

范雷法,男,1985年7月畢業於浙江農業大學植保系,獲農學學士學位;1999年11月畢業於巴西巴拉那聯邦大學食品化學系, 獲碩士學位;2002年12月畢業於巴西巴拉那聯邦大學生物技術專業, 獲博士學位。1985年開始一直從事食用真菌品種選育和高產栽培技術及活性物質的分離純化研究工作。先後主持或承擔國家人事部重點項目、省科技廳重大項目(第二主持)及省人事廳、院基金項目各1項,參加各類項目多項。獲省科學技術獎5項,其中主持的“姬松茸胞外多糖的深加工及產業化研究”通過成果鑑定,獲發明專利1項,育成品種3個,發表SCI論文5篇,,另在《菌物學報》等刊物上發表論文30餘篇,參加撰寫著作2部。


  • 中文名:范雷法
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:浙江農業大學
  • 性別:男


1. 食用菌室副主任
2. 副研究員
3. 巴西巴拉那聯邦大學博士


1. 巴西巴拉那聯邦大學博士生副導師
2. 浙江省食用菌協會理事


1. Oliveira Souza C M C ; Soccol, C. R. ; Leifa, Fan.(范雷法) ;Huijuan Pan(潘慧娟), Parada, J. L. ; Delinski G .. Atividade Antimicrobiana Dos Caldos Da Fermentação Submersa De Lentinus Edodes.Xvi Simpósio Nacional De Bioprocessos-Sinaferm 2007 , 2007 , Curitiba. Anais Do Sinaferm 2007. Curitiba: Graffit, 2007. V. Cd.,2007,:1-8
2. Dalla Santa H. S ; Rubel, R. ; Leifa, Fan.(范雷法) ; Huijuan Pan,Tararthuch, A. L. ; Lima Filho, J. H. C. ; Habu, S. ; Soccol, C. R.. Solid-State Fermentation Of Agaricus Brasiliensis On Wheat Grains And Their Effect On Renal Function In Mince.Xvi Simpósio Nacional De Bioprocessos-Sinaferm 2007 , 2007 , 2007, Curitiba. Anis Sinaferm 2007. Curitiba : Graffiti, 2007. V. Cd,2007,:11-15
3. 李有貴,鐘石,潘慧娟,范雷法(通訊作者). 蟲草液體發酵胞外多糖的研究進.菌物學報26(增刊),2007,:338-341
4. 鐘石,潘慧娟,范雷法(通訊作者). 人工培養蟲草胞內多糖的研究進展.菌物學報26(增刊),2007,:342-354
5. R. Rubel; H. S. Dalla Santa; L. C. Fernandes; L. Fan(范雷法);Huijuan Pan(潘慧娟) B. C. Figueiredo; J. L. Parada; Carlos Ricardo Soccol . Lipidemic Response in Mice Fed with Ganoderma lucidum Obtained by Solid-State Fermentation .International J. of Medicinal Mushroom,2007,9(1):19-24
6. 范雷法,潘慧娟,吳應美,呂國英,吳永志. 香菇單孢雜交育種研究.菌物學報增刊,2007,26:148-151
7. Leifa Fan(范雷法), Andréa Thomaz Soccol, Ashok Pandey, Luciana Porto de Souza Vandenberghe, Carlos Ricardo Soccol. Effect of caffeine and tannins on Pleurotus and its fructification on coffee husk.Brazilian J. Microbiology,2006,37(4):420-424
8. Rubel R.; Dalla Santa H.S.; Lima Filho J.H.C.; Pandey A.; Figueiredo B.C.; Di Bernardi R.; Buchi D.F; Leifa F.(范雷法),Huijuan Pan(潘慧娟). Evaluation of Antitumoral Effect of Ganoderma lucidum Supplemented Diet in Sarcoma 180-Bearing Mice .Procceding of 3nd International Congress of Mushroom in Brazil , 2006 , 國際會議論文集 ,2006,:189
9. R Rubel, HS Dalla Santa, JHC Lima Filho, BC Figueiredo, J Páca, AL Tararthuch, F Leifa(范雷法),Huijuan Pan(潘慧娟), LPS Vandenberghe, CR Soccol . Effect of Ganoderma lucidum supplemented diet on renal function and immune system in mice.Proceeding of 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering , 2006 , 國際會議論文集 ,2006,:147-157
10. Rubel R.; Dalla Santa H.S.; Lima Filho J.H.C.; Pandey A.; Figueiredo B.C.; Di Bernardi R.; Buchi D.F; Leifa F(范雷法).;Huijuan Pan(潘慧娟). Evaluation of the Immunomodulatory and Antitumoral Effect of Ganoderma lucidum Supplemented Diet in Sarcoma 180-Bearing Mice .Procceding of 2nd International Congress on Bioprocesses in Food Industries , 2006 , 國際會議論文集 ,2006,:204
11. Dalla Santa H.S.; Rubel R.; Vitola F.M.; Eichelt L.; Schmitt K.; Bisol A.; Germ J.; Lima Filho J.H.C.; Pandey A.; Figueiredo B.C.; Buchi D.F.; Di Bernardi R.; Moreno A.; Leifa F(范雷法).;Huijuan Pan(潘慧娟), Soccol C.R. . Supplemented Diet with Agaricus brasiliensis (=Agaricus blazei) Increase Cytokines Production In Normal Mice .Procceding of 2nd International Congress on Bioprocesses in Food Industries , 2006 , 國際會議論文集 ,2006,:169
