- 中文名:萬衛星學術論文集
- 作者:丁鋒
- 出版社:科學出版社
- 出版時間:2021年5月1日
- 頁數:309 頁
- 定價:198 元
- 開本:16 開
- 裝幀:平裝
- ISBN:9787030686626
萬衛星先生是我國著名空間科學與行星物理學家。本書收錄了萬衛星先生的第一作者學術論文26 篇,並列出了萬衛星先生署名發表的441 篇學術論文的目錄。論文主要包含三方面工作:電離層及中高層大氣的實驗觀測和模式研究,電離層-大氣層耦合過程研究,以及太陽風-磁層-電離層電動力學耦合研究。本書可供從事空間科學、地球與行星物理研究的研究人員和大專院校師生閱讀參考。
從深空探測大國邁向行星科學強國 1
Earth science, planetary vision—a foreword to Earth and Planetary Physics (EPP) 9
Recent investigation on the coupling between the ionosphere and upper atmosphere 12
Modeling the global ionospheric total electron content with empirical orthogonal function analysis 44
A simulation study for the couplings between DE3 tide and longitudinal WN4 structure in the thermosphere and ionosphere 58
電離層模式化:IGGCAS的近期研究 76
Correlation between the ionospheric WN4 signature and the upper atmospheric DE3 tide 84
Wavenumber-4 patterns of the total electron content over the low latitude ionosphere 104
中國電離層TEC現報系統 114
The GPS measured SITEC caused by the very intense solar ?are on July 14, 2000 123
The sudden increase in ionospheric total electron content caused by the very intense solar flare on July 14, 2000 131
The effect of fluctuating ionospheric electric fields on Es-occurrence at CUSP and polar cap latitudes 138
中國中部地區中尺度電離層擾動的風場濾波現象 146
Regional properties of traveling ionospheric disturbances observed in central China 150
A statistical study of the interplanetary magnetic field control of sporadic E-layer occurrence in the southern polar cap ionosphere 155
Traveling ionospheric disturbances associated with the tropospheric vortexes around Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 171
電離層擾動的GPS探測 178
Tid observation using a short baseline network of GPS receivers 184
非單一電離層擾動場的台陣探測分析 191
Estimation of propagation parameters of non-uniform ionospheric disturbances from HF phase measurements 201
我國中部地區電離層擾動時空尺度的統計分析 208
用數字測高儀漂移測量研究電離層聲重波擾動 214
Spectral behaviour of TIDs detected from rapid sequence ionograms 224
電離層聲重波擾動的高頻無線電診斷 240
由高頻無線電波反射回波參數反演電離層運動和結構的高度剖面 253
耗散和擾動電離層中的無線電波包的傳播 264
合著論文目錄(總計441篇) 273