






Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Food Chemistry 審稿人。


  • 中文名:荊旭
  • 學位/學歷:博士研究生
  • 性別:男










1. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,32202161,構建雙相識別手性分散液液微萃取體系用於山西老陳醋三唑類手性農藥殘留分析的研究,2023-01至2025-12,主持
2. 山西省重點研發計畫項目課題,複雜食品基質分析快速樣品前處理新技術研究,2022-01至2024-12,主持
3. 山西省優秀博士來晉工作獎勵資金科研項目,SXYBKY201709,食品中農藥殘留快速檢測方法的研究,2018-01至2019-12,主持
4. 山西農業大學科技創新基金項目,2017YJ35,食品發酵過程中手性農藥選擇性殘留機制研究,2018-08至2021-07,主持
5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,21677175,手性有機磷農藥及高毒代謝物對映體的環境行為、污染機制及風險性,2017-01至2020-12,參加
6. 山西省重點研發計畫項目,201903D211006,優質小麥及特色雜糧精深加工關鍵技術研究與示範,2019-09至2022-09,參加
7. 山西省重點研發計畫項目,201903D321009,新型液相微萃取技術在水產品有機污染物殘留分析中的套用研究,2019-08至2021-08,參加
8. 山西省重點研發計畫項目,201703D211001-06-02,特色雜糧功能食品加工關鍵技術及工業化示範,2018-01至2020-12,參加
9. 山西省高等學校科技成果轉化培育項目,功能性菌株強化發酵生產清香型白酒技術研發與推廣,2019-08至2021-08,參加
10. 呂梁市引進高層次科技人才專業科技創新平台建設項目,2018-21-04,汾酒生物技術集成創新平台的建設,2018-11至2020-10,參加


