美國中學生守則稱為Teacher-Assigned Detention,簡稱 Detention,上面應該有被罰學生、教師和家長的簽名。
· Regulations for American Pupils and Middle School Students
· 美國中小學生守則
1. Always refer to a teacher by title and last name.
每次都禮貌地稱呼老師,如“ x(姓)老師/主任/校長”。
2. Get to class on time or a little earlier.
· 準時或稍提前進入課堂。
3. Raise your hand when you want to ask a question.
先舉手, 後提問。
4. You may speak to the teacher from your desk while you are seated.
5. When you are absent, you must make up the work you have missed. Ask either the teacher or a classmate for the work.
6. If you expect to be away from school because of an emergency, tell your teacher in advance and ask for the work you will miss.
7. All assignments you hand in must be your own work.
8. Never cheat on a test.
9. If you are having difficulty with a class, schedule an appointment to see the teacher for help. The teacher will be glad to help you.
10.Students must bring a note for a parent explaining any absence or tardiness.
11.The only acceptable excuse for absence is personal illness, a death in the family, or a religious holiday. It is illegal to stay home from school for any other.
12.When a teacher asks a question and does not name a particular student to answer it, anyone who knows the answer should raise one hand.