
范建存,男,博士,西安交通大學副教授、博士生導師。2012年獲西安交通大學信息與通信工程專業博士學位,2009年至2011年在喬治亞理工訪問學習;2012年留校至今獲西安交通大學優秀博士論文、優秀班主任、及招生工作先進個人各一項。目前主持國家自然科學青年及面上基金各一項、博士點基金一項、省自然科學基金一項、省重點研發計畫一項、國家博士後一等及特等資助各一項、省博士後基金特別資助一項、以及校內和橫向課題共三項;並在此方面共發表論文五十餘篇,其中包括IEEE Signal Processing Magazine、IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication、IEEE Transactions on Vehicle Technology、IEEE Wireless Communication Letter、IEEE Photonics Technology Letter及IEEE Communication Letter、IEEE Access等多篇IEEE系列期刊,並被SCI檢索十八篇、EI檢索五十餘篇,並獲第二十屆無線多媒體個人會議最佳論文獎一項。


  • 中文名:范建存
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:西安交通大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職務:西安交通大學博士生導師






[1]Jiancun Fan, Yajie Ren, Ying Zhang, and Xinmin Luo, MLSE Equalizer with Channel Shortening for Faster-than-Nyquist Signaling, IEEE Photonics Technology Letter, 2018, 30(9): 793-796.
[2] Zhijin qin,Jiancun Fan,Yuanwei Liu, Yue Gao, and Geoffrey Ye Li, Sparse Representaion for Wireless Communications, IEEE Signal Processing Magzines, 35(3), 40-58.
[3]Jiancun Fan, Weiqi Li, and Ying Zhang, Pilot Contamination Mitigation by Fractional Pilot Reuse with Threshold Optimization in Massive MIMO Systems, Digital Signal Processing, 2018, 78: 197-204.
[4]Jiancun Fan, Shengjie Guo, Xiangwei Zhou, Yajie Ren, Geoffrey Li, Xi Chen, Faster-than-Nyquist signaling: an overview[J]. IEEE Access, 2017, 5: 1925-1940. (SCI WOS:000397136900106, EI: 20171203484605)
[5]Jiancun Fan*, Daewon Lee, Geoffrey Ye Li, Liangliang Li, “Multiuser Scheduling and Pairing with Interference Mitigation for LTE Uplink Cellular Networks[J],”IEEE Trans. on Vehicle Technology, 2015, 64(2): 481-492. (SCI WOS: 000349715000006, EI: 20150800559905)
[6]Jiancun Fan*, Zhikun Xu, Geoffrey Ye Li, “Performance Analysis of MU-MIMO in Downlink Cellular Networks[J],”IEEE Communications Letters, 2015, 19(2): 223-226. (SCI WOS: 000349537500028, EI: 20150900566200)
[7]Jiancun Fan*, Xinmin Luo, and Ying Zhang, “Interference Suppression with Iterative Channel and Spatial Covariance Matrix Estimation for LTE Downlink[J],”Digital Signal Processing, Volume 24, January 2014, Pages 87-94.(SCI WOS: 000328595600010, EI: IP52805876)
[8]Jiancun Fan*, Geoffrey Ye Li, Qinye Yin, Bingguang Peng, Xiaolong Zhu, Joint User Pairing and Resource Allocation for LTE Uplink Transmissions[J].IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications. 2012, 11(8): 2838-2847. (SCI WOS: 000307904600016, EI: 20123515381032)
[9]Jiancun Fan*, Qinye Yin, Geoffrey Ye Li, Bingguang Peng, Xiaolong Zhu. Adaptive Block-Level Resource Allocation in OFDMA Networks[J].IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications. 2011, 10(11): 3966-3972. (SCI WOS: 000298328900046, EI: 20115114609575)
[10]Jiancun Fan*, Qinye Yin, Wenjie Wang. Low Complexity Transmit Antenna Selection for Spatial Multiplexing Systems[J].Digital Signal Processing. 2011, 21(2):307-319. (SCI: WOS: 000287223700012, EI: 20110513641608)
[11]Jiancun Fan*, Qinye Yin, Wenjie Wang. Pilot-Aided Channel Estimation for CDD-OFDM Systems[J].Science China Information Sciences. 2010, 53(2):379-389. (SCI: WOS: 000276598700016)
[12]Jiancun Fan*, Qinye Yin, Wenjie Wang. Robust Linear Receivers for STBC Systems with Unknown Cochannel Interference[J].Science in China Series F-Information Sciences.2009, 52(6):1067-1074. (SCI WOS: 000266829700016)
[13] Wei Guo,Jiancun Fan*, Geoffrey Li, Qinye Yin, Xiaolong Zhu. “Adaptive SU/MU-MIMO Scheduling for LTE-A Downlink Cellular Networks [J],”IET Communications. (SCI Source)
[14] Wei Guo,Jiancun Fan*, Geoffrey Li, Qinye Yin, Xxiaolong Zhu, Yusun Fu, "MIMO Transmission with Vertical Sectorization for LTE-A Downlink,"IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1, doi: 10.1109/LWC.2016.2560841.
[15] Geoffrey Ye Li*, Jinping Niu, Daewon Lee,Jiancun Fan, and Yusun Fu, “Multi-cell coordinated scheduling and MIMO in LTE[J],”IEEE Commun. Surveys & Tutorials, 2014, 16(2): 761-775. (SCI WOS: 000339727700010, EI: 20142217758726)