12. Dalla Santa H.S; Rubel R; Vitola F.M; Germ J.; Eichelt L.; Schmitt K.; Bisol A.; Lima Filho J.H.C; Pandey A.; Figueiredo B.C.; Buchi D.F.; Di Bernardi R.; Moreno A.; Leifa F(范雷法); Huijuan Pan(潘慧娟), Soccol C.R.. Effect of Chronic Intake of Agaricus brasiliensis (=Agaricus blazei) in Serum Glucose Levels .Procceding of 2nd International Congress on Bioprocesses in Food Industries , 2006 , 國際會議論文集,2006,:168
13. Soccol C.R.; Dalla Santa, H.S.; Rubel R.; Vitola F.M.; Leifa F.(范雷法); Huijuan Pan(潘慧娟), Pandey A; Soccol V.T. . Mushrooms a Promising Source to Produce Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical Bioproducts.Procceding of 2nd International Congress on Bioprocesses in Food Industries , 2006 , 會議論文,2006,:18-21
14. Leifa Fan(范雷法), Huijuan Pan(潘慧娟), Andrea Thomaz Soccol2, Ashok Pandey3. Advances in Mushroom Research in the last Decade.Food Technol Biotechnol,2006,44(3):301-309
15. 范雷法, 潘慧娟. 食用菌屬間原生質體融合研究初報.中國食用菌,2005,24(5):21-23
16. 范雷法 潘慧娟 Soccol CR Pandey A. 回響面法最佳化姬松茸液體發酵培養基中紅糖和酵母膏濃度.食用菌學報,2005,12(3):27-31
17. 范雷法,潘慧娟等. 《Shiitake Cultivation》.Mushworld,Seoul, Korea,2005,:
18. Leifa Fan(范雷法),Huijuan Pan(潘慧娟),Andrea T. Soccol Effect of ratio of C/N and agitation on mycelium and exo-polysaccharide production of Agaricus brasiliensis by submerged fermentation .Abstracts of fifth International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products,2005,:163
19. 范雷法,潘慧娟,SOCCOL AT,PANDEY A,SOCCOL CR . 回響面分析法最佳化葡萄糖和酵母膏對巴西蘑菇菌絲體和胞外多糖生產的影響 .浙江農業學報,2004,16(6):358-363
20. 范雷法, 潘慧娟, Soccol CR, Pandey A. 姬松茸胞外多糖抗腫瘤活性研究.食用菌學報,2004,11(2):45-47
21. Fan Leifa, Pan Huijuan, Soccol CR, Pandey A.. Effect of glucose and yeast extract on biomass and exopolysaccharide production form Agaricus brasiliensis by response surface analysis.浙江農業學報,2004,16(6):358-363
22. Leifa Fan, Andréa Thomaz Soccol, Ashok Pandey, Sandro Germano, Renato Rau, Aurora L. Pedroso and Carlos Ricardo Soccol . Production of polysaccharide by Agaricus blazei Murrill LPB 03 in submerged fermentation and its antitumor effect.International J. of Medicinal Mushroom,2003,5(1):17-23.
23. Fan L; Soccol, A. T; Pandey, A. and Soccol, C. R.. Cultivation of mushroom - Pleurotus on Brazilian coffee husk and effect of caffeine and tannic acid on this fungus.Micologia Aplicada International,2003,15(1):15-21
24. Fan Leifa, Ashok Pandey, Carlos R. Soccol. Production of Flammulina velutipes on Coffee husk and coffee spent-ground .Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology,2001,44(2):205-212
25. Fan Leifa, Pandey, A., Mohan, R., Soccol, C.R.. Use of Various coffee Industry Residues for the production of Pleurotus ostreatus in Solid State Fermentation.Acta Biotechnologica,2000,20(1):41-52
26. Fan Leifa, Pandey, A., Soccol, C.R. Solid state cultivation - an efficient method to use toxic agro-industrial residues.Journal of Basic Microbiology,2000,40(3):177-187
27. 范雷法等. 《Coffee Biotechnology and Quality》.Kluwer Academic Publishers,2000,:


范雷法(食用菌室副主任) 呂國英(博士,副研究員)
張作法(副研究員) 潘慧娟(技師)


1. “高溫蘑菇‘夏菇93’選育與推廣”獲2004年度浙江省科學技術獎三等獎(第四完成人);
2. “姬松茸菌胞外多糖生產方法”獲2006年度國家發明專利(第一完成人);
3. “姬松茸胞外多糖的深加工及產業化研究”2005年度通過成果鑑定(第一完成人);


