姓 名 | 胡亞虎 |
性 別 | 男 |
最高學歷 | 研究生 |
最高學位 | 博士 |
職 稱 | 講師 |
所在部門 | 環境科學研究所 |
研究方向 | 污染土壤的植物修復 |
2010.9–2013.6 蘭州大學資源環境學院,環境科學工學博士
2007.9–2010.6 中國科學院瀋陽套用生態研究所,生態學理學碩士
2003.9–2007.6 西北師範大學地理與環境科學學院,環境科學理學學士
2013.12–至今 蘭州大學資源環境學院,講師
1 Yahu Hu, Zhongren Nan, Jieqiong Su, Ning Wang. Heavy metal accumulation by poplar in calcareous soil with various degrees of multi-metal contamination: implications for phytoextraction and phytostabilization. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013, 20: 7194–7203.
2 Yahu Hu, Zhongren Nan, Cheng Jin, Ning Wang, Huanzhang Luo. Phytoextraction potential of poplar (Populus alba L. var. pyramidalis Bunge) from calcareous agricultural soils contaminated by cadmium. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2014, 16: 482–495.
3 Yahu Hu, Zhongren Nan, Jieqiong Su, Shengli Wang. Chelant-assisted uptake and accumulation of Cd by poplar from calcareous arable soils around Baiyin non-ferrous metal smelters, northern China. Arid Land Research and Management, 2014, 28: 340–354.
4 Shuhe Wei, Yahu Hu, Mrittunjai Srivastava, Qixing Zhou, Rongcheng Niu, Yunmeng Li, Zhijie Wu, Tieheng Sun. Seed germination of a newly discovered hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum L. affected by illumination and seed-soaking reagent. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 170(2–3): 1256–1259.
5 Chuanjie Yang, Qixing Zhou, Shuhe Wei, Yahu Hu, Yanyu Bao. Chemical-assisted phytoremediation of Cd-PAHs contaminated soils using Solanum nigrum L. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2011, 13(8): 818–833.
6 Shuhe Wei, Qixing Zhou, Hong Xiao, Chuanjie Yang, Yahu Hu, Liping Ren. Hyperaccumulative property comparison of 24 weed species to heavy metals using a pot culture experiment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2009, 152(1–4): 299–307.
7 Shuhe Wei, Qixing Zhou, Uttam Kumar Saha, Hong Xiao, Yahu Hu, Liping Ren, Gu Ping. Identification of a Cd accumulator Conyza Canadensis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 163(1): 32–35.
8 ShuheWei, Rongcheng Niu, Mrittunjai Srivastava, Qixing Zhou, ZhijieWu, Tieheng Sun, Yahu Hu, Yunmeng Li. Bidens tripartite L.: A Cd-accumulator confirmed by pot culture and site sampling experiment. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 170: 1269–1272.
9胡亞虎,魏樹和,周啟星,詹傑,馬麗輝,牛榮成,李雲萌,王珊珊.螯合劑在重金屬污染土壤植物修復中的套用研究進展.農業環境科學學報, 2010, 29(11): 2055–2063.
10金誠,南忠仁,胡亞虎,雒煥章,王寧.螯合劑強化下新疆楊對乾旱區Pb污染農田土壤的修復.農業環境科學學報, 2012, 31(12): 2345–2349.
11雒煥章,南忠仁,胡亞虎,金誠,王寧.不同螯合劑處理下楊樹對土壤中Cd的吸收和富集效應.中國環境科學, 2013, 33(3): 461–465.
12楊傳傑,魏樹和,周啟星,胡亞虎,牛榮成.光照和不同藥劑浸種對龍葵種子發芽率的影響.套用生態學報, 2009, 20(5): 1248–1252.
13顏斌,南忠仁,趙轉軍,胡亞虎,王兆煒,楊一鳴.乾旱區綠洲土壤Cd-Zn與Cd-Zn-Pb複合污染對芹菜生長吸收特徵影響的比較.蘭州大學學報(自然科學版), 2013, 49(3): 327–331.
14王兵,周琴,南忠仁,王勝利,胡亞虎.乾旱區綠洲受污染土壤中Cd和Pb在油菜中的累積與遷移.西北農業學報, 2011, 20(3): 62–66, 80.