



  • 作者:蔣范琛
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • 出版時間:1996年10月
  • 頁數:397 頁
  • 定價:16.00
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • ISBN:9787506229005
General Expressions
making apologies
responding to apologies
Sample Dialogues
Arranglng Business Trips
General Expressions
Sample Dialogues
ArranglBg Entertainmeot Activities
General Expressions
asking about somebody's interest
asking for somebody's opinion on the activities
recommending some scenic spots
arrangiog entertainment activities
Sample Dialogues
Asking for information
General Expressions
Sample Dialogues
Asking for OplDlons
General Expressions
asking for opinions of colleagues and visitors
asking for boss's opinions
Sample Dialogues
Asking for Permisslon
General Expressions
Sample Dialogues
General Expressions
lodging a claim
settling a claim
Sample Dialogues
Dealing wlth Application
General Expressions
asking the applicant about his intention and qualificationS
dealing with the application
Sample Dialogues
Enqulring and Replylng
General Expressions
making a business enquiry
offering a reply
Sample Dialogues
Entertalning Guests to Dlnner
General Expressions
reserving a table
seating the guests
ordering a meal
entertaining guests to dinner
Sample Dialogues
Expressing Certainty and Uncertainty
General Expressions
expressing certainty
expressing uncertainty
Sample Dialogues
Expresslng Thanks
General Expressions
expressing thanks
responding to thanks
Sample Dialogues
General Expressions
Sample Dialogues
Glving Directions
General Expressions
showing the way to a rooni in a building
showing the way to somewhere
Sample Dialogues
Giving Good Wishes and Congratulattons
General Expressions
giving good wishes
responding to good wishes
giving congratulations
responding to congratulations
Sample Dialbgues
Going about Financlal Matters
General Expressions
asking about savings
asking about money exchange
depositing, drawing and cashing money
changing money
talking about financial matters
Sample Dialogues
General Expressions
greeting somebody
responding to somebody's greetings
Sample Dialogues
Helping Guests See a Doctor
General Expressions
asking a guest about his health
seeing a doctor
conveying the doctor's advice
Sample Dialogues
Helping Organize a Meetlng
Geoeral Expressions
planning a meeting
informing about the meetmg time
briefing about a meeting
receiving guests
chairing a meeting
Sample Dialogues
General Expressions
iaquiring about insurance and purchasing an insurance policy
talking about insurance
Sample Dialoguea
General Ezpressiona
extending .an invitation
accepting .an invitation
declining an invitatioQ
Sample Dialogues
Learning about Office Work
General Exprewions
learning otfice procedures
talking about office supplies and office automation
Sample Dialogues
Making Appointments
General Expressions
making an appointment
changing an appointment
Sample Dialogues
Making Introductlons
General Expressions
introducing oneself
introducing somebody
responding to introductions
Sample Dialogues
Making Reservatlons for Rooms and Tickets
General Expresslons
booking rooms
booking airline tickets and railway tickets
booking theatre tickets
Sample Dialogues
Making Suggestions
General Expressions
Sample Dialogues
Packing and Despatching
General Expressions
talking about the importance of packing
asking for opinions on packing
presenting demands for packing
responding to clients' demands for packing
informmg the buyer of the shipment ;
advancing a request for the shipment
responding to the buyer's request
talking about the loading and unloading ports
talking about the mode oftransportation
Sample Dialogues
Receiving Messages
General Expressions
Sample Dialogues
Recelving Visitors
General Expressions
Sample Dialogues
Responding to Requests
General Expressions
responding positively
responding negati ely
Sample Dialogues
Seeing off Guests
General Expressions
seeing off guests
Sample Dialogues
Selling and Ordering
General Expressions
placing an orde
promoting sales
bargaining over the price
Sample Dialogues
Sending and Receiving Mails
General Expressions
asking about postage
asking about time and ways to mail something
mailing something
recei ing mails
Sample Dialogues
Sending Telegrams and Telexes
General Expressions
asking about the rate for a telegram
sending a telegram
talking about telegrams and telexes
sending a telex
Sample Dialogues
Using the Telephone
General Expressions
placing a phone call
answering a phone call
Sample Dialogues
Working Out a Schedule
General Expressions
working out schedules for various activities
working out schedules tor visitors
Sample Dialogues

