



  • 中文名:英語國家社會與文化簡明教程(第三版)
  • 作者:段照煒,王祖興
  • 類別:教材
  • 出版社化學工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年09月
  • 定價:¥58.00
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787122344588


本書編寫體例新穎、結構合理,內容通俗易懂、難度適中,將語言學習與多元文化知識的獲得緊密結合起來, 旨在開闊學生視野、增強學生對文化差異的興趣和敏感度,提高學生語言素養、培養學生跨文化交際意識和能力,並為學生進入、適應多元文化環境或職場以及繼續教育或出國學習交流打下一定的基礎。


段照煒,開封大學開封大學外國語學院,副教授,1987年7月參加工作以來,一直從事高校英語教學工作,教學經驗豐富,科研能力較強。先後教授過多種ESP英語課程和專業英語課程,每學年授課時間平均達到300學時以上,包括核心級刊物在內迄今已在學術刊物上發表論文近20篇,主持、參與完成省、廳級科研項目10餘項,並多次獲獎;主編、副主編、參編教材5部,多次參加全國高校英語研討會並有論文提交參與交流。開封大學商務英語專業帶頭人培養對象、商務英語專業主講教師。持有全國商務英語翻譯資格證書(A級)及全國國際商務英語考試口語考官和培訓師資格證書;兼任《開封大學學報》英語編輯,為開封大學首批確認的“雙師型”教師之一。科研成果曾榮獲“河南省教育科學優 秀成果一等獎”、開封市社會科學優 秀成果二等獎,多次榮獲開封大學“優 秀教師”、“文明教師”、“優 秀共產黨員”、“教書育人獎”、“優質課獎”、“優 秀教學成果獎”等稱號和獎項。


