- 中文名:萬勇
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:中科院武漢岩土力學研究所
- 職業:教師
- Wan Yong, Wu Chenxi, Xue Qiang et al. Effects of plastic contamination on water evaporation and desiccation cracking in soil. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 654: 576-582 【SCI,收錄】
- Wan Yong, Xue Qiang, Liu Lei et al. Relationship between the shrinkage crack characteristics and the water content gradient of compacted clay liner in a landfill final cover. Soils and Foundation, 2018,58:1-12 【SCI收錄】
- Wan Yong, Xue Qiang, Liu lei et al. The Role of Roots in the Stability of Landfill Clay Covers under the Effect of Dry–wet Cycles. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016,75(71) 【SCI收錄】
- Wan Yong, Xue Qiang, Liu Lei et al. Study on the Permeability Evolution Law and Micro-mechanism of CCL in a Landfill Final Cover under the Dry-Wet Cycle. Bull Eng Geo Envir, 2014(11):1079-1093.【SCI收錄】
- Wan Yong, Xue Qiang, Chen Yi-jun et al. Experimental research on the evolution laws of soil fabric of compacted clay liner in a landfill final cover under the dry–wet cycle. Bull Eng Geo Envir. 2014,73(2): 517-529.【SCI收錄】
- Wan Yong, Xue Qiang, Liu Lei. Crack Characteristic and Permeability Change in Landfill Compacted Clay Liners with Different Liquid Limits under Dry–Wet Cycles. Advance in Civil Engineering, 2018.12.【SCI,收錄】
- Wan Yong, Xue Qiang, Zhao Ying. Mechanism study and numerical simulation of vegetation affecting the slope Stability. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 16: 742-751. (EI收錄)
- 萬勇,薛強,陳億軍,等. 填埋場封場覆蓋層穩定性統一分析模型構建及套用研究. 岩土力學, 2013, 34(6): 1636-1644. (EI收錄)
- 萬勇,薛強,趙立業,等. 乾濕循環對填埋場蓋層滲透係數影響研究.岩土力學,2015,36(3): 679-686(EI收錄)
- 萬勇,薛強,趙立業,等. 乾濕循環作用下壓實黏土力學特性與微觀機理研究.岩土力學,2015,36(10):2815-2825(EI 收錄)