



  • 軟體名稱:美國人大戰外星人
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:20.93MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.0及以上
專為iPad的4和5,iPhone4和5 - 地球被外星人入侵。 外國人看酷似巨型尺寸的豌豆。軍隊已被摧毀。無法殺死任何他們沒有飛機,坦克和大炮,政府已要求任何人與汽車仍然走上街頭,和許多這些漏接眼睛的外國人,可以運行。可愛的侵略者的鬥爭我們的弱重力,速度快的汽車和堅定的驅動程式不匹配。...... 訊息剛剛在... UFO船舶下降外國人隨處可見。 使用你的駕駛技巧來處理這些,你可以在為時已晚。 你把所有的駕駛技術很好地利用? 你能救的人,從一個外來入侵呢? 你知道你的老福特全順將在有用的一天來了!有了一個寬大的擋風玻璃,它為您提供了更大的表面積,以圖示的外國人。 傾斜控制轉向的麵包車和加速所有的時間你有你的腳了。 突然轉向,並帶領自己的方式,殺死這些外國人的下一個浪潮來襲前。 請記住 - 當它涉及到爆炸這些外來甘藍時間就是一切! 偉大的音樂在電台和油箱加滿汽油的意思是等待了數小時的樂趣。 他們說,沒有人能聽到你尖叫的空間,但他們可以聽到你的笑聲在地球上。 你還等什麼....? Built for iPad 4 and 5 and iPhone 4 and 5- Earth is being invaded by Aliens. The Aliens look exactly like jumbo sized peas. The military has been destroyed. Unable to kill any of them without its planes, tanks and guns, the government has asked anyone with a car that still works to take to the streets and run down as many of these bobble eyed Aliens as possible. The adorable invaders struggle against our weak gravity and are no match for a fast car and a determined driver.... ...news just in ... The UFO ships are dropping Aliens everywhere. Use your driving skills to squish as many as you can before it's too late. Will you put all that driving skill to good use Can you save the people from an Alien Invasion You knew your old Ford transit would come in useful one day! With a large windscreen it gives you a bigger surface area to splat the Aliens. Tilting controls steer the van and you have your foot down on accelerate all the time. Swerve and steer your way, kill these Aliens before the next wave hits. Remember - when it comes to exploding these Alien brussel sprouts timing is everything! Great tunes on the radio and a full tank of petrol mean there are hours of fun waiting to be had. They say no one can hear you scream in space, but they can hear you laugh on Earth. What are you waiting for....


