



  • 中文名:職場綜合英語教程(基礎篇)(第2版)
  • 作者:王文婷
  • 出版社:北京大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787301285640




Unit 1 Campus Life ……………………………………………………………………… 1
PartⅠ Phonetics / 2
PartⅡ Listening and Speaking / 4
PartⅢ Reading / 8
Text A College Life / 8
Text B How to Save Money in University / 12
Part Ⅳ Grammar Review 語法結構的層次 / 16
Part Ⅴ Applied Writing: Business Card (名片) / 18
Part Ⅵ Cultural Express: Habits of High Effective Students / 22
Unit 2 Pop Music ……………………………………………………………………… 26
PartⅠ Phonetics / 27
PartⅡ Listening and Speaking / 29
PartⅢ Reading / 32
Text A Mozart / 32
Text B How Adele Conquered the World / 36
Part Ⅳ Grammar Review 句子結構 / 40
Part Ⅴ Applied Writing: Greeting Cards (賀卡) / 42
Part Ⅵ Cultural Express: Bruno Mars:Just the Way You Are / 45
Unit 3 Sports …………………………………………………………………………… 48
PartⅠ Phonetics / 49
PartⅡ Listening and Speaking / 51
PartⅢ Reading / 54
Text A Going to the Super Bowl / 54
Text B Why Olympians Must Seize the Moment / 59
Part Ⅳ Grammar Review 名詞和代詞 / 63
Part Ⅴ Applied Writing: Lost and Found (尋物啟事與失物招領) / 68
Part Ⅵ Cultural Express: Ding Junhui, the Easy-going Snooker Superstar / 70
Unit 4 Food Culture ………………………………………………………………… 75
PartⅠ Phonetics / 76
PartⅡ Listening and Speaking / 78
PartⅢ Reading / 82
Text A Menus / 82
Text B Our Heritage / 85
Part Ⅳ Grammar Review 形容詞和副詞 / 90
Part Ⅴ Applied Writing: Notes (便條) / 93
Part Ⅵ Cultural Express: Pizza Hut / 95
Unit 5 Movie …………………………………………………………………………… 98
PartⅠ Phonetics / 99
PartⅡ Listening and Speaking / 101
PartⅢ Reading / 105
Text A Wizard Series Ends / 105
Text B I’d
Like to Thank My Mother... / 109
Part Ⅳ Grammar Review 動詞I: 動詞的種類 / 113
Part Ⅴ Applied Writing: Memo (備忘錄) / 114
Part Ⅵ Cultural Express: American“Panda”Movie Stirs Controversy / 117
Unit 6 Mother and Child……………………………………………………………… 120
PartⅠ Phonetics / 121
PartⅡ Listening and Speaking / 123
PartⅢ Reading / 127
Text A A True Gift of Love / 127
Text B The Meanest Mother / 131
Part Ⅳ Grammar Review 動詞II: 動詞的時態和語態 / 134
Part Ⅴ Applied Writing: Letters (書信) / 140
Part Ⅵ Cultural Express: Mystery of the White Gardenia /144