[1]Jiancun Fan, Yajie Ren, Ying Zhang, and Xinmin Luo, MLSE Equalizer with Channel Shortening for Faster-than-Nyquist Signaling, IEEE Photonics Technology Letter, 2018, 30(9): 793-796.
[2] Zhijin qin,Jiancun Fan,Yuanwei Liu, Yue Gao, and Geoffrey Ye Li, Sparse Representaion for Wireless Communications, IEEE Signal Processing Magzines, 35(3), 40-58.
[3]Jiancun Fan, Weiqi Li, and Ying Zhang, Pilot Contamination Mitigation by Fractional Pilot Reuse with Threshold Optimization in Massive MIMO Systems, Digital Signal Processing, 2018, 78: 197-204.
[4]Jiancun Fan, Shengjie Guo, Xiangwei Zhou, Yajie Ren, Geoffrey Li, Xi Chen, Faster-than-Nyquist signaling: an overview[J]. IEEE Access, 2017, 5: 1925-1940. (SCI WOS:000397136900106, EI: 20171203484605)
[5]Jiancun Fan*, Daewon Lee, Geoffrey Ye Li, Liangliang Li, “Multiuser Scheduling and Pairing with Interference Mitigation for LTE Uplink Cellular Networks[J],”IEEE Trans. on Vehicle Technology, 2015, 64(2): 481-492. (SCI WOS: 000349715000006, EI: 20150800559905)
[6]Jiancun Fan*, Zhikun Xu, Geoffrey Ye Li, “Performance Analysis of MU-MIMO in Downlink Cellular Networks[J],”IEEE Communications Letters, 2015, 19(2): 223-226. (SCI WOS: 000349537500028, EI: 20150900566200)
[7]Jiancun Fan*, Xinmin Luo, and Ying Zhang, “Interference Suppression with Iterative Channel and Spatial Covariance Matrix Estimation for LTE Downlink[J],”Digital Signal Processing, Volume 24, January 2014, Pages 87-94.(SCI WOS: 000328595600010, EI: IP52805876)
[8]Jiancun Fan*, Geoffrey Ye Li, Qinye Yin, Bingguang Peng, Xiaolong Zhu, Joint User Pairing and Resource Allocation for LTE Uplink Transmissions[J].IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications. 2012, 11(8): 2838-2847. (SCI WOS: 000307904600016, EI: 20123515381032)
[9]Jiancun Fan*, Qinye Yin, Geoffrey Ye Li, Bingguang Peng, Xiaolong Zhu. Adaptive Block-Level Resource Allocation in OFDMA Networks[J].IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications. 2011, 10(11): 3966-3972. (SCI WOS: 000298328900046, EI: 20115114609575)
[10]Jiancun Fan*, Qinye Yin, Wenjie Wang. Low Complexity Transmit Antenna Selection for Spatial Multiplexing Systems[J].Digital Signal Processing. 2011, 21(2):307-319. (SCI: WOS: 000287223700012, EI: 20110513641608)
[11]Jiancun Fan*, Qinye Yin, Wenjie Wang. Pilot-Aided Channel Estimation for CDD-OFDM Systems[J].Science China Information Sciences. 2010, 53(2):379-389. (SCI: WOS: 000276598700016)
[12]Jiancun Fan*, Qinye Yin, Wenjie Wang. Robust Linear Receivers for STBC Systems with Unknown Cochannel Interference[J].Science in China Series F-Information Sciences.2009, 52(6):1067-1074. (SCI WOS: 000266829700016)
[13] Wei Guo,Jiancun Fan*, Geoffrey Li, Qinye Yin, Xiaolong Zhu. “Adaptive SU/MU-MIMO Scheduling for LTE-A Downlink Cellular Networks [J],”IET Communications. (SCI Source)
[14] Wei Guo,Jiancun Fan*, Geoffrey Li, Qinye Yin, Xxiaolong Zhu, Yusun Fu, "MIMO Transmission with Vertical Sectorization for LTE-A Downlink,"IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1, doi: 10.1109/LWC.2016.2560841.
[15] Geoffrey Ye Li*, Jinping Niu, Daewon Lee,Jiancun Fan, and Yusun Fu, “Multi-cell coordinated scheduling and MIMO in LTE[J],”IEEE Commun. Surveys & Tutorials, 2014, 16(2): 761-775. (SCI WOS: 000339727700010, EI: 20142217758726)


