- 中文名:薛傑
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:甘肅禮縣
- 出生日期:1987年
- 畢業院校:天水師範學院、中科院新疆生態與地理研究所
- 職業:科研工作者
- 主要成就:2018年獲得自治區自然科學優秀論文二等獎(排名第一)。
- 1.中國科學院基礎前沿科學研究計畫從0到1原始創新項目(編號:ZDBS-LY-DQC031)綠洲社會水文系統協同演化及其互饋機制研究,執行期: 2019/9/30-2023/12/31,200萬。
- 2.中科院青促會項目:綠洲社會水文系統演化規律及其驅動機制研究(編號:2019430),執行期: 2019/01-2022/12,經費: 80萬元;
- 3.中國科學院“西部青年學者”項目: 墨玉綠洲果糧間作模式下水分利用效率評價及種植結構最佳化研究(編號: 2017-XBQNXZ-B-016),執行期: 2018/01-2020/12,經費: 40萬元;
- 4.荒漠與綠洲生態國家重點實驗室開放基金項目:乾旱區典型綠洲碎片化成因與對策研究(編號: G2018-02-08),執行期: 2018/01-2020/12,經費: 20萬元;
- 5.國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目:基於貝葉斯網路的綠洲水資源最佳化配置與綜合管理研究(編號: 41601595),執行期: 2017/01-2019/12,經費: 23萬元;
- 1.Xue J, Gui DW, Lei JQ, Sun HW, Zeng FJ, Mao DL, Zhang ZW, Jin Q, Liu Y. Oasification: an unable evasive process in fighting against desertification for the sustainable development of arid and semiarid regions of China [J]. Catena, 2019, 179: 197-209.2.Xue J, Gui DW, Lei JQ, Sun HW, Zeng FJ, Mao DL, Zhang ZW, Jin Q, Liu Y. Oasis microclimate effects under different weather events in arid or hyper arid regions: a case analysis in southern Taklimakan desert and implication for maintaining oasis sustainability [J]. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2019, 137: 89–101.3.Xue J, Gui DW, Lei JQ, Zeng FJ, Mao DL, Zhang ZW. Model development of a participatory Bayesian network for coupling ecosystem services into integrated water resources management [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2017, 554: 50-65. 4.Xue J, Gui DW, Lei JQ, Sun HW, Zeng FJ, Feng XL. A hybrid Bayesian network approach for trade-offs between environmental flows and agricultural water using dynamic discretization [J]. Advances in Water Resources, 2017, 540: 1209-1222.5.Xue J, Gui DW, Zhao Y, Lei JQ, Zeng FJ, Feng XL, Mao DL, Muhammad S. A decision-making framework to model environmental flow requirements in oasis areas using Bayesian networks [J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 540: 1209-1222.6.Xue J, Gui DW, Lei JQ, Feng XL, Zeng FJ, Zhou J, Mao DL. Reconstructing meteorological time series to quantify the uncertainties of runoff simulation in the ungauged Qira River Basin using data from multiple stations [J]. Theoretical & Applied Climatology, 2016, 126: 1-16.7.Xue J, Gui DW. 2015. Linear and nonlinear characteristics of the runoff response to regional climate factors in the Qira River basin, Xinjiang, Northwest China [J]. Peerj, 3: e1104. 8.Xue J, Gui DW, Zhao Y, Lei JQ, Feng XL, Zeng FJ, Zhou J, Mao DL. 2015. Quantification of Environmental Flow Requirements to Support Ecosystem Services of Oasis Areas: A Case Study in Tarim Basin, Northwest China [J]. Water, 7: 5657-5675. 9.Xue J, Lei JQ, Shengyu LY, Gui DW, Mao DL, Zhou J. 2015. Re-evaluating the vertical mass-flux profiles of aeolian sediment at the southern fringe of the Taklimakan Desert, China [J]. Journal of Arid Land, 7: 765-777.10.Liu Y, Xue J*, Gui DW, Lei JQ, Sun HW, Lv GH, Zhang ZW. 2018. Agricultural oasis expansion and its impact on oasis landscape patterns in the southern margin of Tarim basin, Northwest China [J]. Sustainability 2018, 10(6): 1957. (* corresponding author).