

《製冷與空調專業英語(製冷和空調設備運用與維修專業)》是根據高職高專製冷與空調專業專業英語教學方案的基本事求編寫的。全書共設製冷基礎、壓縮系統與壓縮機、自動控制與套用、家用冰櫃與商業系統、空調系統5個單元,總計18篇課文。本教材著重介紹設備與系統、操作、安裝及維護中出現的專業惜語、術語、縮略語、簡稱和專業名稱,以及上述專業用語的含義。本教材中選用了較多的設備外型和內部結構插曲,便於學生建立較直觀的概念。 本教材注重英語語言教學、專業內容教學兩方面。教材中出現的英語語法現象及辭彙與學生的英語基礎相銜接,並針對課文中出現的常見句型、短語,論述其理解、翻譯與處理方法。專業內容則根據專業特徵,較完整地論述了專業教學中的主要的、實用方面的內容。此外,從深化專業教學內容、擴大知識面的目的出發,教材中編人了英美國家最新的專業標準與現行規範、操作規程,使學生在畢業或培訓後可較快地應對實際工作中的問題。 本教材適用於高職高專院校、中等職業學校製冷與空調專業學生使用,同時可供本專業的各類公司培訓使用,對本專業的工程技術人員也有較大的參考價值。


  • 書名:製冷與空調專業英語
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 頁數:193頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:高等教育出版社
  • 作者:壽明道
  • 出版日期:2005年6月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:7040162989




Unit t Fundamentals of Refrigercrtion.
Text 1: History of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Supplementary Reading: Refrigeration
Text 2: Heat and Temperature
Supplementary Reading (1): Heat Transfer
Supplementary Reading (2): Sensible Heat, Latent Heat and Specific Heat
Text 3: Pressure
Supplementary Reading: Pressure and Temperature Relationship

Unit 2 CompressJon System and Compressors
Text 4: The Refrigeration Process
Supplementary Reading: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Text 5: Refrigerants
Supplementary Reading: Refrigeration Oil
Text 6: The Compressors
Supplementary Reading: Refrigerator's Lubrication
Text 7: The Evaporator and Condenser
Supplementary Reading: Cooling Towers and Pumps
Text 8: The Refrigerant Metering Device
Supplementary Reading: Refrigeration Accessories

Unit 3 Automatic Control Components and Applications
Text 9 : The Fundamentals of Electrical Circuit
Supplementary Reading: Motor Start Relay
Text 10 : Semiconductors
Supplementary Reading: Printed Circuit Boards and Integrated Circuits
Text 11 : Introduction to Automatic Controls
Supplementary Reading: Temperature Control Principle
Text 12 : Electric Circuit——Complete Wiring Diagram
Supplementary Reading: Troubleshooting Basic Controls

Unit 4 Domestic Refrigerators- Freezers and Commercial Systems
Text 13 : Domestic Refrigerators
Supplementary Reading: Domestic Freezers
Text 14 : Commercial Refrigeration Systems
Supplementary Reading: Walk-in Refrigerators
Text 15 : Truck Refrigeration Systems
Supplementary Reading : Quick Freezing Methods

Unit 5 Air Conditioning System
Text 16 : Air Conditioning
Supplementary Reading: Atmosphere Cooling
Text 17 : Window Units
Supplementary Reading: Heat Pumps
Text 18 : Central Air Conditioning Systems
Supplementary Reading: Chilled Water Systems



Heat and Temperature
The laws of thermodynamics can help us to understand what heat is all about. One ofthese laws states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can he converted fromone form to another. This means that most of the heat the world experiences is not being con-tinuously created but is being converted from other forms of energy like fossil fuels (gas andoil). This heat can also be accounted for when it is transferred from one substance to another.
The term used to describe the quantity of heat or heatcontent is known as the British thermal unit (Btu). Thisterm explains how much heat is contained in a substance.The Btu is defined as the amount of heat required to raisethe temperature of 1 lb of water 1 F. For example, When 1lb of water is heated from 68~F to 69~F, 1 Btu of heat energyis absorbed into the water.
In the metric or SI system of measurement, the termjoule (J) is used to express the quantity of heat. Because aioule is very small, metric units of heat in this industry areusually expressed in kilojoules (kJ) or 1 000 joules. One Btuequals 1. 055 kJ.
Temperature can be thought of as a description of the level of heat. Temperature also is referred to as heat intensity. Both heat level and heat intensity should never be confused with theamount of heat, or heat content. Heat can he thought of as energy in the form of molecules inmotion. The starting point of temperature is, therefore, the starting point of molecular mo-tion.




