

姓名:胡聃 性別:男

職稱:研究員 地址:北京市海淀區雙清路18號


  • 中文名:胡聃
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期:1963年
  • 職業:中國科學院生態環境研究中心研究員, 理學博士
  • 畢業院校:西北大學
  • 性別:男


姓名:胡聃 性別:男


1963年生,中國科學院生態環境研究中心研究員, 理學博士。中國生態學會城市生態專業委員會常務主任,中國可持續發展研究會生態環境專業委員會委員。曾先後出訪美國、德國、新加坡、澳大利亞、日本等許多國家進行講學和合作研究,在國內外學術刊物和會議上發表論文30餘篇。先後作為主持人、課題負責人和主要學術骨幹,完成和在研多項國家自然科學基金重點、面上項目;國家973項目課題、中國科學院知識創新工程重大與重要方向項目課題及其它國家部委、地方政府及企業的科研項目。在國內外學術刊物及學術會議發表論文90餘篇,合著研究論著7部,譯著3部。曾先後獲國家科技進步二等獎、中國科學院及省、部級科技進步二、三等獎: (1)2007年度國家科技進步二等獎; (2)2006年首規委科技進步二等獎; (3)2004年江蘇省科技進步三等獎; (4)1993年中國科學院科學技術進步二等獎。


博士:專業, 城市生態學;畢業單位:中國科學院生態環境研究中心;年份:2001
碩士:專業, 城市生態學;畢業單位:中國科學院生態環境研究中心;年份:1991
學士:專業, 植物學;畢業單位:上海復旦大學生物系;年份:1986




1) Dan Hu, Ru-Song Wang, Kam-Peng Lei, Feng Li, Zhen Wang, Ben-Nan Wang, 2009. Expanding ecological appropriation approach: Solar space method and a case study in Yangzhou city, East China. Ecological Complexity, 6 (2009): 473–483. (SCI)
2) Kampeng Lei, Dan Hu*, Zhen Wang, Ying-ying Yu and Yanhua Zhao, 2009. An analysis of ecological footprint trade and sustainable carrying capacity of the population in Macao. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 2009, 16(2): 127–136.
3) Feng Li, Xusheng Liu, Dan Hu*, et al., 2009. Measurement indicators and an evaluation approach for assessing urban sustainable development: A case study for China’s Jining City. Landscape and Urban Planning, 90 (2009): 134–142. (SCI)
4) Dan Hu, Guodong Yang,Qiong Wu, et al., 2008. Analyzing Land Use Changes in the Metropolitan Jilin City of Northeastern China Using Remote Sensing and GIS. Sensors,8(2008): 5449-5465. (SCI)
5) Dan Hu, Feng Li, Bennan Wang, et al, 2008. An effect analysis of changes in the composition of the water ecological footprint in Jiangyin City, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 15(3):211-321. (SCI)
6) Dan Hu, Shu-li Huang, et al, 2008. Relationships between rapid urban development and the appropriation of ecosystems in Jiangyin City, Eastern China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 87:180-191. (SCI)
7) Feng Li, Dan Hu*, Xusheng Liu, et al., 2008. Comprehensive urban planning and management at multiple scales based on ecological principles: a case study in Beijing, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 15 (2008) 524–533. (SCI)
8) Qiong Wu, Dan Hu*, Rusong Wang, Hongqing Li, 2006. A GIS-based moving window analysis of landscape pattern in the Beijing metropolitan area, China. The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 13:419-434. (SCI)
9) Dan Hu, Rusong Wang and Shaojun Yuan. 2004. Sustainable Urban Environmental Management in Jiangyin city, East China. China Population, Resources and environment, 1(3):50-56.
10) Dan Hu, 2003. An Integrated Analysis of Sustainable Human—Water Interactions in Wetland Ecosystems of Taihu Lake Basin, East China. Wetland Ecosystems in Asia: Function and Management. Croucher Advanced Study Institute Workshop Proceedings, 11-15 March,2003, Hongkong Baptist University,Elsevier Press.
11) Dan Hu, 2002. Eco-capital and its Services in Urbanization. In: Focus: Urbanization. IHDP Update,Newsletter of the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change,03/2002.
12) Hu, D., Xi , Z.J.and Han, Y.L.. 2002. Species Tolerance To Acidic Waste Ore Rock of Iron-mining Areas along Yangtze River, Anhui Province. In: Restoration and Management of Derelict lands—Modern Approaches. Croucher Advanced Study Institute, Singapore: The World Scientific Press. pp273-285.
13) Dan Hu,Wang Rusong,Yan Jingsong, Yuan Shaojun,2000.Water Resources,Water Environment and its Sustainable Management in Taihu Lake Basin, Japanese Institute for Global Environmental Strategies,Kitakyushu workshop.
14) Dan Hu, Rusong Wang 1998. An Integrated Approach to Evaluation on Ecological Services for Urban Green Space and its Application. J. of Environmental Science. 10(3):316-324.
15) Dan Hu, Rusong Wang, 1998. Exploring Eco-Construction towards Local Sustainability—A Eco-Village Case Study in China,Ecological Engineering,11(1-4):167-176. (SCI)
16) Dan Hu, Yang Jingsong, Wang Rusong, Xu Chen, Wang Yingbing, 1998. A Pilot Ecological Engineering for Municipal Solid Wastes Reduction, Disinfection, Regeneration and Industrialization in Guanghan city, China. Ecological Engineering, 11(1-4):129-138. (SCI)
17) Dan Hu, Rusong Wang,1997. A Chinese Approach to Ecological Design Methodology. In: Proceedings of Catalyst’97Conference on Design Eco-solution, an International Conference at the University of Canberra,Australia Dec. 5th-8th,1997.
18) Dan Hu,1995. Human Ecological Principles for Integrative Environmental Design. In: Wealth, Health and Faith—Sustainability Study in China. Eds. by Wang Rusong, Jingzhu Zhao and Ouyang Zhiyun. China Environmental Science Press.
19) Rusong Wang and Dan Hu, 1994. From Economic Prosperity to Ecological Sustainability-A Theoretical and Practical Concern of Sustainable Development in China. J. of Environmental Science, 6(4):389-400.
20) Dan Hu, 1994, A Human-ecology Approach to Environmental Design--An Intergrative Human-ecology Design Derived from Chinese Agriculture Culture Experience. J. of Environmental Science. 6(4):478-486.


