肖志東,湖南衡陽人。理學博士,副教授,碩士研究生導師,中國化學學會會員。Nanotechnology, Advanced Functional Materials, Small, Materials Letter等學術期刊的稿件審稿人(Manuscript Reviewer)。
- 中文名:肖志東
- 外文名:Zhidong Xiao
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:湖南衡陽
- 職業:大學教師、人力資源管理
- 畢業院校:中國科學院固體物理研究所
- 所在院系: 華中農業大學化學系
Professional Education:
主要開展複雜納米結構材料的化學可控合成和材料體系的物化性能研究。重點針對多孔性功能材料的可控制備以及該類材料體系在生物醫藥(微納米載藥膠囊、疫苗佐劑、納米抗菌劑)領域的套用基礎研究。研究方向包括:發展複雜納米結構的可控合成技術,探討功能性納米材料結構形貌演化規律,揭示相關納米材料的生長機制,研究相關產物的物性及潛在套用(新型納米佐劑、納米載藥膠囊、高效納米抗菌劑開發套用)。We synthesize nanomaterials and study their fundamental chemistry, photochemistry, electrochemistry, optical, and biomaterials properties. Our emphasis is on the development of biocompatible materials from natural and synthetic polymers, porous nanostructures. Research topics include drug delivery materials, next generation adjuvant for vaccine delivery,in-vivo imaging with luminescent or magnetic nanoparticles, batteries, and chemical or biochemical sensors.
肖博士實驗室在納米材料與結構的合成方法學及相關物化特性研究、納米生物分析方法學領域持續探索,實驗研究結果在國際知名學術刊物上發表SCI論文20餘篇,其中指導碩士研究生在英國皇家化學會《分析方法》(Analytical Methods)上發表正封面論文(Front Cover image paper)。
Publications 學術論文
1. Yuan, C; Deng, Y.; Li, X.; Li, C.; Xiao, Z*.; Liu, Z., Synthesis of Monodisperse Plasmonic Magnetic Microbeads and Their Application in Ultrasensitive Detection of Biomolecules. Analytical Chemistry 2018, 90, 8178-8187.(IF: 6.042)
2. Song, L.; Zhang, L.; Huang, Y.; Chen, L.; Zhang, G.; Shen, Z.; Zhang, J.; Xiao, Z*.; Chen, T., Amplifying the signal of localized surface plasmon resonance sensing for the sensitive detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7. Scientific Reports 2017, 7. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-03495-1. (IF: 4.122)
3. Chen, L.; Song, L.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, P.; Xiao, Z.*; Guo, Y.; Cao, F., Nitrogen and Sulfur Codoped Reduced Graphene Oxide as a General Platform for Rapid and Sensitive Fluorescent Detection of Biological Species. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8 (18), 11255-11261. (IF: 8.097)
4. Hu, Y.; Huang, S.; Zheng, X.; Cao, F.; Yu, T.; Zhang, G.; Xiao, Z.; Liang, J.; Zhang, Y., Synthesis of core-shell structured Ag3PO4@benzoxazine soft gel nanocomposites and their photocatalytic performance. Rsc Advances 2016, 6 (67), 62244-62251. (IF: 2.936)
5. Huang, S.; Song, L.; Xiao, Z*.; Hu, Y.; Peng, M.; Li, J.; Zheng, X.; Wu, B.; Yuan, C., Graphene quantum dot-decorated mesoporous silica nanoparticles for high aspirin loading capacity and its pH-triggered release. Analytical Methods 2016, 8 (12), 2561-2567.(Front Cover Image Paper)(IF :2.073)
6. Zhang, G.; Lu, W.; Cao, F.; Xiao, Z.; Zheng, X., N-doped graphene coupled with Co nanoparticles as an efficient electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction in alkaline media. Journal of Power Sources 2016, 302, 114-125.(IF: 6.945)
