
《英語大眾演講實訓研究》是2009年南京師範大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是樊小琴、楊友德(Duong Huu Duc)。


  • 書名:英語大眾演講實訓研究
  • 作者:樊小琴 楊友德(Duong Huu Duc)
  • 出版社:南京師範大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2009年4月1日
  • 頁數:216 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787811018660 
  • 外文名:English Public Speaking in Action
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語


This book is divided into four major parts and twelve chapters. The first part of the book provides fundamental knowledge about public speaking through which readers will have an overview of what public speaking is all about. In the second part, readers will be familiar with the process of speech making as they follow steps of speech making, and empower their speech by using relevant rhetorical devices or avoiding common fallacies.


PART Ⅰ Fundamentals in Public Speaking
Chapter 1 Why Public Speaking?
Ⅰ. Insights/3
A. What is Public Speaking?
B. Purposes of Public Speaking
C. Benefits of Public Speaking to Speakers
D. Common Types of Public Speaking
Ⅱ. Sample Speech/
A Better World Is in Our Hands
Ⅲ. Related Writing
A Harmonious Society: Turning a Dream into Reality
Ⅳ. World's Famous President Address
Acceptance Speech
Ⅴ. Analysis of World's Famous President Address
Famous Quotes
Chapter 2 Ethical Considerations in Public Speaking
Ⅰ. Insights
A. The Dos of Public Speaking
B. The Don'ts of Public Speaking
Ⅱ. Sample Speech
A Tribute to the Motherland
Ⅲ. Related Writing
The Romance of Intermarriage
Ⅳ. World's Famous Controversial Case of Plagiarism Sanctuary
Ⅴ. Analysis of World's Famous Controversial Case of Plagiarism
Famous Quotes
Chapter 3 Communication Process in Public Speaking
Ⅰ. Insights
A. Communication Defined
B. Basic Elements in Communication Process
C. Means of Communication
D. Modes of Communication
Ⅱ . Sample Speech
One Plus One: The Powers We Have at Hand
Ⅲ Related Writing
Bridging the Gap between the Rich and the Poor
Ⅳ. World's Famous Parable
The Parable of the Lost Son
Ⅴ. Analysis of World's Famous Parable
Famous Quotes
PART Ⅱ The Process of Speech Making
Chapter 4 Speech Making
Ⅰ. Insights/51
A. Important Steps to Speech Composition
B. Putting Thoughts into Writing
C. Marks of a Great Speech
Ⅱ. Sample Speech
Attracting Chinese Oversea Talents
Ⅲ. Related Writing
Should Golf Course be Offered in College Curriculum?
Ⅳ. World's Famous Speech on Commencement
Commencement Address
Ⅴ Analysis of World's Famous Speech on Commencement Address
Famous Quotes
Chapter 5 Rhetorical Devices
I. Insights
A. An Overview of Rhetorical Devices
B. Types of Rhetorical Devices
C. Putting Theories into Practice
Ⅱ. Sample Speech
Unity and Diversity: The Two Hands of a Clock
Ⅲ. Related Writing
Saving Our Living Environment
Ⅳ. World's Famous Inspiring Speech
I Have a Dream
Ⅴ. Analysis of World's Famous Inspiring Speech
Famous Quotes
Chapter 6Mastering Common Fallacies8o
Ⅰ. Insights
A. Understanding Basic Concepts
B. Common Types of Fallacies
C. Putting Theories into Practice: Identifying Fallacies
Ⅱ. Sample Speech
Should Smoking Be Banned in the Public Places?
Ⅲ. Related Writing
Boarding School Is a Good Idea
Ⅳ. World's Famous Logical Writing
Many Loves of Dobie Gillis
Ⅴ. Analysis of World's Famous Logical Writing
Famous Quotes
PART ⅢPractical Application to Speech Making and Delivery
Chapter 7Effective Ways to Deliver a Speech
Ⅰ. Insights
A. Tips to Overcome Nervousness and Fears
B. Mechanics to Successful Delivery
C. Marks of a Great Speaker
Ⅱ. Sample Speech
People like Trees Need Storm to Reveal Their Strength
Ⅲ. Related Writing
Economic Development Is More Important than Environment Protection
Ⅳ. World's Famous Sermon
What's Wrong with the World?
Ⅴ. Analysis of World's Famous Sermonll
Famous Quotes
Chapter 8Debate: A Creative Language Activity in Language Classroom
Ⅰ. Insights
A. Debate Overviewit
B. Why Speech and Debate in Language Classroom?
C. Debating Formats
D. Applying Speech and Debate in Language Classroom
Ⅱ. Sample Speech
Do We Need Many Television Channels?
Ⅲ. Related Writing
Internet: The Double-Edged Sword
Ⅳ. World's Famous Vice Presidential Debate
Vice Presidential Debate
Ⅴ. Analysis of World's Famous Vice Presidential Debate
Famous Quotes
Chapter 9Structure of Debate Speeches
Ⅰ. Insights
A. Constructive Speech
B. Deconstruetive Speech
C. Rebuttal Speech
D. Putting Theories into Practice: Writing Your Debate Speech
Ⅱ. Sample Speech
Foreign Intervention Has Worsened Iraqi Society
Ⅲ. Related Speech
We All Live under the Same Sky, But We Don't All Have the Same Horizon
Ⅳ. World's Famous Book
What Drives Your Life?
Ⅴ. Analysis of World's Famous Book
Famous Quotes
PART Ⅳ Guiding Principles


作者:樊小琴 (越南)楊友德(Duong Huu Duc)
Dr. Fan Xiaoqin is currently Chair of English Department, and Vice Dean of Faculty of Foreign Languages at Shanghai Second Polytechnic University. Shereceived her PhD degree from the University of Baguio in 2004. Prior to her teaching and administrative position at Shanghai Second Polytechnic University. Dr. Fan Xiaoqin used to teach at the University of Baguio, La Cons01acion College of Manila. and San Beda College in the Philippines. Heractive involvement in coaching and organizing various speech and debate contests at the university has motivated her to train students to be better public speakers, and to write this book to share and discuss her experiences, knowledge, strategies, and theories to those who are interested in public speaking.
Dr.Duong Huu Duc is a foreien expert and Executivc Director of Asia Pacific Cultural Studies Institute.Shanghal Second Polytechnic Universiiy. He received his PhD degree from the University of the Cordilleras.Philippines.He enjoys teaching Critical Thinking. Chinese and Western Philosophies. Comparative Religions. Introduction to Marketlng. Language Education and Cross Culttural Cornmunication. He used to teach at San Beda College.De La Salle University in the Philippines At present, he is a faculty member at Faculty of Foreign Languages. Shanghai Second Polytechnic University.


This book provides the most essential information about public speaking. It is designed to provide theories, basic techniques and frameworks of public speaking. It may serve as an effective training guide to those who desire to be advanced and successful speakers. It is also designed to be a useful source to college students who are interested in training themselves to be effective public speakers based on the proposed theories and strategies. The writers believe that readers and students will find this book to be a very useful guide in your process of learning and developing to be great public speakers you want to be.
This book is divided into four major parts and twelve chapters. The first part of the book provides fundamental knowledge about public speaking through which readers will have an overview of what public speaking is all about. In the second part, readers will be familiar with the process of speech making as they follow steps of speech making, and empower their speech by using relevant rhetorical devices or avoiding common fallacies.


