



  • 軟體名稱:翻滾跳躍
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:11.54MB
  • 支持版本:iOS5.0及以上
躲避炎熱的沙漠太陽前可以完成這項工作,把你曾經鬱鬱蔥蔥的樹葉變成了一堆冒煙的灰燼。跳躍和滾動自己的方式來擇木而棲,但要快了或風險永遠側OL烘烤'Slopey山。 避免孤獨的仙人掌,因為他們試圖耽誤你了聊天。他們似乎很好,但他們實際上有一個相當多刺的風範! 不要讓自我的重要巨石阻止你的名氣索賠。他們實際上並不能幫助你成為一個搖滾明星。 在門口,為農夫約翰的坦布爾韋德的農場合權。如果你是上柵欄訪問,請記住,他的妻子是著名為她著名坦布爾韋德的燉。 使用風助清除一些那些高大的障礙。這是一件輕而易舉的事! 當心蠍子。不要擔心,不會有任何。他們甚至沒有一個雙關語。你應該只注意。這些東西都可怕! 多久你能在沙漠中生存?你得到的越遠,你的分數越高,但要注意,這搭不帶剎車。你滾的時間越長,速度越快,你要去。 想想你可以無情的沙漠中生存?那么,通道內滾筒雜草,並開始羅林,羅林,羅林。 Escape the heat of the desert before the sun can finish the job of turning your once-lush foliage into a pile of smoking ashes. Jump and roll your way to greener pastures, but be quick about it or risk forever baking on the side of Ol' Slopey Mountain. Avoid the lonely cacti as they try to slow you down for a chat. They may seem nice at first, but they actually have a rather prickly demeanor! Don't let the self-important boulders stop you with claims of fame. They cannot actually help you become a rock star. Hop right over the gates for Farmer John's Tumbleweed Farm. If you're on the fence about visiting, remember that his wife is renowned for her famous Tumbleweed stew. Use the wind to help clear some of those taller obstacles. It's a breeze! Watch out for scorpions. Don't worry, there aren't any. They don't even have a pun. You should just watch out. Those things are terrifying! How long can you survive in the desert The farther you get, the higher your score, but beware that this ride doesn't come with brakes. The longer you roll, the faster you're going to go. Think you can survive in the unforgiving desert Well, channel your inner tumble-weed and start rollin, rollin, rollin.


