
董雲社,男,漢族,1961年出生,中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所研究員。1983年畢業於西北農業大學(現西北農林科技大學),分配到中國科學院地理研究所工作至今。2002年在德國美因茨大學獲得環境地學專業博士學位。兼任國際SCI收錄刊物“Journal of Arid Land”、“Chinese Science Bulletin”等多箇中英文學術期刊編委;國家自然科學基金委員會專家評審組成員;中國環境科學學會理事;中國科學院新疆分院副院長等職務。


  • 中文名:董雲社
  • 出生地:陝西武功
  • 出生日期:1961年10月
  • 畢業院校:西北農業大學




1983.08-今 中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所(原中科院地理研究所)
1983.09-1984.08 中國科學院南京土壤研究所學習
1987.02-1988.03 澳大利亞坎培拉聯邦科工組織土壤研究所訪問學者
1991.01-1992.07 德國美因茲馬普化學所合作研究
1994.05-1995.01 德國美因茲馬普化學所合作研究
1998.08-1998.11 德國美因茲馬普化學所合作研究
2000.05-2000.10 德國美因茲大學地理研究所合作研究


1) Liangjie Sun, Yuchun Qi, Yunshe Dong*, Yating He, Qin Peng, Xinchao Liu, Junqiang Jia, Shu-fang Guo, Congcong Cao. Interactions of water and nitrogen a ddition on soil microbial community composition and functional diversity depending on the inter-annual precipitation in a Chinese steppe. Journal of Integrative Agriculture
2) Yuchun Qi, Xinchao Liu, Yunshe Dong*, Qin Peng, Yating He, Liangjie Sun, Junqiang Jia, Congcong Cao. Differential responses of short-term soil respiration dynamics to the experimental addition of nitrogen and water in the temperate semi-arid steppe of Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences
3) Xinchao Liu, Yuchun Qi, Yunshe Dong*, Qin Peng, Yating He, Liangjie Sun, Junqiang Jia, Congcong Cao. Response of soil N2O emissions to precipitation pulses under different nitrogen availabilities in a semiarid temperate steppe in Inner Mongolia
4) Qin Peng, Yuchun Qi, Yunshe Dong*,Yating He, Shengsheng Xiao, Xinchao Liu, Liangjie Sun, Junqiang Jia, Shufang Guo, Congcong Cao. Decomposing litter and its C and N dynamics as affected by N additions in a semi-arid temperate steppe. Journal of Arid Land
5) HE Yating, QI Yuchun, DONG Yunshe*, XIAO Shengsheng, Peng Qin, Liu Xinchao, Sun Liangjie. Effects of nitrogen fertilization on soil microbial biomass and community functional diversity in temperate grassland in Inner Mongolia, China. CLEAN-soil Air Water
6) QI Yuchun, DONG Yunshe*, PENG Qin, XIAO Shengsheng, HE Yating, LIU Xinchao, SUN Liangjie, YANG Zhijie. Effects of a conversion from grassland to cropland on the different soil organic carbon fractions in Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Geographical Science
7) Qin Peng, Yuchun Qi, Yunshe Dong*, Shengsheng Xiao, Yating He. Soil nitrous oxide emissions from a typical semiarid temperate steppe in inner Mongolia: effects of mineral nitrogen fertilizer levels and forms. Plant and Soil
8) Qin Peng, Yunshe Dong*, Yuchun Qi, Shengsheng Xiao, Yating He, Tao Ma. Effects of nitrogen fertilization on soil respiration in temperate grassland in Inner Mongolia, China. Environmental Earth Science
9) Zhuang Li, Dong Yunshe*, Yin Feihu & Chen Yaning. Historical evolution and the effects of ecological management in Tarim Basin, China. Chinese Science Bulletin
10) Qi Y C, Dong Y S*, Jin Z, et al. Spatial heterogeneity of soil nutrients and soil respiration in the desertified grasslands of Inner Mongolia, China. Pedosphere
11) QI YuChun, DONG YunShe*, LIU LixXin, LIU XingRen1, PENG Qin, XIAO Sheng-Sheng & HE YaTing. Spatial-temporal variation in soil respiration and its controlling factors in three steppes of Stipa L. in Inner Mongolia, China. Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci
12) Xing-Ren Liu, Yun-She Dong*, Yu-Chun Qi, Sheng-Gong Li. N2O flux from the native and grazed semi-arid steppes and their driving factors in Inner Mongolia, China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
13) DONG Yun-she*, QI Yu-chun, LIU Ji-yuan, Manfred Domroes, LIU Li-xin, GENG Yuan-bo, Liu Xing-ren, YANG Xiao-hong, LI Ming-feng. Emission characteristics of carbon dioxide in the semiarid Stipa grandis steppe in Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences
14) DONG Yunshe*, QI Yuchun, LIU Jiyuan, GENG Yuanbo, Manfred Domroes, YANG Xiaohong & LIU Lixin. Variation characteristics of soil respiration fluxes in four types of grassland communities under different precipitation intensity. Chinese Science Bulletin
15) DONG Yunshe*, QI Yuchun, LUO Ji, LIANG Tao, LUO Kunli, ZHANG Shen. The experimental study on N2O, CH4 fluxes from the dark coniferous forest zone soil of the Gongga Mountain, China. Science in China
16) Y. Dong*, D. Sharffe, Qi Yuchun, Peng Gongbin. Nitrous oxide emissions from cultivated soils in the North China Plain
17) Dong Yunshe*, ZHANG Shen, QI Yuchun, CHEN Zuozhong & GENG Yuanbo. Fluxes of CO2, N2O and CH4 from a typical temperate grassland in Inner Mongolia and its daily variation. Chinese Science Bulletin
18) Dong Yunshe*, D. Scharffe, M. Domroes, Qi Yuchun, Peng Gongbin. N2O emissions from agricultural soils in the North China Plain: the effect of chemical nitrogen fertilizer and organic manure. Journal of Environmental Science
19) Y. Dong, D. Scharffe, J. Lobert, P. Crutzen and E. Sanhueza. Fluxes of CO2, CH4 and N2O from a temperate forest soil: the effects of leaves and humus layers. Tellus
20) E. Sanhueza, Y. Dong, D. Scharffe, J. Lobert and P.Crutzen. Carbon monoxide uptake by temperate forest soils: the effects of leaves and humus layers. Tellus


