
董寶娣, 女,1973年生,河北新樂人。博士、副研究員。研究方向為作物和蔬菜產量與環境因子的演變(溫度、水分)關係。


  • 中文名:董寶娣
  • 出生日期:1973年
  • 畢業院校:河北農業大學
  • 性別:女


姓 名: 董寶娣
性 別: 女
職 稱: 副研究員
通訊地址: 河北省石家莊市槐中路286號




1. “提高農田水分利用效率的調控機理”, 中科院知識創新工程重要方向項目,經費40萬元。 項目副主持
2. “華北半乾旱區現代節水農業技術研究與集成”,國家“863”計畫節水農業技術及新產品項目。 經費80萬元,主要負責人/協助主持
3. 環北京地區農業安全生產技術體系試驗示範研究”中科院知識創新工程重要方向性項目。經費50萬元,主要研究人員


Ø Dong Baodi, Liu Mengyu, Shao Hongbo et al. (2008) Investigation on the relationship between leaf water use efficiency and physio-biochemical traits of winter wheat
Ø Shi Lei, Qiao Yunzhou, Jang Fengchao, Shi Changhai, Yan Chao, Li Yuxin, Liu Mengyu, Dong Baodi. (2009) Physiological mechanism contributing to efficient use of water in field tomato under different irrigation
Ø Dong Baodi, Liu Mengyu. (2005) Integrated evaluation to high yield and water-saving of winter wheat in North China
Ø Dong Baodi, Zhang Zhengbin, Liu Mengu et al. (2007) Water use characteristics of different wheat varieties and their responses to different irrigation schedulings
Ø Dong Baodi, Sun Hongyong, Zhang Xiying et al. (2007) Methods of trouble shooting about the abnormalCO2 value in measuring photosynthesis
Ø Dong Baodi, liu Mengyu, Zhang Zhengbin et al. (2007) Changes of endogenous hormones in different types of winter wheat during early grain filling stage under water stress
Ø Dong Baodi, Zhang Zhengbin, Xu, Ping et al. (2005) Correlation analysis of water use efficiency and biological traits of wheat under alternate drying with wetting
Ø Dong Baodi, Liu, Mengyu, Zhang, Zhengbin. (2004) Studies on the agronomic traits and water use efficiency of winter wheat under different irrigation
Ø Dong Baodi, Zhang Zhengbin, Liu Mengyu. et al. (2004) Research progress on compensation effect of crops under water deficit
Ø Dong Baodi, Zhang Zhengbin, Liu Mengyu et al.(2004) A study on compensatory effect of eco-physiology of winter wheat under different water treatments
Ø Dong Baodi, Liu Mengyu, Zhang Zhengbin. (2003)Yield, water consumption and water use efficiency of winter wheat under different irrigation treatment
Ø Dong Baodi, Liu Xiaojing, Dong Wenqi et al. (2000) Study on the introduction and salt-tolerance of Rumex K-1 hybrid sorrel near coastal area
Ø Dong, Baodi, Liu Xiaojing, Dong Wenqi et al. (2000) Preliminary study on the introduction and cultivation of Rumex K-1 hebage
Ø Dong Baodi, Li Dengshun, Wang Guangjun et al.(1999) A Preliminary Study on Structure of Solar Greenhouse.Techniques on Greenhouse Agriculture
Ø Li Quanqi, Liu Mengyu, Dong Baodi et al. (2009) Biomass accumulation and radiation use efficiency of winter wheat under deficit irrigation regimes
Ø Li.Quanqi, Chen Yuhai, Liu Mengyu, Zhou Xunbo, Dong Baodi et al. (2008) Water potential characteristics and yield of summer maize in different planting patterns
Ø Li Quanqi, Chen Yuhai, Liu Mengyu, Zhou Xunbo, Yu Songlie, Dong Baodi. (2008) Effects of irrigation and straw mulching on micro-climate characteristics and water use efficiency of winter wheat in north China
Ø Li Quanqi, Chen Yuhai, Liu Mengyu, Zhou Xunbo, Yu Songlie and Dong Baodi. (2008) Effects of irrigation and planting patterns on radiation use efficiency and yield of winter wheat in North China Agricultural Water Management
Ø Li Quanqi, Chen Yuhai, Liu Mengyu, Zhou Xunbo, Dong Baodi et al. (2007)Effect of irrigation to winter wheat on the soil moisture, evapotranspiration and water use efficiency of summer maize in north China


