



  • 中文名:聚焦中國之科學發展:和諧家園
  • 外文名:Volume Ethnic Affairs : Harmonious Homeland
  • 作者:武翠英 馬繼祖
  • 出版日期:2012年9月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787566002655
  • 出版社:中央民族大學出版社
  • 頁數:113 頁
  • 開本:16 開




Part 1 Revitalizing Border Areas and Enriching the People/1
Solid base for development
Improve people's wellbeing
Sustainable development
Part 2 Supporting Development of Minorities With Less Population/9
Faster economic development
More confident in development
Cultures are protected
New supporting plan
Part 3 Poverty Relief in Wuling Mountain Area as a Pilot of Regional Development and
Poverty Relief of Vast Poverty-Stricken Areas/17
A weak point
Pilot experiments
Expectations of a better life
Part 4 Choices Other Than "Go to the Southeast"/25
Leaving home
Feel like home
More choices available
Part 5 Regional Autonomy of Minority Nationalities: A "China Model" on Ethnic Issues/33
Establishment and development of the policy
Be their own masters
Stimulating development vigor
Ensuring equality and harmony
Part 6 Unity of All Ethnic Groups: Power to Facilitate Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation/43
Anipa: A Uygur mother adopting 10 orphans of four ethnic groups
Alimu: Supporting the future of 100 poor children with 300,000 mutton cubes
Part 7 Theatrical Festivals and Traditional Sports Games of Ethnic Minorities:Grand Gatherings of Nationalities, Grand Gatherings of Unity/51
Gathering treasures of ethnic art
Passing on ethnic spirit of sports
Part 8 Unprecedentedly Flourishing Press, Publication, Films and TV Plays in Languages of Ethnic Minorities/59
Press and publication
Ethnic minorities in films and TV plays
Part 9 Protecting Intangible Cultural Heritage and Preserving Intellectual DNA of Ethnic Minorities/67
Thang-ga of Tibet
Ethnic songs and dances on the world stage
Ancient handicraft is protected and developed
Part 10 Pass on Precious Ancient Books of Ethnic Minorities/75
Become national treasury
Wakening up ancient books
Strengthened efforts
Part 11 "Special Policies" to Promote Education in Ethnic Minority Areas/83
Part 12 Nurture Bilingual Talents to Accelerate Modernization Process of Ethnic Minority Areas/91
Part 13 Send Health and Tranquility to Ethnic Minority Areas/99
Part 14 Various Measures Adopted to Protect Environment of Ethnic Minority Areas/107


