



  • 中文名:職場英語泛讀教程
  • 作者:嚴姣蘭
  • 出版時間:2015年09月28日
  • 出版社: 北京大學出版社 
  • ISBN:978-7-301-26224-5
  • 定價:28 元
  • 開本:16 開




Unit One T
ext A: How to Change Your Culture: Organizational Culture Change
Text B: What Is So Bad About Global Capitalism?
Unit Two
Text A: At Your Door in Minutes, Delivered by Robot
Text B: Uber's Business Model Could Change Your Work
Unit Three
Text A: How to Green Your Eating Habits
Text B: Don't Get Caught Up in the Air Pollution Hype
Unit Four
Text A: Software by Microsoft Is Nearly Free for the Needy
Text B: You're Paying Too Much for Wireless
Unit Five
Text A: Biotech Battle: Are Genetically Engineered Fish Safe?
Text B: History of Food Safety in the U.S.
Unit Six
Text A: All-time UK High in Female Boardroom Members, But No Time for Complacency
Text B: Tesco Class Action Lawsuit Is a Rather Unclassy Affair
Unit Seven
Text A: Ready for the Robot Revolution?
Text B: The Moral Hazards and Legal Issues of Our Robot-Filled Future
Unit Eight
Text A: A Shale Gas Revolution?
Text B: Graphene Supercapacitors - What Are They?
Unit Nine
Text A Iphone User Guide---Getting Started
Text B: Public Signs
Unit Ten
Text A: WeChat: The Chinese Chat App Stealing Weibo's Thunder
Text B: How to Protect Your Privacy on Public WiFi Networks


