
美國休斯頓教育集團,英文名Excellent Education Group Corporation USA,是美國德州政府審核批准註冊的非營利性國際教育交流機構,致力於中美教育和文化的交流。


  • 中文名:美國休斯頓教育集團
  • 外文名:Excellent Education Group Corporation USA
  • 性質:非營利性國際教育交流機構,
  • 業務項目:中美院校交換生項目;
簡介,About Us,企業宗旨,


l 中美院校之間骨幹教師的學術交流訪問;
l 中美院校交換生項目;
l 國際合作辦學;
l 直接為中國學生提供優質非盈利的美國留學諮詢,簽證服務;
l 為中國院校的優秀教師提供教育研究培訓機會。

About Us

Registered in USA, Excellent Education Group Corporation USA (EEGC USA) is a Non-Profit International Education Exchange Corporation approved by Texas government, aiming at promoting Sino-US educational and cultural exchange. The EEGC USA headoffice is located in Texas State and China’s Liason office is in Shanghai, with the purpose of better promoting Sino-US education and culture exchange. We began to provide consultation service for international students as early as in 2000.
Our service involves:
l Academic exchange activities for Sino-US college resource teachers;
l Sino-US Students Exchange Program;
l International Education Joint Program Collaboration;
l Serving the Chinese students overseas study in consultation and Visa with high quality;
l Providing research and training opportunities for Chinese teachers of quality.
We have established cooperation with hundreds of high schools and universities in West Coast, East Coast and Midwest regions. Authorized as American official Admissions Representative, our team includes professionals in American education and senior consultants who have assisted over one thousand Chinese students in pursuing senior high school and university studies in USA.
As one of the co-founders and CEO of EEGC USA, Phillip YU is well known as the American International Educationist, expert in US Education, member of AMCHAM Shanghai and NAFSA. As the celebrity of Sino-US education exchange field, Phillip YU actively devotes to the progress of personnel, educational and academic exchange for decades. Phillip YU 's studio of International Education Consultation which was established ten years ago, now is a time-honored International Education brand in Shanghai.


1 充分整合和發展我們在美國和中國的優勢資源,將強中美之間的教育文化交流,打造具有國際化色彩的中美教育交流平台和便捷通道;
2. 藉助美國、中國優秀的教育資源,與專業機構合作,面向未來,培養跨世紀、跨文化的新複合型人才;
3. 通過教育文化交流,加強中國學生與世界各國、各地區學生的相互了解、增進友誼。讓中國學生在新世紀充分融入世界大家庭,感受各國的不同文化。


