



  • 中文名:英文美文選讀
  • 作者:杜瑞清
  • 出版社:西安交通大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787560536118




Part Ⅰ Poems
Unit1 Love/1
ReadingA Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?
ReadingB When You are Old
ReadingC Annabel Lee
ReadingD How Do I Love Thee?
Unit2 Life/13
ReadingA A Psalm of Life
ReadingB The Road Not Taken
ReadingC "Hope" is the Thing with Feathers
ReadingD I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
Unit3 Friendship/27
Reading A Love and Friendship
Reading B Break, Break, Break
Reading C No, Thank You, John
Reading D On Stella's Birth-Day, 1719
Unit4 Sorrow/39
Reading A Good-bye My Fancy!
Reading B Waving Goodbye
Reading C Farewell
Reading D When We Two Parted
Part Ⅱ Essays
Unit5 Youth/51
Reading A Youth
Reading B Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Reading C Advice to Youth
Reading D Your Life is Like a River
Unit6 Virtue/63
Reading A We are on a Journey / The Meaning of Life
Reading B Three Days to See (1)
Reading C The Handsome and the Deformed Legs
Reading D Three Days to See (2)
Unit7 Change/83
Reading A A Fable for Tomorrow
Reading B On Travel
Reading C On Doors
Reading D The Age of Thrills
Unit8 Solitude/99
Reading A Nature
Reading B Solitude
Reading C What I Have Lived For
Reading D Companion of Books
Part Ⅲ Speeches
Unit9 Honor/113
Reading A Gettysburg Address
Reading B I Have a Dream
Reading C The Tribute to Diana
Reading D 9/11 Speech
Unit10 Beginning/129
Reading A First Inaugural Address
Reading B First Inaugural Speech
Reading C First Inaugural Address
Reading D Inaugural Address
Unit11 Transition/149
Reading A Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish (1)
Reading B Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish (2)
Reading C Speech at Harvard Commencement (1)
Reading D Speech at Harvard Commencement (2)
Unit12 Acceptance/171
Reading A Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech (1)
Reading B Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech (2)
Reading C Kluge's Prize Acceptance Speech (1)
Reading D Kluge's Prize Acceptance Speech (2)
Keys For Reference/189


