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目前以第一作者在《Plant Cell》 (IF5=9.848)發表論文3篇, 在《Current Biology》(IF5=10.09)、《PNAS》(共一;IF5=10.6)、《Plant Physiology》(IF5=7.024)雜誌各發表論文1篇。


  • 中文名:董傑
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:山東省臨沂市
  • 出生日期:1990年
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:植物環境適應性
  • 主要成就:耶魯大學博士後


2007.09- 2011.07 北京大學 生命科學學院 理學學士,生命科學
2011.09- 2016.07 北京大學 生命科學學院 理學博士,生物學(生物技術)導師: 鄧興旺教授
2016年7月-2020年9月,博士後,耶魯大學 分子細胞發育生物學系(MCDB)
2020年10月-至今,“百人計畫”研究員, 浙江大學 農業與生物技術學院 作物科學研究所




目前以第一作者在《Plant Cell》 (IF5=9.848)發表論文3篇, 在《Current Biology》(IF5=10.09)、《PNAS》(共一;IF5=10.6)、《Plant Physiology》(IF5=7.024)雜誌各發表論文1篇。
(1)植物蛋白質穩態調控:實驗室前期鑑定到40個活性較高、功能未知的F box蛋白,其中一個叫LAO1的蛋白被發現可以調控植物對氮缺乏的回響;正在構建這些F box基因的小型突變體庫,用於觀察植物環境適應性(光、溫等)的變化;
(2)植物基因組穩定性調控:環境壓力往往會引起基因組的斷裂和不穩定。實驗室前期與Yannick Jacob教授合作解析了GCN5在調控植物穩定性過程中的功能,將進一步與之深入合作解析前期通過分子、生化手段鑑定到的10多個因子在調控植物基因組穩定性過程中的功能和機制。


2016年7月至2019年4月, 博士後, 耶魯大學, 紐哈芬, 美國 導師:Vivian F. Irish教授和魏寧博士
2019年5月-2020年9月,博士後,耶魯大學,紐哈芬,美國 導師:Yannick Jacob教授


Selected Publications ( denotes equal contribution; corresponding author):
  • Hossein Davarinejad, Yi-Chun Huang, Benoit Mermaz, Chantal LeBlanc, Axel Poulet, Geoffrey Thomson, Valentin Joly, Marcelo Munoz, Alexis Arvanitis-Vigneault, Gonzalo Villarino, Benjamin Rotstein, Emilio I. Alarcon, Joseph S. Brunzelle, Jie Dong, Jean-François Couture and Yannick Jacob. The histone H3.1 variant regulates TONSUKU-mediated DNA repair during replication. Science (in press). [contribution: Y.J., Y.C.H., and J.D. designed and performed the initial experiments that identified the TPR domain of TSK/TONSL as an H3.1 reader.]
  • Dong, J., LeBlanc, C., Poulet, A., Mermaz, B., Villarino G., Webb, K., Joly V., Mendez J., Voigt P. and Jacob, Y. (2021) H3.1K27me1 maintains transcriptional silencing and genome stability by preventing GCN5-mediated histone acetylation. Plant Cell 33(4):961-979.
  • Jiang, B., Shi, Y., Peng, Y., Jia, Y., Yan, Y., Dong, X., Li, H., Dong, J., Li, J., Gong, Z., Thomashow, M., Yang, S. (2020) Cold-Induced CBF-PIF3 Interaction Enhances Freezing Tolerance by Stabilizing the phyB Thermosensor in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant doi: https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2020.04.006.
  • Dong, J., Chen, H., Deng, X.W., Irish, V., Wei, N. (2020) 'Phytochrome B Induces Intron Retention and Translational Inhibition of PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR3'. Plant Physiol 182(1):159-166.
  • Yu, X., Dong, J., Deng, Z., Jiang, Y., Wu, C., Qin, X., Terzaghi, W., Chen, H., Dai, M., Deng, X. W.(2019) 'Arabidopsis PP6 phosphatases dephosphorylate PIF proteins to repress photomorphogenesis'. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116(40):20218-20225.
  • Dong, J., Sun, N., Yang, J., Deng, Z., Lan, J., Qin, G., He, H., Deng, X. W., Irish, V., Chen, H. and Wei, N. (2019) 'The Transcription Factors TCP4 and PIF3 Antagonistically Regulate Organ-Specific Light Induction of SAUR Genes to Modulate Cotyledon Opening during De-Etiolation in Arabidopsis'. Plant Cell 31 (5), 1155-70.
  • Jin, D., Wu, M., Li, B., Bucker, B., Keil, P., Zhang, S., Li, J., Kang, D., Liu J., Dong, J., Deng, X. W., Irish, V., Wei, N. (2018) 'The COP9 Signalosome regulates seed germination by facilitating protein degradation of RGL2 and ABI5'. PLoS Genet 14(2): e10072375.
  • Dong, J., Ni, W., Yu, R., Deng, X. W., Chen, H. and Wei, N. (2017) 'Light-Dependent Degradation of PIF3 by SCF(EBF1/2) Promotes a Photomorphogenic Response in Arabidopsis'. Curr Biol 27(16), 2420-2430 e6.
This publication was featured and spotlighted in:
Potuschak, T. and Genschik, P. (2017) 'Dark night, cold ground'. Nat Plants 3, 846-7.
Lin, L., Liu, X. and Yin, R. (2018) 'PIF3 Integrates Light and Low Temperature Signaling'. Trends Plant Sci. 23(2):93-95.
  • Sun, N., Wang, J., Gao, Z., Dong, J., He, H., Terzaghi, W., Wei, N., Deng, X. W. and Chen, H. (2016) 'Arabidopsis SAURs are critical for differential light regulation of the development of various organs'. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113(21), 6071-6.
  • Dong, J., Terzaghi, W., Deng, X. W. and Chen, H. (2015) 'Multiple photomorphogenic repressors work in concert to regulate Arabidopsis seedling development'. Plant Signal Behav 10(3), e1011934.
  • Dong, J., Tang, D., Gao, Z., Yu, R., Li, K., He, H., Terzaghi, W., Deng, X. W. and Chen, H. (2014) 'Arabidopsis DE-ETIOLATED1 represses photomorphogenesis by positively regulating phytochrome-interacting factors in the dark'. Plant Cell 26(9), 3630-45.


