- 中文名:英國紐卡斯爾大學中國學生學者聯誼會
- 外文名:Newcastle Chinese Students and Scholars Association
- 簡稱:紐大學聯
- 英文簡稱:CSSA-NCL
紐大學聯英文名稱為Newcastle Chinese Students and Scholars Association,簡稱CSSA-NCL。學聯成立於1988,至今已經有二十八年歷史。學聯主要成員以在校中國學生和學者、留英工作的學者為主。同時,紐大學聯與紐大Student Union,英國當地工作、生活的其他華人華僑以及華人社團保持著長期緊密的合作。
部門名稱 | 簡介 |
外聯部 | 外聯部與紐卡當地以及中英大小機構和公司聯繫,主要為學聯爭取贊助以便學聯開展活動。希望口才好,反應快,做事公平穩妥的同學加入,有相關經驗者優先。 |
職業發展部 (前外交部) | 職業發展部關注Career Service,Student Union,紐大校友會和中英政府,企業,大學的招聘,關注公益和志願者項目,為學聯舉辦職業發展,就業創業,志願服務,公益活動等方面的講座,論壇,指導和信息傳播。希望重視職業發展,對就業創業,公益事業感興趣的同學加入。 |
旅遊部 | 旅遊部在保證學生安全的前提下組織學聯的各種旅遊活動,如購物游,城市游,出國游等各種創意旅遊項目。希望對旅遊有熱情,有創新想法的同學加入。 |
秘書部 | 秘書部是聯繫學聯各個部門的樞紐。秘書部主要職責為記錄學聯檔案,會議,協調學聯日常工作及會議的組織、安排與協調。歡迎希望增強自己責任心,耐心和溝通能力的同學加入。 |
宣傳部 | 宣傳部為學聯和各活動製作形式新穎的宣傳資料和影像記錄,對外擴大學聯影響力。宣傳部下設攝影組,攝像組,後期組,文案組。希望有攝影,攝像,視頻製作,圖片處理,文字寫作等方面特長的同學加入。 |
媒體部 (前網路部) | 媒體部主要實現學聯網路對外聯絡功能,承擔主頁,論壇,mail list,微博,微信,facebook等平台的管理和開發新的宣傳平台。希望有性格有技術的主頁君們加入! |
文體部 | 文體部為學聯籌劃和舉辦豐富多彩的文藝,體育活動。如美食節,晚會,派對,節日慶祝,檯球,電子競技等各種各樣豐富學生生活的有趣活動。希望對舉辦文藝體育活動有興趣或有特長的同學加入。 |
國學部 | 國學部會定期舉辦中國文化展示,交流學習活動。國學社有漢服愛好者,文化研究愛好者以及漢語教學愛好者定期舉辦多種多樣有趣的文化活動。希望對漢服,漢文化以及漢語教學有興趣的同學加入! |
組織部 | 組織部與2016年10月成立,是學聯的新興部門,主要負責學聯內部活動的統籌與安排,組織活動參與人員,保障活動的順利開展;同時組織部也是學聯唯一一個不設人數限制的部門。 |
CSSA-NCL (Chinese Students and Scholars Association at Newcastle University) is a branch of CSSA-UK (Chinese Students and Scholars Association, United Kingdom) in Newcastle University.
CSSA-NCL is committed to develop unique and attractive programs and activities locally, nationally and internationally. This enables Chinese students, scholars and other ethnic individuals who are interested in China to experience and enjoy a richer, fuller, and more successful life in the UK and beyond. Each year, CSSA-NCL organises various kinds of activities and attracts thousands of people to engage with us.
Just like the CSSA-UK, the CSSA in Newcastle is a non-profit, non-political and non-religious organisation which is open to every Chinese student and scholar in Newcastle but it is also open to other people who would like to experience the Chinese culture and tradition from the first hand. The CSSA in Newcastle regularly organises various social, sport and cultural events which enable its members to socialise and enjoy the Chinese life and culture abroad.
Besides helping its members to adjust to life abroad and stay in touch with their people and culture, and in a way, their motherland, the CSSA in Newcastle also devotes a lot of time to promoting and educating the UK population about the Chinese culture, tradition and history as well as to building a closer relationship with the UK intellectual community order to allow its members to learn more about their peers in the UK. At the same time, the CSSA in Newcastle works on creating a bridge between the Western and Eastern worlds in order to build understanding and respect between the young generations in the UK and China as well as to improve the dialogue and communication between the intellectual communities in both countries.