



  • 中文名:羅平平
  • 外文名:Pingping Luo
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:湖南 長沙
  • 出生日期:1981年11月
  • 畢業院校:京都大學
  • 職稱:教授



2009年4月 — 2012年3月 日本京都大學工學研究科都市環境工程工學博士
2006年3月 — 2008年9月 日本岡山大學環境學研究科社會基盤環境學環境學碩士
2001年9月 — 2005年6月 中國湖南省長沙市中南大學土木與建築工程學院土木工程專業工學學士


2014年8月1日—2016年3月聯合國大學可持續性高等研究所 UNU-IAS (PD Fellow)研究員




  1. 中央高校基本科研業務經費專項資金,領軍人才項目“乾旱半乾旱區流域洪水災害和水環境的模擬與監測”,300102298302,2018/01-2018/12,35萬元,在研,主持。
  2. 入選陝西省第八批“百人計畫”創新全職項目(特聘教授),2016年,水文與水資源
  3. 中央高校基本科研業務經費專項資金項目,“半乾旱區流域生態水文模型與可持續水環境治理”,310829173602,2017/01-2018/12,20萬元,結題,主持。
  4. 大學生創新創業項目,極端暴雨下城市街道防澇改造設計,20171071096,長安大學國家級,2017-2018,指導教師
  5. 本科教學管理方式與方法改革項目,虛擬仿真技術在水文水資源課程教學中的套用研究,0012-310629172112,長安大學2017年-2018年,主持。
  6. 日本文部省科學研究費・基盤研究 (A),時間:2012-2015,金額:4000萬日元;研究課題編號:24248041、研究項目:“灌溉管理綜合評價指標的開發以及探討優良的灌溉系統”,已結題,參與
  7. 日本文部省科研費・特聘研究員,時間:2012 -2014,金額:230萬日元;研究課題編號: 24∙02055, 研究項目:“極端事件下的水災害的綜合評價方法的研究”,已結題,參與
  8. 日本國土技術研究中心研究開發助成金研究,時間:2014-2015,金額:180萬日元;研究課題編號:13003 研究項目:“通過古地圖和古書對歷史的洪水災害的數值分析和再現的研究”,已結題,參與
  9. 日本綜合地球環境學研究所,時間:2010- 2015 金額: 1.5億日元,研究項目:“水土的知—埃及”,已結題,參與10.日本大林財團平成23年度獎勵研究助成金,時間: 2011-2012,金額: 30萬日元;研究課題:運用全球氣候模型的分析數據對城市流域的水災害的研究,已結題,主持


現已發表學術論文38篇,其中SCI收錄19篇,EI收錄2篇,ISTP檢索2篇,其他同行評審雜誌文章7篇,國際會議文章8篇;並以第一作者和通信作者身份在Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,Environmental Science & Policy,Computer & Geosciences,Chemosphere,Journal of Enviromental Monitoring 等國際期刊上發表高水平的論文8篇以上,在城市防洪、變化條件下水循環模擬等方面有了創新成果。學術成就和研究成果受到主流科學媒體的引用,包括Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS), Science of The Total Environment 等雜誌並得到很高的學術評價。
  1. Pingping Luo(通訊作者), Meimei Zhou, Hongzhang Deng, Jiqiang Lyu, Wenqiang Cao, Kaoru Takara, Daniel Nover, S. Geoffrey Schladow, Impact of forest maintenance on water shortages: Hydrologic modeling and effects of climate change, Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 615, pp. 1355-1363. JCR 分區:一區TOP期刊
  2. Pingping LUO(通訊作者),Bin He, Kaoru Takara, Yin E Xiong, Daniel Nover, Weili Duan, and Kensuke Fukushi, Historical Assessment of Chinese and Japanese Flood Management Policies and Implications for Managing Future Floods, Environmental Science & Policy (SCI Journal, 2015 Impact Factor: 3.54),Vol.48, 2015, pp. 265-277. JCR 分區:一區TOP期刊
  3. Pingping LUO, APIP, Bin He, Weili Duan, Kaoru Takara, and Daniel Nover: Impact assessment of rainfall scenarios and land-use change on hydrologic response using synthetic Area IDF curves, Journal of Flood Risk Management, Online. JCR 分區:一區
  4. Pingping LUO(通訊作者), Kaoru Takara, APIP, Bin HE and Daniel, NOVER, Paleoflood simulation of the kamo river basin using a grid-cell distributed rainfall-runoff model, Journal of Flood Risk Management. 7(2), 182–192 2014, WOS:- (SCI Journal, 2016 Impact Factor: 3.12), JCR 分區:一區.
