- 中文名:胡琴敏
- 畢業院校:York University
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:Data science
- 任職院校:華東師範大學計算機科學與技術學院
Dr. Qinmin Vivian Hu is an Associate Professor in theSchool of Computer Science and Software EngineeringatEast China Normal University, Shanghai, China. She received her MSc and PhD in Computer Science atYork University, Toronto, Canada, her Bachelor in Mathematics and Statistics atWuhan University, Wuhan, China.
Data science, big data search and mining, question answering, social network analysis, applied machine learning, applied artificial intelligence.
Refereed Journal Papers
1.Chen, Q.,Hu, Qinmin, Huang, X. and He, L., Time-Aware Microblog Search with Kernel DensityEstimation, in journal of ACM Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), to appear, 2018(Tier 1 journal in Data Mining and Data Engineering).
2.Chen, Q.,Hu, Qinmin, Huang, X. and He, L.,Modeling Queries with Contextual Snippets for Information Retrieval, in journal of ACM Transactions on Information System and Technology (TIST), to appear, 2018(Tier 1 journal in Intelligent Systems).
3.Song, Y.,Hu, Qinmin, and He, L.,An Intelligent Approach on Kernel Selection for Healthcare Information Retrieval,submitted to the Journal of the Associationfor Information Science and Technology (JASIST), under review, 2017(Tier 1 journal in Machine Learning and Data Mining).
4.Liu, H.,Hu, Qinmin, and He, L.,Term-based Personalization for Feature Selection in Clinical Handover Form Auto-filling, submitted to ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB), under review, 2017.
5.Hu, Qinminand Huang, X.,Enhancing Genomics Information Retrieval Through Dimensional Analysis, in journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (JBCB). 11(3), 2013. ISSN (Print): 0219-7200 and ISSN (Online): 1757-6334.
6.Hu, Qinmin, Huang, X. and Hu, X.,Modeling and Mining Term Association for Improving Biomedical Information Retrieval Performance, in journal of BMCBioinformatics, 2012, 13 (Suppl 9): S2 (11 June 2012). ISSN: 1471-2105(Tier 1 journal in Bioinformatics).
7.Hu, Qinmin, Huang, X. and Miao J.,A Robust Approach to Optimizing Multi-Source Information for Enhancing Genomics Retrieval Performance, in journal of BMC Bioinformatics, 2011, 12(Suppl 5): S6 (27 July 2011). ISSN: 1471-2105(Tier 1 journal in Bioinformatics).
8.Hu, Qinminand Huang, X.,Passage Extraction and Result Combination for Genomics Information Retrieval, in journal of Intelligent Information Systems (JIIS), Springer-Verlag Publisher. ISSN (Printed): 0925-9902 and ISSN (Online): 1573-7675. Vol.34, No.3, 2010. pp.249-274.
Refereed Conference Papers
9.Song, Y., Sun, Y.,Hu, Qinminand He, L.,An Interaction Embedded Framework for Healthcare Search, in proceedings of the 2018 22nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD’18), to appear, 2018.
10.Hu, Qinmin, Zhou, J. and He, L.,SNNN: Promoting Word Sentiment and Negation in Neural Sentiment Classification, in proceedings of the 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’18), 2018(Tier 1 conferencein Artificial Intelligence).
11.Chen, Q.,Hu, Qinmin, Huang, X. and He, L.,CA-RNN: Using Context-Aligned Recurrent Neural Networks for Modeling Sentence Similarity, in proceedings of the 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’18), 2018(Tier 1 conferencein Artificial Intelligence).
12.Wang, Y.,Hu, Qinmin, Song, Y. and He, L.,Potentiality of HealthcareBigdata: Improving Search by Automatic Query Reformulation, in proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData’17), accepted and to be appeared in December, 2017.
13.Chen, Q.,Hu, Qinmin, He, L. and Huang, X.,Enhancing Recurrent Neural Networks with Positional Attention for Question Answering, in proceedings of the 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR’17), pp 993-996, 2017(Tier 1 conferencein Information Retrieval).
14.He, Y.,Hu, Qinmin, He, L. and Song, Y.,Estimating Probability Density of Content Types for Promoting Medical Records Search, in proceedings of the 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval Research (ECIR’16), pp 252-263, 2016.
