- 中文名:羅鐵堅
- 出生日期:1962年10月31日
- 職業:教授、博士生導師
- 性別:男
長期從事大規模網路與軟體研究。至今在國際期刊和會議上發表學術論文80 多篇,獲國家發明專利2 項,軟體著作權40 項。近年在中科院研究生院“信息動態學與工程套用實驗室”的主要研究方向:全球資訊網科學、社會計算、格線計算、網路安全。承擔了國家科技基礎條件平台項目、歐盟格線計算國際項目、中國科學院知識創新重大專項、電信信息安全體系諮詢項目。
(1) 遠程訪問線上設備的安全控制系統及方法
(2) 自動線上軟體缺陷跟蹤
1) Yanxiang Xu, Tiejian Luo,Social Computing Research Map, IEEE Symposium on Web Society, 2010, accepted, to be appeared.
2) Jia Zhou, Tiejian Luo, A Novel Recommendation System With Collective Intelligence, IEEE Symposium on Web Society, 2010, accepted, to be appeared.
3) Jia Zhou, Tiejian Luo, Towards an Introduction to Collaborative Filtering, Symposium on Social Computing Applications , 2009
4) Su Chen, Tiejian Luo, Tingshao Zhu. "A Second Markov Random Walk Approach for Collaborative Filtering". In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom’09), Vancouver, Canada.
5) Su Chen, Tiejian Luo, Wei Liu, Yanxiang Xu. "Incorporating Similarity and Trust for Collaborative Filtering". In Proceedings of the IEEE 6th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD’09), Tianjin, China.
6) Su Chen, Tiejian Luo, Wei Liu, Yanxiang Xu. "Collaborative Filtering with Fine-grained Trust Metric". In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining (CIDM’09), Nashville, TN, USA.
7) Su Chen, Tiejian Luo, Yanxiang Xu, "A Robust Analysis of Trust-based Recommendation Algorithms", Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, To be published.
8) Su Chen, Tiejian Luo, Wei Liu, Jinliang Song, Feng Gao, Yanxiang Xu. "A Framework for Managing Access of Large-Scale Distributed Resources in a Collaborative Platform". CODATA Data Science Journal 2008 Volume 7.
9) Yanxiang Xu, Tiejian Luo,The Principles of Intention Computing, The 1th IEEE Symposium on Web Society, 2009
10) Song Jinliang, Luo Tiejian, Chen Su, Liu Wei, "A Clustering Based Method to Solve Duplicate Task Problems", Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
11) Wei Liu, José Cunha, Vitor Duarte, Tiejian Luo,"A Grid Workload Modeling Approach for Intelligent Grid", 2009 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, ICNSC 09, Okayama City, Japan
12) Wei Liu, Jose Cunha, Vitor Duarte and Tiejian Luo, "Inter-Operating Grid Workload Framework with Node Autonomy", International journal
13) Yuli Jin, Tiejian Luo, Jinliang Song, Fei Gao and Wei Liu, A Dynamic Economy-Based Scheduling Model for Distributed Instrumentation System, (The 2008 IEEE International Conference on Internet Computing, Aug. 2008
14) Wei Liu, Tiejian Luo, Jinliang Song, Su Chen, Improving Grid Monitoring With Data Quality Assessment, 2007 International Symposium on Communications and information Technologies, Oct, 2007
15) Tiejian Luo, Wei Liu, Su Chen, Jinliang Song, Yuli Jin, Cheng Du, Utilizing Grid to Build Cyberinfrastructure for Biosafety Laboratories, ,2008 ACM conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2008)
16) Jinliang Song, Tiejian Luo and Su Chen, “Behavior Pattern Mining: Apply Process Mining Technology to Common Event Logs of Information Systems”, 2008 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control.2008-3
17) Wei Liu, Vitor Duarte, José Cunha, Tiejian Luo, “Towards a Framework for Monitoring Grid Scientific Workflows”, 2008 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control.
18) Tiejian Luo, Wei Liu, etc. A Collaborative Environment for the Bios Safety Level 3 Laboratories , The 2007 IEEE International Conference on Internet Computing 2007-6
19) Tiejian Luo,Jinliang Song, etc, A Services Oriented Framework for Integrated and Customizable Collaborative Environment, The 2007 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration,2007-8
20) Jinliang Song, Tiejian Luo, etc, Discovering Behavior Pattern in Collaboration Environment, ACM Sixteenth Conference on Information and Knowledge Management 2007-10
21) Guo Hui Li, Tiejian Luo, etc, A Security Model Online Accessing to Shared Devices, 2006 IEEE International Conference On Networking, Sensing & Control, 2006-4
22) Tiejian Luo, Haizhi Xu, etc., An Analysis Method for Network-based Attack Scenarios, MINI-MICRO SYSTEM(Chinese) 2001
23) Tiejian Luo, Haizhi Xu, etc., An analysis of the Security for the SuEXEC of Apache , IFIFP/SEC2000:Information Security Information Security for Global Information Infrastructures
24) Haizhi Xu, Tiejian Luo, etc., A D&C Mechanism to Solve the PNNI Topology Information Conflicting Problem, IFIFP/SEC2000:Information Security Information Security for Global Information Infrastructures
25) Tiejian Luo, Haizhi Xu, etc., An Analysis and Improvement for the Security Model of SuEXEC, Computer Research and Development(Chinese), Nov. 2000.