  5. Pingping LUO(通訊作者), Kaoru Takara, Apip, Bin He, Daniel Nover, Reconstruction assessment of historical land use: a case study in the Kamo River basin, Kyoto, Japan, Computers & Geosciences 63, 106–115, 2014, WOS:000330144200012, JCR 分區:二區.
  6. Pingping LUO(通訊作者),Bin HE, Pedro Luiz Borges CHAFFE, Daniel NOVER, Kaoru TAKARA and Mohd Remy Rozainy M.A.Z., Statistical analysis and estimation of annual suspended sediment of major rivers in Japan, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, Vol.15, 1052–1061, 2013, WOS:000318309700016, JCR 分區:二區.
  7. Pingping LUO(通訊作者), Bin HE, Kaoru TAKARA, Bam H.N. RAZAFINDRADE, Daniel NOVER, Yosuke YAMASHIKI, Spatiotemporal trend analysis of recent river water quality conditions in Japan, Journal of Environment Monitoring, 13 (10), 2819 - 2829, 201, WOS:000295579000018, (SCI Journal, 2012 Impact Factor: 2.085), JCR 分區:二區, 他引:26.
  8. Weili DUAN, Bin HE, Kaoru TAKARA, Pingping LUO(通訊作者), Daniel NOVER, Sahu NETRANANDA and Yosuke YAMASHIKI. Spatiotemporal evaluation of water quality incidents in Japan between 1996 and 2007, Chemosphere, Volume 93(6), pp. 946–953, 2013, WOS:000326857900014, (SCI Journal, 2012 Impact Factor: 3.137) , JCR 分區:一區TOP期刊
  9. Pingping LUO(通訊作者), Kaoru TAKARA, Bin HE, Weili DUAN, APIP, Daniel NOVER Tsugihiro WATANABE, Maochuan Hu, Kenichi NAKAGAMI and Izumi TAKAMIYA, Assessment of paleo-hydrology and paleo-inundation conditions: the process, Procedia Environmental Science, Volume 20, pp. 747–752, ISTP, DOI 10.1016, 2014.
  10. Hongzhang Deng, Lihong Chai, Pingping Luo(通訊作者), Meimei Zhou, Daniel Nover, Xiaohong Zhao, Toxic effects of NH4+-N on embryonic development of Bufo gargarizans and Rana chensinensis,Chemosphere, 2017, 182, 617-623,2017.02.156. JCR 分區:一區TOP期刊
  11. Meimei Zhou, Weizhen Tang, Pingping Luo(通訊作者), Jiqiang Lyu, Aixia Chen, Longkai Qiao, Daniel Nover. Preparation of ureido-functionalized PVA/silica mesoporous fibre membranes via electrospinning for adsorption of Pb2+ and Cu2+ in wastewater. Water Science and Technology, 2017, 76(9): 2526-2534.
  12. J. Dong, X. Xiao, G. Zhang, M. A. Menarguez, C. Y. Choi, Y. Qin, P. Luo, Y.Zhang, B. Moore,Northward expansion of paddy rice in northeastern Asia during 2000-2014 , Geophysical Research Letters, (SCI Journal, 2014 Impact Factor: 4.19), 2016, 43(8),pp.3754-3761. JCR 分區:一區TOP期刊
  13. Meimei Zhou, Yi-nan Wu, Pingping Luo, Jiqiang Lyu, Dengrui Mu, Aowen Li, Fengting Li, Guangtao Li. Fabrication of free-standing membranes with tunable pore structures based on the combination of electrospinning and self-assembly of block copolymer, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 49568 - 49575.