30. Jing Xu;Wu Jing; Wang Huihui; Guo Luyao; Zheng Xiaojiao; Wang Xiaowen; Wang Shuo, Application of deep eutectic solvent-based extraction coupled with an S-CQD fluorescent sensor for the determination of pirimicarb in cereals, Food Chemistry, 2022, 370: 131360 (一區TOP, IF=9.2)
29. Wu Jing; Jing Xu; Liu Yong; Zhao Luyao; Ji Xuemeng; Fu Hanyue; Zhang Bowei; Zhang Yan; Wang Shuo, A paper origami-based micro-total electrochemical immunoassay (μTEI) for the detection of total malachite green in aquatic products, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 2022, 361: 131748 (一區TOP, IF=9.2)
28. Jing Xu; Xue Haoyue; Sang Xiaoyan; Wang Xiaowen; Jia Liyan, Magnetic deep eutectic solvent-based dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction for enantioselectively determining chiral mefentrifluconazolein cereal samples via ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography, Food Chemistry, 2022, 391: 133220 (一區TOP, IF=9.2)
27. Jing Xu; Huang Xin; Zhang Yiming; Wang Min; Xue Haoyue; Wang Xiaowen; Jia Liyan,Cyclodextrin-based dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for the determination of fungicides in water, juice, and vinegar samples via HPLC, Food Chemistry, 2022, 367: 130664 (一區TOP, IF=9.2)
26. Zhang Hongli; Zhao Wenting; Bai Tao; Fu Lihong; Chen Zhenjia; Jing Xu; Wang Xiaowen, Sustainable extraction of polyphenols from millet using switchable deep eutectic solvents, LWT -Food Science and Technology, 2022, 170: 114082 (一區TOP, IF=6.1)
25. Jing Xu; Wu Jing; Wang Huihui; Zheng Xiaojiao; Feng Junjie; Wang Xiaowen; Wang Shuo, Bio-derived solvent-based dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction followed by smartphone digital image colorimetry for the detection of carbofuran in cereals, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2022, 114: 104782 (二區, IF=4.5)
24. Xue Haoyue; Jia Liyan; Jiang Haijuan; Qin Shu; Yang Yukun; Wu Junxue; Jing Xu, A successive homogeneous liquid-liquid microextraction based on solidification of switchable hydrophilicity solvents and ionic liquids for the detection of pyrethroids and cadmium in drinks, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2022, 110: 104569 (二區, IF=4.5)
23. Wu Beiqi; Niu Yu; Bi Xinyuan; Wang Xiaowen; Jia Liyan; Jing Xu, Rapid analysis of triazine herbicides in fruit juices using evaporation-assisted dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction with solidification of floating organic droplets and HPLC-DAD, Analytical Methods, 2022, 14: 1329-1334 (三區, IF=3.5)
22. Bi Xinyuan; Jiang Haijuan; Guo Xingle; Wang Min; Niu Yu; Jia Liyan; Jing Xu, Density-adjusted liquid-phase microextraction with smartphone digital image colorimetry to determine parathion-methyl in water, fruit juice, vinegar, and fermented liquor, RSC Advances, 2022, 14: 18127 (三區, IF=4.0)
21. Jiang Haijuan; Huang Xin; Xue Haoyue; Wang Min; Qi Yanli; Jia Liyan; Jing Xu, Switchable deep eutectic solvent-based homogenous liquid–liquid microextraction combined with high-performance liquid chromatography–diode-array detection for the determination of the chiral fungicide mefentrifluconazole in water, fruit juice, and fermented liquor, Chirality, 2022, 34(7): 968-976 (四區, IF=2.2)
20. Jing Xu; Wang Huihui; Huang Xin; Chen Zhenjia; Zhu Junling; Wang Xiaowen, Digital image colorimetry detection of carbaryl in food samples based on liquid phase microextraction coupled with a microfluidic thread-based analytical device, Food Chemistry, 2021, 337: 127971 (ESI Highly Cited Paper, 一區TOP, IF=9.2)
19. Jing Xu; Huang Xin; Wang Huihui; Xue Haoyue; Wu Beiqi; Wang Xiaowen; Jia Liyan, Popping candy-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction for enantioselective determination of prothioconazole and its chiral metabolite in water, beer, Baijiu, and vinegar samples by HPLC, Food Chemistry, 2021, 348: 129147 (一區TOP, IF=9.2)
18. Jing Xu; Xue Haoyue; Huang Xin; Li Huiyuan; Wang Xiaowen; Jia Liyan, An effervescence-assisted centrifuge-less dispersive liquid-phase microextraction based on solidification of switchable hydrophilicity solvents for detection of alkylphenols in drinks, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 49(5): 21065-21071 (三區, IF=1.2)
17. Jia Liyan; Huang Xin; Zhao Wenfei; Wang Huihui; Jing Xu, An effervescence tablet-assisted microextraction based on the solidification of deep eutectic solvents for the determination of strobilurin fungicides in water, juice, wine, and vinegar samples by HPLC, Food Chemistry, 2020, 317: 126424 (一區TOP, IF=7.5)
16. Jing Xu; Cheng Xiaoyu; Zhao Wenfei; Wang Huihui; Wang Xiaowen, Magnetic effervescence tablet-assisted switchable hydrophilicity solvent-based liquid phase microextraction of triazine herbicides in water samples, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 306: 112934 (二區, IF=6.2)
15. Jing Xu; He Jiaohui; Zhao Wenfei; Huang Xin; Wang Xiaowen, Effervescent tablet-assisted switchable hydrophilicity solvent-based microextraction with solidification of floating organic droplets for HPLC determination of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in bottled beverages, Microchemical Journal, 2020, 155: 104680 (二區, IF=4.8)
14. Huang Xin; Du Zhiyi; Wu Beiqi; Jia Liyan; Wang Xiaowen; Jing Xu, Dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction based on the solidification of floating organic droplets for HPLC determination of three strobilurin fungicides in cereals, Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment, 2020, 37(8): 1279-1288 (三區, IF=3.1)
13. Jing Xu; Yang Lu; Zhao Wenfei; Wang Fang; Chen Zhenjia; Ma Ling; Jia Liyan; Wang Xiaowen, Evaporation-assisted dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction based on the solidification of floating organic droplets for the determination of triazole fungicides in water samples by high-performance liquid chromatography, Journal of Chromatography A, 2019, 1597: 46-53 (二區TOP, IF=4.0)
12. Jia Liyan; Yang Jingrui; Zhao Wenfei; Jing Xu, Air-assisted ionic liquid dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction based on solidification of the aqueous phase for the determination of triazole fungicides in water samples by high-performance liquid chromatography, RSC Advances, 2019, 9: 36664-36669 (三區, IF=3.1)
11. Jing Xu; Cao Chenyang; Wu Wenying; Zhao Wenfei; Wang Yu, Deep eutectic solvent-based vortex-assisted dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction combined with high performance liquid chromatography for the determination of phenolic acids in vegetable oils, Food Science and Technology Research, 2019, 25(4): 563-568 (四區, IF=0.6)
10. Jing Xu; Zhang Jiaying; Zhu Junling; Chen Zhenjia; YiLi; Wang Xiaowen, Effervescent-assisted dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction based on the solidification of floating organic droplets forthe determination of fungicides in vinegar and juice, Food Additives and Contaminants Part A-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment, 2018, 35(11): 2128-2134 (三區, IF=2.2)
9. Jing Xu; Wang Tengfei; Yang Jiali; Wang Yanli; Xu Huifang, Effects of biochar on the fate and toxicity of herbicide fenoxaprop-ethyl in soil, Royal Society Open Science, 2018, 5(5): 171875 (三區, IF=2.5)
8. Jing Xu; Yang Jiali; Wang Tengfei, Effects of salinity on herbicide lactofen residues in soil, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2018, 229(1): 3 (四區, IF=1.8)
7. Jing Xu; Yao Guojun; Liu Donghui; Liang Yiran; Luo Mai; Zhou Zhiqiang; Wang Peng, Effects of wastewater irrigation and sewage sludge application on soil residues of chiral fungicide benalaxyl, Environmental Pollution, 2017, 224: 1-6 (二區TOP, IF=4.4)
6. Jing Xu; Yao Guojun; Liu Donghui; Liu Chang; Wang Fang; Wang Peng; Zhou Zhiqiang, Exposure of frogs and tadpoles to chiral herbicide fenoxaprop-ethyl, Chemosphere, 2017, 186: 832-838 (二區TOP, IF=4.4)
5. Jing Xu; Yao Guojun; Liu Donghui; Qu Han; Zhou Qian; Zhou Zhiqiang; Wang Peng, Enantioselective toxicity and degradation of chiral herbicide fenoxaprop-ethyl in earthworm Eisenia fetida, Ecological Indicators, 2017, 75: 126-131(二區, IF=4.0)
4. Jing Xu; Yao Guojun; Liu Donghui; Liu Mingke; Wang Peng; Zhou, Zhiqiang, Environmental fate of chiral herbicide fenoxaprop-ethyl in water-sediment microcosms, Scientific Reports, 2016, 26, 6 (三區, IF=4.3)
3. Jing Xu; Yao Guojun; Wang Peng; Liu Donghui; Qi Yanli; Zhou Zhiqiang, Enantioselective degradation and chiral stability of metalaxyl-M in tomato fruits, Chirality, 2016, 28(5): 382-386 (四區, IF=2.0)
2. Jing Xu; Bai Bing; Zhang Chenxuan; Wu Wenying; Du Liming; Liu Hailong; Yao Guojun, Rapid and sensitive determination of clenbuterol in porcine muscle and swine urine using a fluorescent probe, Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2015, 136: 714-718 (二區, IF=2.7)
1. Jing Xu; Du Liming; Wu Hao; Wu Wenying; Chang Yinxia, Determination of pesticide residue cartap using a sensitive fluorescent probe, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2012, 11(11): 1861-1870 (四區, IF=0.8)


