- 中文名:葉威源
- 出生日期:1982年5月
- 性別:男
- 職稱:講師
2011年6月-2013年1月:University of Colorado at Boulder,博士後;
2013年4月- 至今:華中師範大學生命科學學院講師
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Gong XW, Ye WY, Zhou HB, Ren XH, Li ZG, Zhou WY, Wu J, Gong YC, Ouyang Q, Zhao XL, Zhang XJ*. RanBPM is an acetylcholinesterase-interacting protein that translocates into the nucleus during apoptosis. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai), 41: 883-891, 2009
Su W, Wu J, Ye WY, Zhang XJ*. A monoclonal antibody against synaptic AChE: A useful tool for detecting apoptotic cells.Chem Biol Interact.175(1-3):101-7,2008
Zhang X, Lu L, Liu S, Ye WY, Wu J, Zhang X*. Acetylcholinesterase deficiency decreases apoptosis in dopaminergic neurons in the neurotoxin model of Parkinson's disease.Int J Biochem Cell Biol.45(2):265-72,2013