



  • 中文名:茂蘭蟲草
  • 外文名: Pandora bibionis Z.Z.Li, B.Huang et M.Z.Fan sp. nov
  • 編號:NFG-97-15
  • 定名人:劉作易 梁宗琦
  • 作者:劉作易 梁宗琦 / 辛智海 劉愛英
  • Nomencla:Li Zengzhi, Huang Bo, and Fan Meizhen
  • 發表文章:感染蠐螬的一種 新蟲草
  • Article:NewSp[eciesNewRecorddNewCombinationsandEmendationofEntomophthoraleanFungiPathogeniconDipteranInsects


作者 劉作易 梁宗琦 / 辛智海 劉愛英
Author Li Zengzhi, Huang Bo, and Fan Meizhen
作者單位 貴州農學院蟲生真菌資源研究所蟲 草研究實驗室, 貴陽 550025 / 中國科學院微生物研究所 真菌地衣系統學開放研究實驗室, 北京 100080


描 述了感染鞘翅目幼蟲的茂蘭蟲草新種 (Cordyceps maolanensis Z.Y.Liu et Liang sp. nov.), 其主要物征 為子座單生, 可孕部分白色, 近球形或卵圓形, 其皮層柵 狀,100-125 micrometer, 柄中部地上和地下相交處有瘤 節, 子囊殼黃色, 埋生, 600-700 X 300-350 micrometer, 子囊柱狀, 300-450 X 3-4.5 micrometer, 每個子囊具有4個絲狀多隔的子囊孢子,次生子囊孢子柱狀 , 6-8 X 1.5 micrometer, 這些特徵與近似種 Cordyceps gracilis, Cordyceps gracilioides, Cordyceps insignis, Cordyceps entomorrhiza,Cordyceps amazonica 和 Cordyceps amazonica var. neoamazonica 有明顯的不同.
Abstract In the present paper, 2 new species, 1 new Chinese record, and 2 new combinations are reported. Pandora bibionis sp. nov. was recorded on march fly, BIbio sp.in Qingyuan, Zhejiang. Its primary conidia are obovoid, mostly symmetric, 14.4-20.5 X 7.2-11.5 micrometer (ave. 16.5-17.4 X 8.4-10.4 micrometer), L / D 1.4-2.3 (ave. 1.7-2.0);rhizoids are 2 times as wide as conidiophores, with their terminal differetiate into disk-like holdfast; resting spores are spinose, 19.1-23.4 micrometerin diam. Tarichium syrphis sp. nov. was recorded on syrphids, Asarcina aegrota in Zhenping, Shaanxi. Its resting spores are 21.2-28.1 micrometer in diam.,with conocal spines 2.2-5.0 micrometer long on the epispore Pandora gloeospora was recorded on moth midges (Psychodidae) for the first time in China, and wascombines in Furia as Furia gloeospora comb. nov. In addition, Erynia borea was emended and combined into Pandora as Pndora gloeospora comb. nov.
關鍵字 茂蘭蟲草, 蟲草, 新種, 鞘翅目
期刊 菌物系統 16(1):4-8, 1997
Publication Mycosystema (Chinese; original name: Acta Mycologica Sinica), 16(2):pp.91-96, 1997
分享省市 貴州省貴陽市
Place Qingyuan County, Zhejiang Province, Chin
採集地 黔靈山風景區常青闊葉樹和 竹的混交林下潮濕土中的
Environment The specimen are deal the Bibio sp. of family Biobioninae of order Diptera, it collected from fir forest at Baishanzu Natural Protection Region.
生態環境 亞熱帶濕潤季風氣候常青闊葉樹和竹的混交林
寄主 鞘翅目昆蟲蠐螬幼蟲
Habitat subtropical moist monsoon climate fir forest area
Host the Bibio sp. of family Biobioninae of order Diptera
採集人 劉作易 梁宗琦
Isolation Person Chen Zhuan
保存單位 貴州農學院蟲生真菌資源研究所蟲草研究實驗室, 貴陽 550025
Preservation Unit Labratory of Forest Protection, College of Application Forest, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, Anhui Province, China


Speciman No. QY 870717-02A


Note The organism can used biocontrol for killing the insect of family Biobioninae of order Diptera