1. 荊旭,程曉宇,王曉聞,楊佳麗,趙文霏,黃鑫,賈麗艷,一種磁性泡騰片及其製備方法和萃取水中三嗪類除草劑的套用,ZL 201910604890.X(授權日期:2022年7月12日)
2. 荊旭,郭正艷,王曉聞,朱俊玲,伊莉,付麗紅,陳振家,分散液液微萃取-高效液相色譜測定糧食中擬除蟲菊酯類農藥的方法,ZL 201910602136.2(授權日期:2022年4月22日)
3. 荊旭,王曉聞,王愈,楊佳麗,王騰飛,許惠芳,王艷麗,一種水中有機污染物的快速檢測方法,ZL 201711081189.1(授權日期:2020年8月7日)
4. 王曉聞,王慧慧,李琳慧,王愈,武蓓琪,齊艷麗,荊旭,一種螢光分析法檢測水產品中敵敵畏殘留量的方法及檢測試劑盒,ZL 202110658908.1(授權日期:2022年9月6日)
5. 王曉聞,王慧慧,荊旭,武文英,賈麗艷,王騰飛,楊佳麗,一種數字圖像比色法檢測食品中亞硝酸鹽的方法,ZL 201910776008.X(授權日期:2022年4月22日)
6. 賈麗艷,荊旭,張麗,劉振宇,溫永峰,一株產香酵母菌株及其套用,ZL 201911223192.1(授權日期:2022年4月12日)
7. 王曉聞,杜志毅,荊旭,陳振家,伊莉,付麗紅,朱俊玲,一種快速檢測穀物中農藥殘留的方法,ZL 201910798829.3(授權日期:2022年2月22日)
8. 王曉聞,高潔,馬玲,荊旭,王愈,辛泓均,唐艷,一種酸漿發酵果汁、及其製備方法,ZL 201810624144.2(授權日期:2021年10月15日)


1. 一種臥式多層岩青蘭茶葉發酵裝置,第3發明人(授權日期:2021年10月12日)
2. 一種多功效金針菜養生茶加工裝置,第4發明人(授權日期:2021年9月14日)
3. 一種小米加工生產用磨粉裝置,第4發明人(授權日期:2021年4月13日)
4. 具有暫存功能的葉片採摘工具,第4發明人(授權日期:2021年3月2日)
5. 玻底培養皿架,第4發明人(授權日期:2020年1月17日)
6. 一種用於藥茶生產的混合攪拌設備,第5發明人(授權日期:2021年7月30日)
7. 用於葉片摘取的簡易便捷式採摘器,第8發明人(授權日期:2021年3月2日)


T/SXSP 001—2021 雙固法生料釀造食醋生產技術規程


1. 山西省科學技術獎自然科學三等獎,螢光信號放大策略及其分析套用研究,證書號:2020-Z-3-007
2. 太原市自然科學優秀論文獎
3. 山西農業大學“五四”青年標兵
4. 山西農業大學教師教學創新大賽獎


