1982 年 1 月本科畢業於華南師範學院數學系,
2003 年 3 月博士畢業於德國柏林工業大學數系。
1982 年 1 月至 1985 年 9 月在
新疆廣播電視大學工作,1988 年 2 月在新疆大學數學與系統科學學院工作。
近年來主要從事圖論及其套用研究,現任美國數學會 Math. Review 和德國 zbMATH 特約評論員。主持完成國家自然科學基金項目 2 項及自治區高校科研計畫重點項目 1項,發表論文 40 余篇,其中 SCI 收錄 20 余篇。
1. 國家自然科學基金地區項目,圖的生成連通性及相關問題研究(11361060),2014.1.1-2017.12.31, 40 萬元,主持人
國家自然科學基金地區項目,圖中長圈及相關問題研究(11061034),2011.1.1-2013.12.31,25 萬元,主持人
3. 自治區高校科學研究計畫重點項目,網路的可靠性及最佳化問題研究(XJEDU2010I01),2011.1.1-2013.12.31,4 萬元,主持人
1. C. Brause(#), M. Henning, K. Ozeki, I. Schiermeyer, E. Vumar, On upper bounds for the independent transversal domination number, Discrete Appl. Math.,2018,236: 66-72
2. Abdughnei Tohti(#), Elkin Vumar(*), A Note on Non-self-centrality number of graphs, 新疆大學學報(自然科學版),2018,35(1): 43-46..
3. Hongwei Qiao(#), Elkin Vumar(*), The Laceability of the Tranposition Network, 新疆大學學報(自然科學版),2017,34(1): 40-43.
4. Xiaoling Ma(#), Elkin Vumar(*), Neighborhood union conditions for hamiltonicity of P3-dominated graphs II, Bull.Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, 2016, Tome59(107): 367-373.
5. Hao Qi(#), Elkin Vumar(*),A Note on the Spanning Cyclability of Graphs, 新疆大學學報(自然科學版),2015,32(3): 292-296.
6. Chengjun Kang(#), Turangul Hasan, Eminjan Sabir, Elkin Vumar(*), Bounds on the Vertex Co-PI Index of Trees and Unicyclic Graphs, 新疆大學學報(自然科學版),2015,32(2): 183-189.
7. Eminjiang Sabir(#), Elkin Vumar(*), Spanning Connectivity of the power of a Graph and Hamilton-connected Index of a Graph, Graphs and Combinatorics, 2014, 30(6): 1551-1563.
8. Xiang-lan Cao(#), Elkin Vumar(*), Super edge connectivity of Kronecker products of graphs, Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci., 2014, 25(1): 59-65.
9. Xiaoling Ma(#), Elkin Vumar(*), Neighborhood union conditions for hamiltonicity of P3-dominated graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 2014,30(6): 1499-1511.
10. Xiang-lan Cao(#), Elkin Vumar(*), Connectivity of Generalized Mycielskians, 新疆大學學報(自然科學版),2013, 30(2): 127-132
11. Xin Lin(#), Elkin Vumar(*),Hong Bian,The Wiener Polarity Index of Graph Operations, 新疆大學學報(自然科學版),2013, 30(1): 55-60.
12. Buzohragul Eskender(#), Elkin Vumar(*),Eccentric connectivity index and eccentric sum of some graph operations, Transaction on Combinatorics, 2103,2(2): 103-111.
13. Roxiangul Hoshur (#), Elkin Vumar(*), Hamilton-connected properties in Cartesian product, Transaction on Combinatorics, 2102,1(3): 11-19.
14. Metrose Metsidik(#),Elkin Vumar(*), Distance-Dominating Cycles in P3-Dominated Graphs, Ars Combinatria, 2012,1(3): 387-393.
5. Xiang-lan Cao(#), Spela Brglez, Simon Spacapan, Elkin Vumar(*), On edge connectivity of of direct products of graphs, Information Processing Letters, 2011,111: 899-902.
16. Fengli Yang(#), Elkin Vumar(*), A note on a cycle partition problem, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2011,24(7):1181-1184.17. Qianqian Zhang(#), Hong Bian, Elkin Vumar(*), On the Anti-Kekule and Antiforcing Number of Cata-condensed Phenylenes, MATCH-commu. Math. Compt. Chem. 2011, 65(3):799-806.
18. Hu Li(#), Elkin Vumar(*), Hong Bian, Some Wiener-Type Indices of Subdivisionrelated and F-sum graphs, 新疆大學學報(自然科學版),2011, 28(3): 312-318.
19. Marhaba Hoji(#), Zhangyang Luo, Elkin Vumar(*), Wiener and PI indices of Kronecker products of graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematic,2010,158(16): 1848-1855
20. Metrose Metsidik(#), Elkin Vumar(*), Toughness and Matching Extension in P3-Dominated Graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 2010, 26: 425-432
21. Marhaba Hoji(#),Elkin Vumar(*), Some Vertex Vulnerability Parameters of Kronecker Products of Complete Graphs, 新疆大學學報(自然科學版),2010, 27(3): 276-279.
22. Qianqian Zhang(#),Elkin Vumar(*), Neighbor-Scattering number of digraphs, 新疆大學學報(自然科學版),2010, 27(2): 179-182.
23. Xiaoling Ma(#), Elkin Vumar(*), Two sufficient conditions for hamiltonicity of P3-dominated graphs,運籌學學報, 2009,13(2): 59-67.
24. Hajo Broersma(#), Elkin Vumar(*), On hamiltonicity of P3-dominated graphs, Math. Meth. Oper. Res. 2009, 69: 297-306.
25. Raxida Guji (#), Elkin Vumar(*), A note on connectivity of Kronecker products of graphs, Appl. Math. Lett. 2009, 22(9): 1360-1363.
26. Aygul Mamut(#), Sawut Awut, Elkin Vumar(*), Circumference of 2-connected quasi-claw-free graphs, Ars Combinaria, 2009, 91:343-351.
27. Metrose Metsidik(#),Elkin Vumar(*), A note on triangle-free graphs, Graph Theory Notes of New York, 2009,16: 10-14.
28. Aygul Mamut(#), Elkin Vumar(*), Vertex vulnerability parameters of Kronecker product of complete graphs, Inf. Process. Lett. 2008, 106, 258-262.
29. Metrose Metsidik(#), Elkin Vumar(*), Edge Vulnerability parameters of bisplit graphs, Comp. Math. Appl. 2008, 56: 1741-1747.
30. Jiangyan Guo(#), Elkin Vumar(*), On the Circumference of 2-Connected P3-Dominated Graphs, Graphs and Combinatorics, 2008, 24: 443-451.
31. Aygul Mamut(#), Elkin Vumar(*), Hong Bian, Scattering number of the product of some special classes of graphs, 新疆大學學報(自然科學版),2007, 24(2): 159-165.
32. Raxida Guji (#), Elkin Vumar(*), Bicyclic graphs with maximum general Randic index, MATCH-commu. Math. Compt. Chem. 2007, 58: 683-697
33. Elkin Vumar, On the Circumference of 3-connected Quasi-Claw-Free Graphs, Graphs and Comb. 2006, 22: 271-282.
34. Heinz Adolf Jung(#), Elkin Vumar(*), Degree Bounds for the Circumference of 3-Connected Graphs, J. Graph Theory, 2005, 50: 55-78.
35. Elkin Vumar(#), Heinz Adolf Jung, Some degree bounds for the circumference of graphs, Discrete Math. 2005, 299: 311-334