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Cost Sharing in Electricity Transmission Grid, Game Theory and Applications, vol 13 17-29, 2008《制度移植、經濟演化與增量改革產權邊界——基於中國經濟改革路徑的動態考察》,與江曙霞。張小博合作,《經濟研究》2006年第9期

《機場博弈與起降費改革》, 與郭桂霞合作,《經濟學(季刊)》, Vol 5, 2006,

《團隊道德風險再研究》, 《經濟學(季刊)》, 2003


  • 中文名:董保民
  • 職業浙江大學區域經濟開放與發展研究中心教師
  • 畢業院校:西北大學
  • 性別:男








A simple model of two-country bargaining for financial integration, (with X. Gu) Applied Economics Letters (SSCI), forthcoming (in press)
The Relationship Banking Paradox: No Pain No Gain Versus raison d'être, Economic Modelling, (SSCI), 28, 2263--2270, 2011
FDI and Environmental Regulation: Pollution Haven or a Race to the Top?, (with J. Gong, and X. Zhao), Journal of Regulatory Economics (SSCI), forthcoming (in press)
RJV Formation and Strategic Entry Accommodation (with G. Guo), Australian Economic Papers (SSCI), forthcoming (in press)
A Theory of Financial Liberalization: Why are Developing Countries so Reluctant? (with X. Gu) The World Economy (SSCI), 34(7), 1106--1123, July 2011
Braess' Paradox and Traffic Congestions in Cities with Circular Expressways, International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra, forthcoming (in press)
International R&D Networks (with X. Zhao), Review of International Economics (SSCI), 19(2), 325--340, 2011
The Loss from Trade under International Cournot Oligopoly with Cost Asymmetry (with L. Yuan), Review of International Economics (SSCI), 18(5): 818--831, 2010
Forecasting Long-run Coal Price in China: A Shifting Trend Time Series Approach (with B. Lin, and X. Li), Review of Development Economics (SSCI), 14(3): 499--519, 2010
International Environmental Agreement Formation and Trade (with X. Zhao), Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics (SSCI), 16: 339-356, 2009
Cost Sharing in Electricity Transmission Grid, Game Theory and Applications, vol 13 17-29, 2008《制度移植、經濟演化與增量改革產權邊界——基於中國經濟改革路徑的動態考察》,與江曙霞。張小博合作,《經濟研究》2006年第9期
《機場博弈與起降費改革》, 與郭桂霞合作,《經濟學(季刊)》, Vol 5, 2006,
《團隊道德風險再研究》, 《經濟學(季刊)》, 2003


A Repeated Game Theory of Anti-dumping, Revised and Resubmitted to Review of International Economics
Highway Toll Pricing Game (with Y. Wang), Revised and Resubmitted to European Journal of Operational Research
Sharing A Polluted River Network. (with Y. Wang and D. Ni), Revised and Resubmitted to Resource and Environmental Economics
Estimating Outage Costs in China: an unbiased Tobit method (with X. Li), Revised and Resubmitted to Emerging Markets: Finance and Trade
Retail Power, Slotting Allowances, and the Countervailing Power Hypothesis (with Y. Dong), under the review of RAND Journal of Economics
Optimal Collective Tournament and Team Formation (with G. Guo), under the review of International Journal of Industrial Organization
A Signal-jamming Theory of Brain Drain, under the review of Economic Inquiry
A Moral Hazard Model of Pair Bonding and Conflicgt of Parental Care in Monogamy (with T. Zhou), under the review of Biological Theory
A Model of Export-Strengthening FDI (with G. Guo), under the review of China Economic Review


A Model of Value Destroying Mergers (with Y. Wang)
International Capital Flows: Tradeoff at Optimum and Delay in Bargaining (with X. Gu)
Capacity Constraint, Merger Paradox and Merger Waves (with F. Han)
Asymmetric Customs Union Formation (with X. Zhao)
Limiting Supply as a Signal of Quality. (with T. Bandyopadhyay and C.Z Qin)
In Reaching Gale-Shapley Stable Matching