  14. Ram Krishna Regmi, Binaya Kumar Mishra, Yoshifumi Masago, Pingping Luo, Asako Toyozumi-Kojima, Shokhrukh-Mirzo Jalilov,Applying a water quality index model to assess the water quality of the major rivers in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal,Environ Monit Assess (2017) 189:382.
  15. Lihong Chai, Aixia Chen, Pingping Luo, Hongfeng Zhao, Hongyuan Wang, Histopathological changes and lipid metabolism in the liver of Bufo gargarizans tadpoles exposed to Triclosan,Chemosphere,Volume 182, September 2017, Pages 255–266.
  16. Maochuan Hu, Takahiro Sayama, Weili Duan, Kaoru Takara, Bin He & Pingping Luo,Assessment of hydrological extremes in the Kamo River Basin, Japan, Hydrological Sciences Journal.
  17. Duan, W., He, B., Sahu, N., Luo, P., Nover, D., Hu, M., & Kaoru Takara. Spatiotemporal variability of hokkaido's seasonal precipitation in recent decades and connection to water vapour flux. International Journal of Climatology, online, 2016.
  18. Wang Y, He B, Duan W, Li W, Luo P, Razafindrabe B H. Source Apportionment of Annual Water Pollution Loads in River Basins by Remote-Sensed Land Cover Classification. Water, 2016, 8(9): 361.
  19. Weili Duan, Bin He, Kaoru Takara, Pingping LUO, M. Hu, Nor Eliza ALIAS, and Daniel Nover, Changes of precipitation amounts and extremes over Japan between 1901 and 2012 and their connection to climate indices, Climate dynamics, Published online.
  20. Bounhieng Vilaysane, Kaoru Takara, Pingping LUO, Inthavy Akkharath, Weili Duan, Hydrological Stream Flow Modelling for Calibration and Uncertainty Analysis by Using SWAT model in the Xedone River Basin, Lao PDR, Procedia Environmental Sciences, Volume 28, 2015, Pages 380–390.
  21. Hu, M., K. Takara, W. Duan, B. He and Pingping LUO. Integrated Assessment of Hydro-Climatology Variability in Kamo River Basin: Confronting Climate and Extremes. International Journal of Sustainable Future for Human Security, Vol. 3,No.1, pp.46-55, 2015.
  22. Weili Duan, Bin He, Kaoru Takara, Pingping LUO(通訊作者), Daniel Nover, and Maochuan Hu: Modeling suspended sediment sources and transport in the Ishikari River basin, Japan, using SPARROW, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (SCI Journal, 2015 Impact Factor: 3.59), 19, 1293-1306.
  23. Duan W., Bin He, Kaoru Takara, Pingping LUO, Daniel Nover and Yosuke Yamashiki. Spatial and temporal trends in estimates of nutrient and suspended sediment loads in the Ishikari River, Japan, 1985 to 2010. Science of the Total Environment, Volumes 461–462, Pages 499–508, 2013, WOS:000323851500052 (SCI Journal, 2012 Impact Factor: 3.258) , JCR 分區:Q1.
  24. Pedro Luiz Borges CHAFFE, Kaoru Takara, Yosuke Yamashiki, Apip, Pingping LUO, R.V. Silva and E. Nakakita, Mapping of Japanese areas susceptible to snow cover change, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (8), 1–11, 2013 (SCI Journal, 2012 Impact Factor: 1.114).
  25. Weili DUAN, Bin HE, Kaoru TAKARA, Pingping LUO, Daniel NOVER, Yosuke YAMASHIKI and Wenrui HUANG. Anomalous atmospheric events leading to Kyushu's flash floods, July 11-14, 2012. Natural Hazards, Online. 2014 (SCI Journal, 2012 Impact Factor: 1.639)
  26. Duan W., Bin HE, Kaoru TAKARA, Pingping LUO, Yosuke YAMASHIKI, Estimating the Sources and Transport of Nitrogen Pollution in the Ishikari River Basin, Japan. Advanced Materials Research, 518, 2012, 3007-3010.
  27. Weili DUAN, Bin HE, Kaoru TAKARA, Pingping LUO, Maochuan Hu, Nor Eliza Alias,Masahito Ishihara, Yi Wang, Climate Change Impacts on Wave Characteristics along the Coast of Japan from 1986 to 2012, Journal of Coastal Research, No. 66, pp. 7-14.
