




  • 書名:英語詩歌教程
  • 作者:李正栓 白鳳欣
  • ISBN:9787040228663 [十位:7040228661]
  • 頁數:154 
  • 定價:¥23.00
  • 出版社高等教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2008年01月
  • 重約:0.251KG


This book is different from other poetry textbooks in the following ways.First,focusis shifted from poets to knowledge about poetry and sample poems.The poetic knowledgeis explained in great detail and simple terms.The book provides students with a systematicexplanation of types,elements and themes of poetry.Second,a comparative approach is adoptedin designing some questions for discussion.Many English poems are studied in a comparativecontext,eliciting students'attention to both English poetry


Part One Introduction
Chapter One Brief Introduction to British and American Poetry
Chapter Two What Is Poetry
Chapter Three How to Read a Poem
Chapter Four How to Evaluate a Poem
Chapter Five Themes of a Poem
Part Two Elements of Poetry
Chapter One Voice: Speaker and Tone
John Donne: The Flea
Robert Frost: Stopping by Woods On a Snowy Evening
William Blake: The Lamb
Theodore Roethke: My Papa's Waltz
Robert Hayden: Those Winter Sundays
Chapter Two Diction
John Milton: Methought I Saw My Late Espoused Saint
William Blake: London
William Wordsworth: I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
Alfred,Lord Tennyson: Crossing the Bar
Chapter Three Imagery
Robert Browning: Meeting at Night
Alfred,Lord Tennyson: Break,Break,Break
Ezra Pound: In a Station of the Metro
Seamus Heaney: The Play Way
Chapter Four Figures of Speech
Section One Simile,Metaphor
Robert Bums: A Red,Red Rose
Alfred Tennyson: The Eagle: A Fragment
Sylvia Plath: Metaphors
Section Two Metonymy,Synecdoche
Andrew Marvell: To His Coy Mistress
Percy Bysshe Shelley: Ozymandias
Section Three Personification,Apostrophe
William Wordsworth: London,1802
John Keats: To Autumn
Sylvia Plath: Mirror
Section Four Irony
William Blake: The Chimney Sweeper
Stephen Crane: The War Is Kind
Section Five Paradox
Richard Lovelace: To Lucasta,Going to the War
William Wordsworth: She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways
Thomas Hardy: Hap
Chapter Five Symbolism and Allegory
William Blake: The Sick Rose
Thomas Stearns Eliot: The Boston Evening Transcript
Emily Dickinson: I Heard a Fly Buzz——When I Died
William Buffer Yeats: The Second Coming
Chapter Six Syntax
Thomas Hardy: The Man He Killed
William Buffer Yeats: An Irish Airman Foresees His Death
Chapter Seven Sound: Rhyme,Alliteration and Assonance
Emily Dickinson: The Soul Selects Her Own Society
Wystan Hugh Auden: That Night When Joy Began
Chapter Eight Rhythm and Meter
Robert Herriek: An Ode to Him
Edna St. Vincent Millay: God's World
Part Three Types of Poetry
Chapter One Narrative Poetry
Section One Epic
John Milton: Paradise Lost
Section Two Ballad
Anonymous: Get Up and Bar the Door
John Keats: La Belle Dame Sans Merci
Section Three Romance
Anonymous: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Chapter Two Lyric Poetry
Section One Sonnet
William Shakespeare: Sonnet
William Wordsworth: The World Is Too Much with Us
John Keats: On the Grasshopper and the Cricket
Section Two Ode
Percy Bysshe Shelley: Ode to the West Wind
John Keats: Ode on a Grecian Urn
Section Three Song
John Donne: Song
Ben Jonson: Song: To Celia
Robert Burns: Auld Lang Syne
Section Four Elegy
John Milton: Lycidas
Thomas Gray: Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
Percy Busshe Shelley: Adonais
Section Five Dirge
William Shakespeare: Full Fathom Five
Percy Bysshe Shelley: A Dirge
Section Six Aubade
John Donne: The Sun Rising
Robert Browning: Parting at Morning
Section Seven Pastoral
Christopher Marlowe: The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
William Wordsworth: Michael: A Pastoral Poem
Chapter Three Dramatic Poetry
Robert Browning: My Last Duchess
Percy Bysshes Shelley: Prometheus Unbound
Chapter Four Other Types of Poetry
Section One Descriptive Poetry
James Thomson: The Seasons
William Wordsworth: Composed Upon Westminster Bridge,September 3,1802
Section Two Reflective Poetry
William Cowper: The Task: The Stricken Deer
Section Three Didactic Poetry
Alexander Pope: An Essay on Criticism
Section Four Satirical Poetry
Percy Bysshe Shelley: England in 1819
Erenst Jones: The Song of the Lower Classes
A Glossary of Poetic Terms
List of Poets


