

《美麗中國:生態城市標準體系與實施評價》的主要內容包括:Eco-city:the OnlyChoice in Pursuit of a Sustainable Future;The Eco-city in China;standards in China;Indicator System to Guide China Eeo-city Development;control throughout planning, construction and operation;Pioneering Precedents with Eeo-city Indicator System in China等。


  • 書名:美麗中國:生態城市標準體系與實施評價
  • 作者:御道工程諮詢公司
  • 出版日期:2013年9月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • 外文名:Beautiful China:Eco-City Indicators Guidebook
  • 出版社:同心出版社
  • 頁數:291頁
  • 開本:16




1 Eco—City:the Only Choice in Pursuit of a Sustainable Future
1.1 Global urban development is turning towards sustainabiliv
1.2 China's urbanization in the past
1.5 The status quo of today's urbanization in China
1. g Challenges currently faced by Chinese cities
1.5 Challenges that China cities may face in future
1.6 The way forward for urbanization in China
The Eco—City in China
2.1 Theories and practice
2.2 The establishment of eco—city related policies, regulations and
standards in China
2.3 Primary challenges in moving forwards
Indicator System to Guide China Eeo—City Development
3.1 Eco—city indicator systems
3.2 Indicator systems as comprehensive guides to eco—city quality
control throughout planning, construction and operation
Pioneering Precedents with Eeo—City Indicator System in China
4.1 Sino—Singapore Tianjin Eco—City
4.2 Qingdao Sino—German Eco—Park
4.3 Learning from eco——city experiences in China
Methods for Indicator System Development
5.1 Adopting a systems theory approach
5.2 Adopting a mixed qualitative and quantitative research approach
5.3 Adopting a contingent approach to handle prediction uncertainties
5.4 Summary:an integrated methodology approach
5.5 Professional activities embedded in eco—cities
Indicator System Development Process
6.1 Background review on indicators for Qingdao Eco—Park
6.2 Establishing the indicator system's framework
6.3 Determining indicator benchmark values
Implementation of an Eco—City Indicator System
7.1 Technical deconstruction of indicators for SSTEC
7.2 Legal and institutional arrangements for implementing indicator systems
Governance Associated with the Eco—City Indicator System
8.1 Key stakeholders in the eco—city
8.2 Cross—sector departmental collaboration
8.3 Developing a sustainable urban management system for the eco—city
9 Summary and Prospects
10 Examples of the Deconstruction of Social Indicators
10.1 Proportion of Green Trips
10.2 Proportion of Public Housing
10.3 Jobs—housing Balance Index
10.4 Coordination with Regional Policies
10.5 Harmonious Social Culture
11 Examples of the Deconstmetion of Environmental Indicators
11.1 Regional Air Quahty Standard Attainment Rate
11.2 Regional Surface Water Quality Standard Attainment Rate
11.3 Noise Standard Attainment Rate in Functional Areas
11.4 Net Loss of Natural Wetlands
11.5 Native Plants Index
11.6 Coordination with Nature and Ecology
12 Examples of the Deeonstruetion of Resource Indicators
12.1 Tap Water Quality Standard Attainment Rate
12.2 Carbon Emissions per unit GDP
12.3 Proportion of Green Buildings
12.4 Public Green Space per Capita
12.5 Daily Water Consumption per Capita
12.6 Daily Domestic Waste Generation per Capita
12.7 Waste Recycling Rate
12.8 Proportion of Communities Within 500m Walking Distance of Free
Culture and Sports Facilities
12.9 Proportion of Barrier—free Facilities
12.10 Rate of Innocuous Treatment of Hazardous and Domestic Solid Wastes
12.11 Municipal Network Coverage Rate
12.12 Proportional Use of Renewable Energy
12. 13 Proportional Use of Water from Non—traditional Sources
13 Examples of the Deconstmetion of Economic Indicators
13.1 Research and Development (R&D) Scientists and Engineers per
10,000 Workers, as measured in Full—time Equivalents (FTE)
13.2 Coordination with the Regional Economy
Appendix 1 Policies, Laws, Regulations and Standards in China
Appendix 2 Bibliography on Indicators Studied
Appendix 3 Indicator System of Sino—Singapore Tianjin Eeo—City
Appendix 4 Indicator System of Qingdao Sino—German Eeo—Park


"This improved model of scientific development will promote bilateral collaborations,exchange complementary advantages and share common progress between China andforeign countries. "
—— WEI Jianguo
"Bluepath City Consulting has actively participated in some leading eco-city projects inrecent years ... All these endeavors are well illustrated in the Beautiful China: Eco-cityIndicators Guidebook, a book that summarizes new progress in China's scientific researchon eco-cities. "
—— MAO Qizhi
"So how to make sure eco-city is low carbon? ... the practice-based methods introduced inBeautiful China: Eco-city Indicators are worthy of discussion and should be leamed from. "
—— PAN Jiahua
"..., this book is a must to read for policy makers, planners and practitioners of eco-cities inChina as well as their partners including financial institutions, contractors and consultants...also useful for many professionals working on sustainable urban development, across theworld. "
—— HiroakiSuzuki
"I therefore recommend this book to everyone in all countries of the World who are looking forguidance on the very practical steps that can be taken to fashion a future for our children thatwill enable them to live a good life in harmony with the natural world. "
—— Peter Head