15.Hu, Qinmin, Pei, Y., Chen, Q. and He, L.,SG++: Word Representation with Sentiment and Negation for Twitter Sentiment Classification, in proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR’16), pp 997-1000, 2016(Tier 1 conferencein Information Retrieval).
16.Yang, Y.,Hu, Qinmin,He. L., Ni, M. and Wang, Z.,Adaptive Temporal Model for IPTV Recommendation, in proceedings of the 16thInternational Conference on Web-Age Information Management (WAIM’15), pp 60-271, 2015.
17.Yang, H.,Hu, Qinminand He. L.,TOWE: Learning Topic-Oriented Word Embedding for Query Classification, in proceedings of the 19th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD'15), pp 188-198, 2015.
18.Wang, Z., Yang, Y.,Hu, Qinminand He, L.,An Empirical Study of Personal Factors and Social Effects on Rating Prediction, in proceedings of the 19th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD'15), pp 747-758, 2015.
19.Hu, Qinminand Huang, X.,Bring Information Retrieval into Crowdsourcing: A Case Study, in proceedings of the 36th European Conference on Information Retrieval Research (ECIR’14), pp 631-637, 2014.
20.Chen, H.,Hu, Qinminand He, Liang,Clairvoyant: An Early Prediction System for Video Hits, in proceeding of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM’14), pp 2054-2056, 2014(Tier 1 conferencein Data Mining and Database).
21.Hu, Qinmin, He, L., Li, M., Huang, J. and Haacke, E. M.,A Semi-informative Aware Approach using Topic Model for Medical Search, in proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine (BIBM’14), pp 320-324, 2014.
22.Chen, Q., Yang, Y.,Hu, Qinminand He, L.,Locating Query-oriented Experts in Microblog Search, in proceeding of the 37th International ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR’14) Workshopon Semantic Matching in Information Retrieval, pp 16-23, 2014.
23.Hu, Qinmin, Huang, X. and Hu, X.,A Term Association Approach for Genomics Information Retrieval, in proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine (BIBM’11), pages 532-537, 2011.
24.Hu, Qinmin, Huang, X. and Miao, J.,Exploring a Multi-Source Fusion Approach for Genomics Information Retrieval, in proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine (BIBM’10), pages 669-672, 2010.
25.Hu, Qinminand Huang, X.,Genomics Information Retrieval Using a Bayesian Model for Learning and Re-ranking, in proceedings of the 1st ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, pages 426-429, 2010.
26.Huang, X., An, A. andHu, Qinmin,Medical Search and Classification Tools for Recommendation, in proceedings of the 33rd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR’10), page 707, 2010(Tier 1 conferencein Information Retrieval).
27.Hu, Qinmin, Ye, Z. and Huang, X.,Enhancing Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Machine Learning Techniques, in proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Active Media Technology, pages 383-394, 2010.
28.Hu, Qinminand Huang, X.,A Time Series Based Method for Analyzing and Predicting Personalized Medical Data, in proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Brain Informatics, pages 288-298, 2010.
29.Hu, Qinminand Huang, X.,A Bayesian Learning Approach to Promoting Diversity in Ranking for Biomedical Information Retrieval, in proceedings of the 32nd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR’09), pages 307-314, 2009(Tier 1 conferencein Information Retrieval).
30.Yin, X., Huang, X.,Hu, Qinminand Li, Z.,Boosting Biomedical Information Retrieval Performance through Citation Graph: An Empirical Study, in proceedings of the 13th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD'09), pages 949-956, 2009.
31.Huang, X., An, A.,Hu, Qinminand Tu, K.,Medical Text Analytics Tools for Search and Classification, in proceedings of the 2009 Annual International Conference on Information Technology and Communications in Health (ITCH'09), pages 19-24, 2009.
32.Hu, Qinminand Huang, X.,A Reranking Model for Genomics Aspect Search, in proceedings of the 31st Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR’08), pages 783-784, 2008(Tier 1 conferencein Information Retrieval).
33.Hu, Qinminand Huang, X.,A Dynamic Window Based Passage Extraction Algorithm for Genomic Information Retrieval, in proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS'08), pages 434-444, 2008.
