



  • 書名:美術英語(第二版)
  • 作者:沈一鳴、張文霞
  • ISBN:9787302491866
  • 定價:58元
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年3月


本教材主要選取有關美術及藝術設計的經典英文文章。全書共有20個單元,涉及一端組笑些著名藝術家介紹、重要設計理念與藝術風格和講厚元素、設計酷坑榜與其他學科的關係以及藝術設計史上的重大事企拒協件。每個單危戰習元包含Part A和Part B兩部分,以Part A為主。每單元開頭配有中文導讀,並配有清華大學美術學院的學生所創作的插圖作品或一些與課文內容相關的圖片。每篇課文後附有生詞和練習,Part A課文後面還講解了相關的語法問題。


Unit 1 Vincent van Gogh 文森特·凡·高 1
Part A The Southern Sun of Arles 2
Part B Van Gogh & The Starry Night .8
Unit 2 Pictorial Elements 畫面元素 . 12
Part A Line, Shape, and Color 13
Part B Value, Texture, and Space .19
Unit 3 Chinese Landscape Painting 中國山刪戶漏臘水畫 23
Part A Chinese Landscape Painting .24
Part B Chinese Painting30
Unit 4 Graphic Design 平面設計 . 34
Part A What Is Graphic Design? .35
Part B Better Graphic Design .42
Unit 5 Photographers and Photography 攝影師及攝影 . 46
Part A Robert Capa 47
Part B Bill Brandt .54
Unit 6 Taste and Style 品位與格調 . 58
Part A Good Taste and Style in Design.59
Part B On Beauty .65
Unit 7 Cézanne 塞尚 69
Part A Biography of Cézanne .70
Part B Contribution of Cézanne .76
Unit 8 Chinese Calligraphy 中國書法 80
Part A The Strokes of Chinese Calligraphy 81
Part B Preface of Orchid Pavilion and Shi Pinggong Inscription .87
Unit 9 Traditional Chinese Painting in Modern China 近代中國的傳船朽府翻統
中國繪畫 . 92
Part A The Inheritance and Revival of Traditional Chinese Painting .93
Part B Wu Changshuo 100
Unit 10 Great Design Movements 偉大的設計運動 104
Part A The Great Exhibition, Arts and Crafts Movement, and Art Nouveau 105
Part B The Bauhaus 112
iv .
Unit 11 Mary Cassatt 瑪麗·卡薩特 . 117
Part A Nice Girls Don’t Become Artists .118
Part B Mary Cassatt 124
Unit 12 Greek Art 古希臘藝術 . 128
Part A Greek Culture in General.129
Part B Masterpieces of Greek Sculpture 135
Unit 13 Auguste Rodin 奧古斯特·羅丹 . 139
Part A The Aesthetic of Rodin 140
Part B Other Works of Rodin 146
Unit 14 Pictorial Principles 畫面原理 151
Part A Pictorial Principles .152
Part B Specific Design Guidelines 158
Unit 15 Drawing 素描 162
Part A Shading .163
Part B Perspective and Building Blocks 169
Unit 16 Norman Rockwell 諾曼·羅克威爾 . 173
Part A Norman Rockwell and Four Freedoms .174
Part B Other Works of Rockwell .180
Unit 17 Sustainable Design 可持續設計 . 184
Part A Sustainable Design in General 185
Part B The Next Industrial Revolution (Extracted) .191
Unit 18 Poetry and Painting 詩歌與美術 . 196
Part A Wang Wei 197
Part B The Reading of a Painting (Extracted) .204
Unit 19 American Prison Art 美國監獄藝術 . 208
Part A Phyllis Kornfeld and Prison Art 209
Part B Two Prison Artists 216
Unit 20 In What Spirit the Americans Cultivate the Arts 美國人以何種精神
製造藝術 . 220
Part A The Fine Arts 221
Part B The Useful Arts .227
漫話單詞 . 233
Key to Exercises 257
Glossary 295
Part A The Inheritance and Revival of Traditional Chinese Painting .93
Part B Wu Changshuo 100
Unit 10 Great Design Movements 偉大的設計運動 104
Part A The Great Exhibition, Arts and Crafts Movement, and Art Nouveau 105
Part B The Bauhaus 112
iv .
Unit 11 Mary Cassatt 瑪麗·卡薩特 . 117
Part A Nice Girls Don’t Become Artists .118
Part B Mary Cassatt 124
Unit 12 Greek Art 古希臘藝術 . 128
Part A Greek Culture in General.129
Part B Masterpieces of Greek Sculpture 135
Unit 13 Auguste Rodin 奧古斯特·羅丹 . 139
Part A The Aesthetic of Rodin 140
Part B Other Works of Rodin 146
Unit 14 Pictorial Principles 畫面原理 151
Part A Pictorial Principles .152
Part B Specific Design Guidelines 158
Unit 15 Drawing 素描 162
Part A Shading .163
Part B Perspective and Building Blocks 169
Unit 16 Norman Rockwell 諾曼·羅克威爾 . 173
Part A Norman Rockwell and Four Freedoms .174
Part B Other Works of Rockwell .180
Unit 17 Sustainable Design 可持續設計 . 184
Part A Sustainable Design in General 185
Part B The Next Industrial Revolution (Extracted) .191
Unit 18 Poetry and Painting 詩歌與美術 . 196
Part A Wang Wei 197
Part B The Reading of a Painting (Extracted) .204
Unit 19 American Prison Art 美國監獄藝術 . 208
Part A Phyllis Kornfeld and Prison Art 209
Part B Two Prison Artists 216
Unit 20 In What Spirit the Americans Cultivate the Arts 美國人以何種精神
製造藝術 . 220
Part A The Fine Arts 221
Part B The Useful Arts .227
漫話單詞 . 233
Key to Exercises 257
Glossary 295