7. Li, Y.; Wen, S.; Chen, Z.; Xiao, Z.; Ma, M., Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for simultaneous analysis of aflatoxins B1, G1, B2, G2, zearalenone and its metabolites in eggs using a QuEChERS-based extraction procedure. Analytical Methods 2015, 7 (10), 4145-4151. (IF :2.073)
8. Peng, M.; Xiao, P.; Huang, Y.; Cai, M.; Hou, Y.; Chen, J.; Liu, Z.; Xiao, Z*.; Chen, T., A direct microcontact printing induced supramolecular interaction for creating shape-tunable patterned polymeric surfaces. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2015, 3 (33), 8659-8664.(IF: 5.976)
9. Wu, Y.; Wang, H.; Cao, M.; Zhang, Y.; Cao, F.; Zheng, X.; Hu, J.; Dong, J.; Xiao, Z., Animal Bone Supported SnO2 as Recyclable Photocatalyst for Degradation of Rhodamine B Dye. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2015, 15 (9), 6495-6502. (IF: 1.354)
10. Huang, X.; Guan, J.; Xiao, Z.; Tong, G.; Mou, F.; Fan, X. a., Flower-like porous hematite nanoarchitectures achieved by complexation-mediated oxidation-hydrolysis reaction. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2011, 357 (1), 36-45.(IF: 5.091)
11. Mou, F.; Guan, J.; Xiao, Z.; Sun, Z.; Shi, W.; Fan, X.-a., Solvent-mediated synthesis of magnetic Fe2O3 chestnut-like amorphous-core/gamma-phase-shell hierarchical nanostructures with strong As(V) removal capability. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2011, 21 (14), 5414-5421.(IF: 9.931)
12. Zhang, Q.; Xiao, Z.; Feng, X.; Tan, W.; Qiu, G.; Liu, F., alpha-MnO2 nanowires transformed from precursor delta-MnO2 by refluxing under ambient pressure: The key role of pH and growth mechanism. Materials Chemistry and Physics 2011, 125 (3), 678-685.(IF: 2.210)
13. Liu, Y.; Guan, J.; Xiao, Z.; Sun, Z.; Ma, H., Chromium doped barium titanyl oxalate nano-sandwich particles: A facile synthesis and structure enhanced electrorheological properties. Materials Chemistry and Physics 2010, 122 (1), 73-78.(IF:2.210)
14. Tong, G.; Guan, J.; Xiao, Z.; Huang, X.; Guan, Y., In situ generated gas bubble-assisted modulation of the morphologies, photocatalytic, and magnetic properties of ferric oxide nanostructures synthesized by thermal decomposition of iron nitrate. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2010, 12 (8), 3025-3037.(IF: 2.127)
15. Xie, J.; Zheng, X.; Dong, A.; Xiao, Z.; Zhang, J., Biont shell catalyst for biodiesel production. Green Chemistry 2009, 11 (3), 355-364.(IF: 8.586)
16. Fang, M.; Wang, H.; Tan, X.; Cheng, B.; Zhang, L.; Xiao, Z., One-dimensional hollow SrS nanostructure with red long-lasting phosphorescence. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2008, 457 (1-2), 413-416.(IF: 3.779)
