ, Zhu FY, Liu CJ, Yan YM, Zhang XX. 2015. Molecular cloning and potential function prediction of homologous SOC1 genes in tree peony. Plant Cell Reports 34: 1459-1471.
- 李婷婷#, 薛璟祺#, 王順利, 薛玉前, 韓麗, 胡鳳榮, 張秀新*. 2019. 秋發牡丹遠緣雜交新材料篩選及系統最佳化. 分子植物育種 17: 2761-2768.
- 李婷婷#, 薛璟祺#, 王順利, 薛玉前, 胡鳳榮, 張秀新*. 2018. 植物非結構性碳水化合物代謝及體內轉運研究進展. 植物生理學報 54: 25-35.
- 唐也,張秀新,王順利,薛玉前,吳朝海,薛璟祺*. 2018. 不同冷藏方式對芍藥切花瓶插的影響. 北方園藝. 21: 148-154.
- 唐也,薛玉前,張秀新,王順利,吳朝海*,薛璟祺*. 2018. 不同濃度蔗糖及甘露醇處理對芍藥切花采後品質影響的研究. 農業科技通訊. 5:151-153.
- 任秀霞#,王順利#,薛璟祺*,楊若雯,管艷忍,李丹丹,薛玉前,張秀新*. 2017. GA和ABA信號轉導關鍵基因在不同溫度處理‘鳳丹’牡丹種子中的表達分析. 園藝學報. 44: 80-88.
- 薛璟祺#, 只艷玲#, 王順利, 彭峰, 鄭玉紅, 張秀新*, 胡鳳榮*. 2015. 五種石蒜屬植物的低溫耐性研究. 植物生理學報. 51: 721-728.
- 主持國家重點研發國際合作項目:中塞原產瀕危功能性植物資源保護與高效利用(2021YFE0110700,2021-2024);
- 主持國家自然科學基金面上項目:牡丹促成栽培條件下糖信號調節花芽休眠解除機理(31972455,2020-2023);
- 中國農科院項目:不同冷藏方式對芍藥切花瓶插品質影響的研究(IVF-BRF2018019,2018)。