莫世健教授著有多部中英文專著和論文,主要研究領域包括:國際商法,海商法,仲裁法,WTO法規和中國商法等。主要英文專著包括:International Commercial Law (已在澳大利亞出版第3版,2004年由法制出版社和Lexis Nexis作為經典法學教材叢書引入中國),Arbitration Law in China,Shipping Law in China,Chinese Law (與王貴國教授合編)。以上專著已為國外多所著名法學院圖書館收藏,其中Shipping Law in China至今仍是唯一的用英文出版的中國海商法專著。主要中文專著為:《中國海商法》和《貿易保障措施研究》。莫世健教授已發表中英文論文百餘篇,其中英文論文六十餘篇。
8,“Development of Maritime Legislation and Cases in Hong Kong Since September 2000” (2003)
IL Diritto Marittimo 626-645.
9、“Chapter 2: Protection of Plant Varieties in Greater China” in Heath and Sanders eds, Industrial Property in the Bio-Medical Age, Lancaster, Kluwer, 2003,pp 35-48.
10、 “Settlement of Trade Disputes between Mainland China and the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan within the WTO”,
17、“Free Trade Agreements and Options for Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan Within WTO”
in Wang Guiguo and David Smith eds, WTO and China: The Road to Free Trade,Beijing, Law Press, 2002, pp 182-206 (WTO 與中國:通向自由貿易之路, 北京,法律出版社,2002年10月,第182-206頁),中英文雙語
18、(Co-authored with Weidong Li), “Legal Education in the People’s Republic of China”, (2002) Vol 4,
No.1 Journal of History of International Law pp 176-203
19、“Options to Combat Maritime Piracy in Southeast Asia”, D M Johnston & A Sirivivatnanon, eds,
Ocean Governance and Sustainable Development in the Pacific Region, (Selected Papers,
Commentaries and Comments Presented to the SEAPOL Inter-Regional Conference held in Bangkok on March 21-23, 2001), Bangkok, SEAPOL, 2002, pp 402-414.
“Options to Combat Maritime Piracy in Southeast Asia”, (2002) Vol.33 Ocean Development & International Law 343-358