Invited Papers
34.An, W., Chen, Q., Yang, Y.,Hu, Qinminand He, L.,ECNU at 2017 LiveQA Track: Learning Question Similarity with Adapted Long Short-Term Memory Networks, in proceedings of the 26th Text Retrieval Conference, NIST Special Publication, 2017(1stplace in the main task).
35.Chen, J., Chen, S., Song, Y.,Hu, Qinmin,ECNU at TREC 2017: Precision Medicine/Clinical Decision Support Track, in proceedings of the 26th Text Retrieval Conference, NIST Special Publication, 2017.
36.Chen, J., Chen, S., Song, Y., Liu, H., Wang, Y.,Hu, Qinmin, He, L. and Yang Y.,ECNU at 2017 eHealth Task 2, CLEF (Working Notes) 2017.
37.An, W., Yang, Y., Hu, Qinmin and He, L.,ECNU at 2016 LiveQA Track: A Parameter Sharing Long Short Term Memory Model for Learning Question Similarity, in proceedings of the 2tth Text Retrieval Conference, NIST Special Publication, 2016.
38.Liu, H., Song,Y.,He, Y., Wang,Y.,Hu,Qinmin, He, L.,ECNU at TREC 2016: Web-based query expansion and experts diagnosis in Medical Information Retrieval,in proceedings of the 25th Text Retrieval Conference, NIST Special Publication, 2016.
39.Song, Y., He, Y., Liu, H., Wang, Y.,Hu, Qinminand He, L.,ECNU at 2016 eHealth Task 1: Handover Information Extraction, CLEF (Working Notes) 2016: 147-156, 2016.
40.Song, Y., He, Y., Liu, H., Wang, Y.,Hu, Qinminand He, L.,ECNU at 2016 eHealth Task 3: Patient-centered Information Retrieval, CLEF (Working Notes) 2016: 157-161, 2016(1stplace).
41.Hu, Qinmin, He, L., Song Y and He, Y.,ECNU at 2015 CDS Track: Two Re-ranking Methods in Medical Information Retrieval, in proceedings of the 24th Text Retrieval Conference, NIST Special Publication, 2015(1stplace in task B).
42.Song, Y., He, Y.,Hu, Qinmin, He, L. and Haacke, E. M.,ECNU at 2015 eHealth Task 2: User-centred Health Information Retrieval, CLEF (Working Notes) 2015.
43.Chen, Q., Wang, B., Huang, B.,Hu, Qinminand He, L.,ECNU at TREC 2015: Microblog Track, in proceedings of the 24th Text Retrieval Conference, NIST Special Publication, 2015.
44.Zhang, W., An, W., Ma, J., Yang, Y.,Hu, Qinminand He, Y.,ECNU at TREC 2015: LiveQA Track, in proceedings of the 24th Text Retrieval Conference, NIST Special Publication, 2015.
45.Li, M.,Hu, Qinmin, Song, Y. and He, Y.,ECNU at TREC 2015: Clinical Decision Support Track, in proceedings of the 23rd Text Retrieval Conference, NIST Special Publication, 2014.
46.Du, Z.,Hu, Qinminand Yang, Y.,ECNU at TREC 2015: Session Track, in proceedings of the 23rd Text Retrieval Conference, NIST Special Publication, 2014.
47.Wu, Z.,Hu, Qinminand Yang, Y.,ECNU at TREC 2015: the Knowledge Based Acceleration Track, in proceedings of the 23rd Text Retrieval Conference, NIST Special Publication, 2014.
48.Chen, Q.,Hu, Qinmin, Pei, Y. and Yang, Y.,ECNU at TREC 2015: the Microblog Track, in proceedings of the 23rd Text Retrieval Conference, NIST Special Publication, 2014.
49.Hu, Qinmin, Xu, Z. and Huang, X.,York University at TREC 2012: CrowdSourcing Track, in proceedings of the 21st Text Retrieval Conference, NIST Special Publication, 2012(3rdplace).
50.Miao, J., Huang, X. andHu, Qinmin,York University at TRECVID 2010, in proceedings of the 19th Text Retrieval Conference, NIST Special Publication, 2010.
51.Ye, Z., Huang, X.,Hu, QinminandLin,H.,An Integrated Approach for Medical Image Retrieval through Combining Textual and Visual Features, in proceedings of Multilingual Information Access Evaluation II. Multimedia Experiments - 10th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2009, pages 195-202,2009.