



  • 中文名:舒睿
  • 畢業院校:上海交通大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:經濟與管理學





2013-2018:上海交通大學 安泰經濟與管理學院 博士
2010-2013:中南大學 商學院 碩士
2006-2010:中南大學 數學與統計學院 學士


2018 至今:上海財經大學 商學院 助理教授
2015-2016:美國馬里蘭大學 羅伯特史密斯商學院(國家公派留學項目)聯合培養博士


Hussain, I., Shu, R.*, Tangirala, S. Ekkirala, S. (In press). The voice bystander effect: How diffusion of responsibility inhibits employee voice. Academy of Management Journal. (*corresponding author)
Liang, J., Shu, R., Farh, C. (In press). Differential implications of team promotive and prohibitive voice on innovation performance in R&D project teams: A dialectic perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior
Shu, R., Ren, S., Zheng, Y. (2018). Building networks into discovery: The link between entrepreneur network capability and entrepreneurial opportunity discovery. Journal of Business Research, 85(5), 197-208.
Ren, S.,Shu, R.*, Bao, Y., & Chen, X. (2016). Linking network ties to entrepreneurial opportunity discovery and exploitation: the role of affective and cognitive trust. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12 (2), 465-485. (* corresponding author)
舒睿, 梁建. (2015). 基於自我概念的倫理領導與員工工作結果研究. 管理學報, 12(7), 1012-1020.
任勝鋼, 舒睿. (2014). 創業者網路能力與創業機會: 網路位置和網路跨度的作用機制. 南開管理評論, (1), 123-133.
Shu, R., Liang, J. (2018). How should I speak up in facilitating voice? Examining a dual-path model. Present at the 7th Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Wuhan, China
Liang, J.,Shu, R. (2017). Employee voice and team innovation: Examining the role of team Voice intensity in R&D teams. Presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA, USA
Hussain, I., Shu, R., Tangirala, S. Ekkirala, S. (2017). The voice bystander effect: How diffusion of responsibility inhibits employee voice. Presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA, USA
Shu, R., Ren, S., Zheng, Y. (2017). Building networks into discovery: The link between entrepreneur network capability and entrepreneurial opportunity discovery. Presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA, USA
Shu, R., Wang, X.. Zhao., S. (2017). Catch one and forget others: Effects of achievement value and task performance on unethical pro-organizational behavior. Presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA, USA
Liang, J., Shu, R., (2014). Unpacking the motivational process of ethical leadership: A self-concept perspective. Presented at the 5th Conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Beijing, China


第二屆“梁覺博士論文資助紀念基金”獲得者(中國管理研究國際學會IACMR) (2018)
上海交通大學校級“三好學生” (2015)