Part One The United Kingdom of Great Britain and NorthernIreland001
Chapter OneGeography001
Section 1Position,Nameand Areas001
Section 2Major Cities002
Section 3Climate and Environment002
Questions for Discussion003
Chapter TwoPeople003
Section 1The People of Britain Today003
Section 2A Mixed Race Society004
Section 3Class Structure004
Section 4Religions005
Section 5Character and Manners007
Section 6Social Norms and Etiquettes(禮儀)008
Questions for Discussion010
Chapter ThreeFamily010
Section 1Changing Values and Norms of the British Family010
Section 2Family Patterns011
Section 3Family Size011
Section 4Adoptions(收養)012
Section 5Marriage012
Section 6Divorce013
Section 7Older People013
Questions for Discussion014
Chapter FourPolitical System014
Section 1The Constitutional Monarch(君主立憲制)014
Section 2Parliament015
Section 3Government016
Section 4Political Parties018
Section 5Election021
Questions for Discussion021
Chapter Five National Economy022
Section 1General Survey022
Section 2Economic History022
Section 3Industries 025
Section 4Foreign Trade027
Section 5Welfare028
Questions for Discussion031
Chapter SixEducation031
Section 1Educational System031
Section 2Different Types of Schools in England033
Section 3Higher Education035
Section 4Famous Universities037
Section 5 Other Types of Education039
Questions for Discussion040
Chapter SevenScience and Culture040
Section 1Achievements in Science and Technology040
Section 2Research and Development in Industry042
Section 3Outstanding Culture043
Section 4Principal Arts Organizations044
Section 5Arts for Everybody044
Sections 6Museums046
Questions for Discussion047
Chapter EightBritish Literature047
Section 1The Early Writings047
Section 2Elizabethan Drama049
Section 3The Nineteenth Century Novel050
Section 4The Twentieth Century Literature051
Questions for Discussion054
Chapter NineHistory054
Section 1The Founding of the Nation054
Section 2Transition to the Modern Age057
Section 3The Rise and Fall of the British Empire060
Questions for Discussion062
Chapter TenBritain and the World062
Section 1The ThreeCircles062
Section 2Britain and America063
Section 3Britain and Europe under Brexit(英國脫歐)064
Section 4Britain and China066
Questions for Discussion067
Chapter ElevenMedia and Sports068
Section 1Newspapers068
Section 2Television,Broadcast and Radio068
Section 3Popular Sports in Britain070
Questions for Discussion073
Chapter TwelveFestivals and Leisure074
Section 1Traditional Festivals074
Section 2Leisure Activities075
Section 3Public Houses(Pubs)inBritain078
Questions for Discussion080
Part Two United States of America081
Chapter OneGeography081
Section 1Location and Size081
Section 2Physiographic Regions081
Section 3Rivers and Lakes084
Section 4Climate and Weather085
Section 5Major Cities in the USA085
Questions for Discussion087
Chapter TwoHistory087
Section 1Discovering a New World087
Section 2The Founding of the 13 Colonies088
Section 3The War of Independence088
Section 4The Civil War090
Section 5Establishing a New Government091
Questions for Discussion094
Chapter ThreePolitical System094
Section 1General Principles094
Section 2The Three Branches095
Section 3Two Parties System099
Section 4 Relations with China102
Questions for Discussion104
Chapter FourPeople104
Section 1A Nation of Immigrants104
Section 2American Way of Life107
Section 3Character and Values114
Questions for Discussion118
Chapter FiveReligions118
Section 1Religion and the USA Government118
Section 2Protestants119
Section 3Catholics120
Section 4Jewish120
Section 5Other Religions in the USA121
Section 6American Character of Religion121
Questions for Discussion122
Chapter SixAmerican Literature122
Section 1The Age of Romanticism122
Section 2The Age of Realism124
Section 3Modern American Literature125
Questions for Discussion128
Chapter SevenEducation128
Section 1Features of American Education128
Section 2Secondary Education129
Section 3Higher Education130
Section 4Financial Problems132
Section 5Standardized Tests and Their Uses132
Section 6Vocational and Technical Education133
Section 7Education and Employment in the USA133
Questions for Discussion134
Chapter EightNational Economy135
Section 1General Survey135
Section 2How American Economy Works136
Section 3Manufacturing Industries137
Section 4Agriculture138
Section 5Money System139
Section 6Foreign Trade140
Section 7New Economy140
Section 8Subprime Crisis141
Questions for Discussion144
Chapter Nine Work and Welfare144
Section 1Overview of American Labor Market144
Section 2Major Social Welfare Programs145
Section 3Welfare Reform147
Questions for Discussion148
Chapter TenMass Media and Entertainment148
Section 1 The Press149
Section 2Television149
Section 3Radios149
Section 4Movies150
Section 5Music151
Questions for Discussion154
Chapter ElevenLeisure Activities154
Section 1Traveling in America154
Section 2Sports160
Questions for Discussion163
Chapter TwelveHolidays163
Section 1Martin Luther King Day(Third Monday in January)163
Section 2Valentine’s Day (February14)165
Section 3Mother’s Day and Father’s Day166
Section 4Memorial Day(Last Monday in May)167
Section 5Independence Day(July 4)167
Section 6Halloween(October 31)168
Section 7Thanksgiving Day(Fourth Thursday in November)169
Section 8Merry Christmas(December 25)170
Questions for Discussion171
Chapter ThirteenDomestic Problems171
Section 1Racial Discrimination171
Section 2The Gap Between the Poor and the Rich173
Section 3Health and Health Care175
Section 4Drug Abuse176
Section 5Violent Crime and Juvenile Delinquency176
Section 6Traffic Accidents178
Section 7Teen Pregnancy and Abortion178
Questions for Discussion179
Part Three Canada,Australia and New Zealand180
Chapter OneAn Overview180
Section 1Location and Size180
Section 2Regions181
Section 3People189
Section 4Languages191
Questions for Discussion192
Chapter TwoHistory of Canada192
Section 1British and French Settlement193
Section 2Canada and the Two World Wars194
Section 3Canada since the 1960s and at the Turn of the Millennia(千年之交)196
Questions for Discussion197
Chapter ThreeCentral Canada197
Section 1General Survey197
Section 2Ontario198
Section 3Quebec199
Questions for Discussion201
Chapter Four Political System202
Section 1Canadian Government202
Section 2Foreign Influences204
Section 3Major Political Parties205
Questions for Discussion207
Chapter FiveEducation and Literature207
Section 1Education207
Section 2Literature210
Questions for Discussion216
Chapter SixEconomy216
Section 1General Survey216
Section 2Effects of the Two World Wars and the Great Depression217
Section 3Canadian Economy after World War Ⅱ219
Section 4Economy around the Beginning of the 21st Century221
Section 5Quebec Nationalism(魁北克民族主義獨立運動)222
Questions for Discussion223
Chapter SevenInternational Relations223
Section 1From Junior Partner to Middle Power223
Section 2The Military Contributions and Commitments of Canada225
Section 3CanadianAmerican Relations227
Section 4SinoCanadian Relations228
Section 5Overseas Development Programs of Canada229
Questions for Discussion231
Chapter OneAn Overview232
Section 1Size and Location232
Section 2Climate233
Section 3Population and Major Cities234
Section 4A Multicultural Society236
Questions for Discussion238
Chapter TwoHistory of Australia238
Section 1Early Colonial Period238
Section 2The Rising of a Nation240
Section 3Australia in the Two World Wars and the Great Depression242
Section 4Australia after World WarⅡ244
Questions for Discussion246
Chapter ThreePolitical System246
Section 1Australian Government246
Section 2Political Parties248
Questions for Discussion249
Chapter FourEconomy and Education249
Section 1Economy249
Section 2Education251
Questions for Discussion252
Chapter FiveForeign Relations252
Section 1Relations with UK and US252
Section 2Relations with UN and AsiaPacific Region253
Section 3Australia and China255
Section 4Australia and Other Major Countries256
Questions for Discussion257
New Zealand258
Chapter OneAn Overview258
Section 1Land and Climate258
Section 2Nature259
Section 3People and Society261
Section 4Culture and Arts263
Questions for Discussion264
Chapter TwoHistory of New Zealand264
Section 1Early Settlement264
Section 2British Colonization265
Section 3Postwar New Zealand266
Questions for Discussion266
Chapter ThreePolitical System267
Section 1Government of New Zealand267
Section 2Major Political Parties268
Questions for Discussion269
Chapter FourEconomy and Education269
Section 1Economy269
Section 2Education270
Questions for Discussion271
Chapter FiveForeign Relations271
Section 1New Zealand and the United Nations272
Section 2New Zealand in the AsiaPacific Region272
Section 3New Zealand and China273
Section 4New Zealand and EU274
Section 5New Zealand and the United States275
Questions for Discussion276


