- 中文名:胡建強
- 職業:學院教授
- 研究方向:離散事件系統
- 榮譽稱號:金優秀研究生導師獎
1. | Zhu, Chenbo, J.Q. Hu, Fengchun Wang, Yifan Xu, and Rongzeng Cao. 2012. On the tour planning problem. Annals of Operations Research 192(1) 67-86. |
2. | Min Chen, Jianqiang Hu, Michael C. Fu. 2010. Perturbation Analysis of a Dynamic Priority Call Center. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 55(5) 1191-1196. |
3. | Michael C. Fu, L.Jeff Hong, Jianqiang Hu. 2009. Conditional Monte Carlo Estimation of Quantile Sensitivities. Management Science Vol.55(12) 2019-2027. |
4. | Jianqiang Hu, Pirooz Vakili, Chenming Zhao. 2009. Revenue Maximisation in Networks with Capacity Constraints. International Journal of Revenue Management Vol.3(4) 371-392. |
5. | Fu, M.C., Hu, J.Q., Chen, C.H. and Xiong, X.P.. 2007. Simulation Allocation for Determining the Best Design in the Presence of Correlated Sampling. INFORMS Journal on Computing Vol.19(1) 101-111. |
6. | Hu, J.Q., Vakili, P., and Huang, L.. 2004. Capacity and Production Management in a Single Product Manufacturing Systems. Annals of Operation Research Vol.125 191-204. |
7. | Hu, J.Q.. 2003. Diverse Routing In Optical Mesh Networks. IEEE Transactions on Communications Vol.51(3) 489-494. |
8. | Hu, J.Q.. 2002. Traffic Grooming in Wavelength-division-multiplexing Ring Networks:a Linear Programming Solution. Journal of Optical Networking Vol.1(11) 397-408. |
9. | Hu, J.Q.. 2002. Optimal Traffic Grooming for Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing Rings with All-to-All Uniform Traffic. Journal of Optical Networking Vol.1(1) 32-42. |
10. | Girish, M. k., and Hu, J.Q.. 2001. Approximations for the Departure Process of the G/G/1 Queue with Markov-modulated Arrivals. European Journal of Operational Research Vol.134(3) 540-556. |
11. | Girish, M., and Hu, J.Q.. 2000. Higher Order Approximations for the Single Server Queue with Splitting, Merging, and Feedback. European Journal of Operational Research Vol.124(2) 447-467. |
12. | Girish, M., Hu, J.Q.. 1997. An Interpolation Approximation for the GI/G/1 Queue Based on MultiPoint Pade Approximation. Queueing Systems:Theory and Applications Vol.26 269-284. |
13. | Hu, J.Q.. 1996. The Departure Process of the GI/G/1 Queue and Its MacLaurin Series. Operations Research Vol.44(5) 810-815. |
14. | Girish, M., Hu, J.Q.. 1996. Higher Order Approximations for Tandem Queueing Networks. Queueing Systems:Theory and Applications Vol.22 249-276. |
15. | L. Huang, J.Q. Hu, P. Vakili. 1996. Optimal Control of a Failure Prone Manufacturing System with the Possibility of Temporary Increase in Production Capacity. Recent Advances in Control and Optimization of Manufacturing Systems Vol.214 31-60. |
16. | Hu, J.Q., Xiang, D.. 1995. Monotonicity of Optimal Flow Control for Failure Prone Production Systems. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Vol.86(1) 57-71. |
17. | Hu, J.Q., Xiang, D.. 1995. Optimal Control for Systems with Deterministic Production Cycles. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Vol.40(4) 782-786. |
18. | Hu, J.Q.. 1995. Production Rate Control for Failure-Prone Production Systems with No Backlog Permitted. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Vol.40(2) 291-295. |
19. | Liberopoulos, G., Hu, J.Q.. 1995. On the Ordering of Optimal Hedging Points in a Class of Manufacturing Flow Control Models. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Vol.40(2) 282-286. |
20. | Hu, J.Q.. 1995. Analyticity of Single–Server Queues in Light Traffic. Queueing Systems Vol.19(1-2) 63-80. |
21. | Hu, J.Q., Vakili, P., Yu, G.X.. 1994. Optimality of Hedging Point Policies in the Production Control of Failure Prone Manufacturing Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Vol.39(9) 1875-1880. |
22. | Hu, J.Q., Xiang, D.. 1994. Structural Properties of Optimal Production Controllers in Failure-Prone Manufacturing Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Vol.39(3) 640-642. |
23. | Fu, M.C. ,Hu, J.Q.. 1994. (s, S) Inventory Systems with Random Lead Times: Harris Recurrence and Its Implications in Sensitivity Analysis. Probability in the Engineering and Information Sciences Vol.8(3) 355-376. |
24. | Fu, M.C., Hu, J.Q.. 1994. Smoothed Perturbation Analysis Derivative Estimation for Markov Chains. Operations Research Letters Vol.15(5) 241-251. |
25. | Hu, J.Q., Nananuku, S., Gong, W.B.. 1993. A New Approach to (s,S) Inventory Systems. Journal of Applied Probability Vol.30(4) 898-912. |
26. | Hu, J.Q., M. Zazanis. 1993. A Sample Path Analysis of M/GI/1 Queues with Workload Restrictions. Queueing Systems Vol.14(1-2) 203-213. |
27. | Hu, J.Q., Xiang, D.. 1993. The Queueing Equivalence to a Manufacturing System with Failures. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control Vol.38(3) 499-502. |
28. | Gong, W.B., Hu, J.Q.. 1992. The MacLaurin Series for the GI/G/1 Queue. Journal of Applied Probability Vol.29 176-184. |
29. | Ho, Y.C., Hu, J.Q.. 1990. An Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis Algorithm for a Multiclass G/G/1 Queue. Operations Research Letters Vol.9(1) 35-44. |