17. Tong, G.; Guan, J.; Xiao, Z.; Mou, F.; Wang, W.; Yan, G., In situ generated H-2 bubble-engaged assembly: A one-step approach for shape-controlled growth of Fe nanostructures. Chemistry of Materials 2008, 20 (10), 3535-3539.(IF: 9.890)
18. Xiao, Z.; Zhang, L.; Wang, Z.; Lu, Q.; Tian, X.; Zeng, H., Low-temperature synthesis and structural characterization of single-crystalline tungsten oxide nanorods. Materials Letters 2007, 61 (8-9), 1718-1721.(IF: 2.687)
19. Tian, X.; Fei, J.; Pi, Z.; Yang, C.; Xiao, Z.; Zhang, L., Large-scale synthesis of a novel tri(8-hydroxyquioline) aluminum nanostructure. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2006, 6 (8), 2580-2583. (IF: 1.345)
20. Xiao, Z.*; Zhang, L.; Meng, G.; Tian, X.; Zeng, H.; Fang, M., High-density, aligned SiO2 nanowire arrays: Microscopic imaging of the unique growth style and their ultraviolet light emission properties. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2006, 110 (32), 15724-15728.(IF: 3.146)
21. Fang, X.; Ye, C.; Zhang, L.; Li, Y.; Xiao, Z., Formation and optical properties of thin and wide tin-doped ZnO nanobelts. Chemistry Letters 2005, 34 (3), 436-437.(IF: 1.625)
22. Wang, Z.; Zhang, L.; Ye, C.; Fang, X.; Xiao, Z.; Kong, M., Single-crystal CdSe nanowires prepared via vapor-phase growth assisted with silicon. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2005, 5 (12), 2088-2092. (IF: 1.354)
23. Xiao, Z.*; Zhang, L.; Tian, X.; Fang, X., Fabrication and structural characterization of porous tungsten oxide nanowires. Nanotechnology 2005, 16 (11), 2647-2650. (Highlighted by Small, 2005, 1, 1145) (IF: 3.404)
低維複雜納米結構材料的化學可控合成探索和材料體系的物化性能研究。研究方向主要為多孔性功能材料的製備及其在環境、能源、生物醫藥領域的套用基礎研究。探索複雜納米結構的可控合成、發展相應的製備技術、探討功能性納米材料結構形貌演化規律所涉及的物理化學規律,揭示相關無機 有機納米材料的生長機制,並且研究相關產物的物性及潛在套用。
(1)採用膠體粒子反覆充填結合氧化鋁模板技術,成功的製備了形貌獨特的多孔氧化物半導體氧化鎢納米線陣列,實現了對納米孔洞大小以及在納米線的長度方向上分布的初步控制,並且對其微觀結構作了研究.該研究結果在國際知名的核心期刊Nanotechnology發表後引起國際關注。著名的Wiley-VCH屬下的Small雜誌立即報導了和評述了我們的這一工作。同時,在短短的一個半月里,該論文被國際同行下載超過250次,英國物理學會的Nanotechnology編輯部來信告知該文被列為當季TOP 10% 研究論文。該論文也被劍橋科學文摘(CSA)的空間科學和高科技資料庫(Aerospace & High Technology Database)收錄;國際著名的科學家C. N. R. Rao等人在J. Mater. Chem等刊物上引用了該文。
(2) 擴展一種能夠確保局部平衡和穩態氣氛的氣相沉積方法,研究了通過控制錫催化劑合金液滴小球的布陣來實現獲得大面積、無束縛的氧化矽納米線陣列。更為有趣的是,通過一個時間序列的試驗且結合場發射掃描電鏡(FE-SEM)觀測,捕捉到了陣列中氧化矽納米線奇特的氣-液-固(VLS)生長方式。該結果發表在美國化學學會的物理化學雜誌B J.Phys.Chem.B。審稿人認為這一研究成果將有益於更好的理解氧化矽納米線陣列的形成機制,拓展了對氣-液-固(VLS)生長機制引導的奇異的生長現象的認識,同時也將有助於可控合成具有特定形貌、取向的納米結構。
(3) 採用化學氣相沉積CVD兩步反應手段成功的製備了半導體氧化物SnO2納米結構。實現了從納米線,納米帶,到納米同質等級結構等多種形貌產物的可控生長研究。並且對其生長機製作了分析。研究了其Raman譜學特徵和光致發光特性以及發光機制。
(4)採用價格低廉硫酸鈉作為無機結構導向劑(Structure-directing agents), 通過水熱方法在較低的溫度下成功的合成了形貌獨特的單晶體心立方相的氧化鎢納米棒。研究發現,無機結構導向劑對氧化鎢一維產物的形貌演化起了關鍵的作用。相關結果發表在Mater.Lett.(材料通訊)。
(5) 研究了以上一些半導體納米結構的光學性質,發現了相關的量子尺寸效應。