- 中文名:葉狀假花耳
- 定名人:劉波、范黎
編號 | NFG-88-14 |
拉丁菌名 | Diachea synsporau H.Z.Li sp. nov. |
Nomencla | Li Huizhong |
發表文章 | 中國花耳科的五個新種 |
Article | A New Species of Diachea/Li Huizhong |
作者 | 劉波 范黎 陶愷 李榆梅 |
Author | Li Huizhong |
作者單位 | 山西大學生物 系, 太原 030006 |
摘要 | 本文報導了產於中國花耳科 Dacrymytaceae 的五 個新種: 小膠杯菌 Femsjonia minor Liu et Fan sp. nov., 中國膠杯菌 Femsjonia sinensis Liu et K.Tao sp. nov.葉狀假花耳 Dacryopinax foliacea Liu et Fan sp. nov., 大孢假花耳 Dacryopinax macrospora Lin, Fan et Y.M.Li sp. nov., 以及湖南膠角菌Calocera hunanensis Liu. et K.Tao sp. nov.小膠杯菌與該屬其 它種的區別在於子實體小型、孢子分隔處縊縮且常具縱隔 、不孕面光滑以及皮層菌絲體多分枝且極端膨大, 中國膠 杯菌與該屬其它種的區別在於菌絲無鎖狀連合, 葉狀假花 耳及大孢假花耳與本屬其它種的區別主要在於多隔的孢子 (3個隔以上). 假花耳屬兩個新種在巨觀形態上非常相似, 但大孢假花耳的孢子為 35-40 X 10-12.5 micrometer, 具7-15隔, 葉狀假花耳的孢子為 15-22.5 X 4.5-6.5 micrometer, 具3-7隔,湖南膠角菌主要特徵是擔子果呈羊 肚菌狀, 偶裂成分葉狀, 孢子具1薄壁的橫隔. 所有新種 的主模式標本均保藏於山西大學真菌標本室. |
Abstract | A new species of myxomycetes, Diachea synspora sp.nov. is reported. The species was collected from Songbai Zhen of the Hubei prov.on dead bark in 1984 by the writer herself it differs from all other known species in having sporangia which are cylindrical withroundedapices and mostly sessile, and in having hypothalii, stalks and columellae which are white in color.Diachea leucopodia (Bull.) Rost. is the only speciesthatshowssomeaffinity with Diachea synspora sp.nov. Theycanbedistinguishednythe followingcharacteristics: (1) the formers pecies is usually stipitate, while the latter species is generally sessies; (2) capillitiaoftheformer species are curved and anastomosing, while those of the latter are sparse, more rigid erect and rarely anastomosing; (3) sporesof the former species are free, globose, 7-10 micrometer in diam. and minutely roughened, while those of the latter are firmly united into clustersglobose ovoid or cuneate, 9-12 X 9-10 micrometer and warted; (4) plasmodia of the former species are white, but those of the latter are bluish gray in color. Type specilen of the new species is deposited in herbarium mycologicum instituti microbiologici academiae sinicae (HMAS), beijing. |
關鍵字 | 花耳科, 小膠杯菌, 中國膠杯菌, 葉狀假花耳, 大孢假花耳, 湖南膠角菌 |
期刊 | 真菌學報 7(1):1-6, 1988 |
Publication | Acta Mycologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 7(2):pp.99-101, 1988 |
分享省市 | 湖北省神農架林區 |
Place | Shennongjia Forest Region, Hubei Provinc |
採集地 | 針闊混交林內闊葉樹朽木上 |
Environment | The organism collected from the rotten skin of tree of mixing needle-leaf and broad-leaf forest at Pipe Town (Songbaizhen) Forest Region. |
生態環境 | 亞熱帶季風氣候高山針闊混交林帶 |
寄主 | 闊葉樹朽木上 |
Habitat | subtropical monsoon alpine mixing needle-leaf and broad-leaf forest zone |
Host | on the rotten skin of tree |
採集人 | 彭寅斌 |
Isolation Person | Li Huizhong |