


  • 中文名:英美小說與電影(第二版)
  • 作者:張桂珍
  • 出版社:北京大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2022年
  • 頁數:712 頁
  • 定價:68 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787301335062




Volume One English Novels and Films
Unit 1 Jane Austen and Pride andP rej udice 2
1.1 Jane Austen: Life and Works 2
1.1.1 About the Author 2
1.1.2 Jane Austen's Novels 4
1.2 Pride and Prejudice 4
1.2.1 About the Novel 4
1.2.2 Characters 5
1.2.3 Selected Readings from the Novel 6
1.24. Exercises 42
Unit 2 Charles Dickens and Oliver Twist 46
2.1 Charles Dickens: Life and Works 46
2.1.1 About the Author 46
2.1.2 Charles Dickens'Major Novels 48
2.2 Oliver Twist 49
2.2.1 About the Novel 49
2.2.2 Characters 50
2.2.3 Selected Readings from the Novel 51
2.24. Exercises 84
Unit 3 Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre 88
3.1. Charlotte Bronte: Life and Works 88
3.1.1 About the Author 88
3.1.2 Charlotte Bronte's Novels 90
3.2 Jane Eyre 91
3.2.1 About the Novel 91
3.2.3 Selected Readings from the Novel 93
3.24. Exercises 129
Unit 4 Thomas Hardy and Tess of the d'Urbervilles 133
4.1 Thomas Hardy: Life and Works 133
4.1.1 About the Author. 133
4.1.2 Thomas Hardy's Major Novels 135
4.2 Tess of the d'Urbervilles 135
4.2.1 About the Novel 135
4.2.2 Characters 136
4.2.3 Selected Readings from the Novel 137
4.24. Exercises 166
Volume Two American Novels and Films
Unit 5 Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Scarlet Letter 170
5.1 Nathaniel Hawthorne: Life and Works 170
5.1.1 About the Author 170
5.1.2 Nathaniel Hawthorne's Major Works 172
5.2 The Scarlet Letter 172
5.2.1 About the Novel 172
5.2.2 Characters 173
5.2.3 Selected Readings from the Novel 174
5.24. Exercises 206
Unit 6 Mark Twain and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 210
6.1 Mark Twain: Life and Works 210
6.1.1 About the Author 210
6.1.2 Mark Twain's Major Works 212
6.2 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 213
6.2.1 About the Novel 213
6.2.2 Characters 214
6.2.3 Selected Readings from the Novel 214
6.24 Exercises 240
Unit 7 Edith Wharton and The Age of I nnocence 244
7.1 Edith Wharton: Life and Works 244
7.1.1 About the Author 244
7.1.2 Edith Wharton's Major Works 247
7.2 The Age of Innocence 247
7.2.1 About the Novel 247
7.2.2 Characters 248
7.2.3 Selected Readings from the Novel 249
7.24. Exercises 286
Unit 8 F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby 289
8.1 F. Scott Fitzgerald: Life and Works 289
8.1.1 About the Author 289
8.1.2 F. Scott Fitzgerald's Major Works 291
8.2 The Great Gatsby 291
8.2.1 About the Novel 291
8.2.2 Characters 292
8.2.3 Selected Readings from the Novel 293
8.24. Exercises 327
主要參考書目 331
辭彙表. 333

