

《腦中有情》是遠流出版的圖書,作者是約瑟夫·李竇(Joseph LeDoux)


  • 中文名:腦中有情 
  • 作者:約瑟夫·李竇(Joseph LeDoux)
  • 出版時間:2001年
  • 出版社:遠流
  • 頁數:392 頁
  • ISBN:9789573243106
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 原作品:The Emotional Brain
  • 叢書:生命科學館
  • 售價:NT$ 380
每個人都有情緒,它是生活中無法缺席的要角; 情緒是那種你知道它是什麼,卻不知該如何下定義的東西;如果我們連情緒是什麼都不知道,又怎能找出大腦對它運作之謎。科學家對情緒的看法眾說紛紜,有人認為是身體的反應,有人說是大腦對身體反應的狀態,更有人認為身體的反應對情緒來說並不那么重要....如果情緒能有個科學的解釋,會是件功德無量之事,它會讓我們了解心智是如何運作的,以及一旦生活層面的瓦解會造成的結果。不過,科學家至今仍無法解釋情緒為何物? 本書並非在探討情緒心理層面與大腦功能間的應對關係,而是研究大腦如何從一個新的觀點來了解情緒,並藉由神經系統的內部去了解這些令人困惑的心智狀態。 Joseph LeDoux is the Henry and Lucy Moses Professor of Science at NYU in the Center for Neural Science, and he directs the Emotional Brain Institute of NYU and the Nathan Kline Institute. He also a Professor of Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at NYU Langone Medical School. His work is focused on the brain mechanisms of memory and emotion and he is the author of T...(展開全部) Joseph LeDoux is the Henry and Lucy Moses Professor of Science at NYU in the Center for Neural Science, and he directs the Emotional Brain Institute of NYU and the Nathan Kline Institute. He also a Professor of Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at NYU Langone Medical School. His work is focused on the brain mechanisms of memory and emotion and he is the author of The Emotional Brain, Synaptic Self, and Anxious. LeDoux has received a number of awards, including the Karl Spencer Lashley Award from the American Philosophical Society, the Fyssen International Prize in Cognitive Science, Jean Louis Signoret Prize of the IPSEN Foundation, the Santiago Grisolia Prize, the American Psychological Association Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award, the American Psychological Association Donald O. Hebb Award, and Jean-Marie Delwart Foundation 2016 International Prize for Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms Underlying Mood. LeDoux is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the New York Academy of Sciences, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a member of the National Academy of Sciences. His book Anxious received the 2016 William James Book Award from the American Psychological Association. LeDoux is also the lead singer and