  28. Pingping LUO(通訊作者),Bin HE, Kaoru TAKARA, Sustainability and life span of Japanese reserviors-Statistic analysis of sedimentation condition in Japan, Water Resource and Environmental Protection (ISWREP), 2011 International Symposium on (Volume:3 ) 2125 – 2128 IEEE Xplore, 2011ISWREP, Xian.2011.5893683, 2011 (EI Journal).
  29. Pingping LUO(通訊作者), Bin HE, Kaoru TAKARA, Statistical analysis of spatial and temporal distribution of total nitrogen in Japanese rivers, IEEE Xplore. 2011 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, (iCBBE) pp. 1-4, 2011 (EI Journal).
  30. 全世界的河川事典(中國的河川P635-652), 丸善出版, 高橋裕,寶馨,羅平平等, 2013年7月 (日語).
  31. 美國水法的招待,美國水法的日語翻譯書,2013年12月,日本評論出版社(第二章、第九章等) (日語)ISBN 9784535519824.
  32. 佐々恭二, 羅平平, 寶馨, 賀斌等,Landslide Science for a Safer Geo-Environment, “Assessment of Shallow Landslide Using the Distributed Hydrological–Geotechnical Model in a Large Scale”, pp 443-450, Springer, Print ISBN978-3-319-04998-4, 2014.
  33. Pingping LUO, Apip, Kaoru Takara, Bin He, Weili Duan, Maochuan Hu and Daniel Nover, Modelling Shallow Landslide Risk Using GIS and a Distributed Hydro-geotechnical Model, book chapter of Monitoring and Modeling of Global Changes:A Geomatics Perspective, J. Li, X. Yang (eds.).




  • 擔任中國生態學會生態水文專業委員會委員
  • 國際期刊編委成員
International Journal of Natural Sciences Research
Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering (ISSN 2328-2193)
  • 國際會議組委會副秘書長
International Scientific Symposium on Water Resources Management and Comprehensive Reclamation of River Basins, Hohai University, Nanjing, China,17-19 November 2017(流域水資源管理與綜合治理國際學術研討會,2017年11月17-19日,南京河海大學)
  • 國際會議組委會成員
2nd International Conference on Residuals Science and Environment (ICRSE 2015), July 17 to 19, 2015, in Beijing, China
  • 國際期刊審稿人
Scientific Reports,Earth System Dynamic,Environmental Research Letters,Journal of Hydrology,Science of the Total Environment,PLOS ONE,Ecological Indicators,Hydrological Process,Journal of Environmental Management,Water Resources Management,Natural Hazards,Water,Journal of Flood Risk Management,Hydrological Sciences Journal,Journal of Mountain Science,Fresenius Environmental Bulletin,Laws (ISSN 2075-471X),Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering by Springer,Hydrological Research Letters,Journal of Hydrogeology & Hydrologic Engineering,Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (FEB),Environmental Sciences Group by OMICS Publishing Group,African Journal of Agricultural Research (AJAR) (ISSN 1991- 637X)
  • 國際會議分會主席
  1. International Conference on Ecohydrology (ICE) in Conjunction with the 22nd Meeting of IHP Regional Steering Committee (RSC) for South Asia and Pacific 2014, November 10 - 12, 2014, Yogyakarta - Indonesia
  2. 6th Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources Conference on 19-21 August 2013 in Seoul, South Korea
  3. The 4th International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security (SUSTAIN) 2013, Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University, JAPAN, Kyoto, October 18 - 21, 2013
  4. The 3rd Sustainable Future for Human Security International Conference on (SustaiN’2012), Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University, JAPAN, Kyoto, 3-5 November 2012.
  • 特邀報告
  1. 第八屆中國生態文明臘子口論壇,冶力關,2017年8月9日,極端降雨類型與土地利用變化對洪澇災害的影響以及可持續生態文明建設。
  2. 乾旱半乾旱地區河流和地下水相互作用研討會,新疆烏魯木齊,2017年7月16日,氣候變化與土地利用變化對城市洪澇的回響以及可持續治水政策。


