



  • 軟體名稱:翻身試驗
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:9.24MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
完全嶄新的拼圖遊戲! 又來了一個完全嶄新的拼圖遊戲的西江,著名的1 to50這下載超過500萬。 什麼是“腐腐病——“腐腐”是創建基於思想的“帶鎩羽而歸。 腐腐”是一個遊戲做一個多邊形只有兩種類型的朱古力塊。 吸收210階段與目標得分,比賽時間,隱藏的朱古力塊。 朱古力塊! 是的,我們的目標是情人節。你可以給這個遊戲你的情人作為禮物在情人節。 它的甜,軟如朱古力。 是很難 沒門!這將是最簡單的遊戲你玩為止。 只是利用旋轉(順時針)朱古力塊。 如果你讓一個多邊形,您可以獲得分數。 更大的多邊形,你得到的分數更高。 Totally brand new puzzle game! Here comes a totally brand new puzzle game of WESTRIVER, famous for 1to50 which downloaded more than 5 million. What is "Rot Rot- "Rot Rot" was created based on the ideas of "The belt Of Moebius". Rot Rot" is a game to make a polygon with only two types of chocolate blocks. Absorbing 210 stages with target score, playing time, hidden chocolate blocks. Chocolate block! Yes we aims Valentine's day. You can give this game to your lovers as a gift in Valentine's Day. It's sweet and soft like chocolate. Is it difficult No way! It will be the simplest game you play by far. Just tap to rotate(clockwise) a chocolate block. If you make a polygon, you can obtain score. The bigger polygon you make, the higher score you get.