26) Tiejian Luo, Haizhi Xu, The Web Security Issues, Computer Applications(Chinese), April, 2000.
27) Haizhi Xu, Tiejian Luo, etc., An Exploration of Two Denial of Service Issues in ATM control Plane, Computer Applications(Chinese),2000.
28) Haizhi Xu, Tiejian Luo, etc., A Policy of Double Threshold Dynamic Filtering to Defense ATM Null Call Attack, MINI-MICRO SYSTEMS( Chinese), 2000.
29) Haizhi Xu, Tiejian Luo, etc., A D&C Mechanism to Solve PNNI Topology Information Conflicts Problems, Computer applications research(Chinese), 2000.
30) 賀斌,洪亮,羅鐵堅,一種XMPP即時訊息系統的動態感知模型實現,計算機仿真,2008-3
31) 洪亮,賀斌,羅鐵堅,H.323通信穿越NAT防火牆的輕量化方法,計算機仿真,2008-3
32) 高峰,羅鐵堅,金玉梨,一種基於相關度矩陣的安全度量模型,計算機仿真,2009-4
33) 金玉梨,羅鐵堅,高峰,一種遠程設備系統動態調度模型,計算機仿真,2009-4
34) 馬琳,葉世偉,羅鐵堅,利用多維Neville算法實現基於轉導思想的函式估計,中國科學院研究生院學報,2005-1
35) 馬琳 羅鐵堅 宋進亮 葉世偉,Web性能預測與測試,中國科學院研究生院學報,2005-7
36) 馬琳,羅鐵堅,宋進亮,葉世偉,Web系統性能測試及最佳化, 計算機工程,2005-6
37) 馬琳,羅鐵堅,宋進亮,葉世偉,一種基於轉導的預測算法及其在軟體性能測試中的套用,計算機工程,2005-8
38) 馬琳,羅鐵堅,宋進亮,葉世偉,一種基於Web的虛擬機,計算機工程,2005-5
39) 馬琳,羅鐵堅,葉世偉,一種新型的按需計算的SSL實施方案,計算機工程,2005-4
40) 劉務華,羅鐵堅,王文杰,文本聚類算法的質量評價,中國科學院研究生院學報, 2006-9
41) 劉務華,羅鐵堅,王文杰,Web社區搜尋引擎的研究和設計,計算機工程與套用,2006-5
42) 李國輝,羅鐵堅,基於用戶任務進程的Web服務訪問控制模型,計算機工程,2007-1
43) 李國輝,羅鐵堅,一種支持網上共享設備的安全模型,計算機工程,2007-1
44) Book chapters, Tiejian Luo, Tao Wang, “EDI A New Way to the International Trade”, 1997, in Chinese
45) Tiejian Luo, etc, The Method to Enhance the Performance of the Client/Server System, PC World, in Chinese, May, 1997
46) Tiejian Luo, etc, How to Programming the Web Application with IDC, China Computer Users, in Chinese, April, 1997
47) Tiejian Luo, etc, How to use OLE in Oracle Forms4.5, Computer Application, in Chinese, March, 1997
48) Tiejian Luo, etc, The Security Mechanism of Notes, Computer Application System, in Chinese Feb. 1997
1) PI, CAS Teaching Resource Planning and Management Platform, January 2008 -December 2010.
2) PI, China Telecommunication Security Architecture Assessment, Grant from China Telecomm Co. January 2006 - December 2006.
3) Co-PI, China State Key Labs Collaborative Cyberspace, Grant from MOST of China, Dec
4) Co-PI, China Labs Collaborative Environment, Grant from MOST of China
5) PI, China Large Scientific Instrument Collaborative Cyberspace, Grant from MOST of China
6) Co-PI, EU-Asia Link Program HPC-Grid Computing Course Model, Grant from EU Jul
7) PI, USA-China Distance Education Project (UMKC and GUCAS), Grant from UMKC
8) Large Scale MIS system for Power Transmission and Transformation Construction Company in Guangxi Province
9) EDI Learning Lab at Guangxi University, 1993, Grant from Guangxi University.
10) R&D a Development Tools for Multimedia Database, 1995, Grant from the Youth Foundation of Guangxi University.
1) China State Key Lab Collaboration Platform, at UC Berkeley
2) A Services Oriented Framework for Integrated and Customizable Collaborative Environment , at School of Computing and Engineering of UMKC
3) Scientific Collaboration Cyberspace for China State Key Labs
4) Scientific Collaboration Space , GEON Cyberinfrastructure Workshop, Beijing
5) Why Social Network Matters? A Novel Model for Graduate Education ,2009 1st IEEE Symposium on Web Society
6) The Laws of the Web