



  • 中文名:葛拉蒂
  • 歌曲原唱:周震南
葛拉蒂 - 周震南
原詞/曲:Henrik Moreborg/Isak Hallén
製作人:Henrik Moreborg@TK Music
聽堅硬的石像 那顆緘默的心臟
偷偷開出 玫瑰花瓣 指尖觸到聲響
像顆 融化的糖 給了孩子 溫柔的獎賞
像是 劃破極夜 那顆太陽 灑下來的光
My Galatea can you come to me
我在無人處畫你 雕刻進夢裡
隨著愛神的指引 親吻你的痕跡
I'm a satellite around your light
Got me caught up in your gravity now
When every night
Shape you in my mind
I'm a satellite around your light
Got me caught up in your gravity now
Girl shape you in my mind
(讓心跳潛入夜裡 用光勾畫愛的形狀)
看周圍越空曠 就越不緊張
把它縫製成衣裳 披在你肩膀
用顆 融化的糖 換走國王 手裡的土壤
像在 極晝遺忘 黑夜流浪 的模樣
My Galatea can you come to me
我在無人處畫你 雕刻進夢裡
隨著愛神的指引 親吻你的痕跡
I'm a satellite around your light
Got me caught up in your gravity now
When every night
Shape you in my mind
I'm a satellite around your light
Got me caught up in your gravity now
Girl shape you in my mind
(讓心跳潛入夜裡 用光勾畫愛的形狀)
Around and around and around I go
Spin me around til I lose control
Round and around and around I go
Like a satellite baby
Cuz I'm a satellite around your light
Got me caught up in your gravity now
When every night
Shape you in my mind
I'm a satellite round your light
Got me caught up in your gravity now
Girl shape you in my mind
(讓心跳潛入夜裡 用光勾畫愛的形狀)
Around and around and around I go
Spin me around til I lose control
Round and around and around I go
Like a satellite baby
Around and around and around I go
Spin me around til I lose control
Round and around and around I go
Like a satellite baby
編曲Music Arranged by:Henrik Moreborg@TK Music
錄音Recorded by:周震南
和聲Background Vocalist:周震南
混音Mixing Engineer:Henrik Moreborg
母帶Mastering Engineer:Henrik Moreborg
專輯企劃Creative Planning:皕卅廿
專輯監製Executive Producer:辛志宇/黃楚雯
OP:The Kennel AB/Northbound/哇唧唧哇娛樂(天津)有限公司 Wajijiwa Entertainment (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
SP:Universal Music Publishing CHINA/哇唧唧哇娛樂(天津)有限公司 Wajijiwa Entertainment (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
音樂製作Produced by:哇唧唧哇娛樂(天津)有限公司 Wajijiwa Entertainment (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
出品/母帶著作權公司Production Company:哇唧唧哇娛樂(天津)有限公司 Wajijiwa Entertainment (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
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