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羅小薇博士於2000年獲得史丹福大學頒發的社會學博士學位,她還擁有雪城大學(Syracuse University)社會學碩士學位,和復旦大學英美文學與語言學學士學位,並參與復旦大學世界經濟研究生課程。


  • 中文名:羅小薇
  • 畢業院校:史丹福大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師


羅小薇博士現擔任長江商學院創業與家族企業管理學訪問副教授,以及歐洲工商管理學院(INSEAD)創業與家族企業副教授及INSEAD溫德爾家族企業國際中心(Wendel International Centre for Family Enterprise)教授,擁有終身教職。她還曾在伊利諾伊大學厄巴納-香檳分校工商管理系擔任組織理論學副教授(終身教職)。




  • Best Paper Award at the 2008 meeting of the International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR).
  • Best Paper Award at the 2006 meeting of the International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR).
  • Research grant from the Center of International Business Education and Research (CIBER), 2005
  • Best Reviewer Award from the International Management Division, AOM, 2001
  • Asia/Pacific Research Center Fellowship, Stanford University (1998)
  • Stanford University Graduate Fellowship (1995-6)
  • Century Graduate Fellowship, Dept. of Sociology, Univ. of Chicago (1995-99, declined)
  • Syracuse University Fellow (1994-5)
  • National Laureate, Graded Test for English Majors, administered by National Education Commission of China (1993)
  • Honor Student at Graduation (1993), 1st & 2nd-class scholarships (1989-94) Fudan Univ.


1.Zhang, Jianjun & Luo, Xiaowei Rose. 2013. “Dared to Care: Organizational Vulnerability, Institutional Logics and MNCs’ Social Responsiveness in Emerging Markets.”Organization Science.(published on-line March 21, 2013 before print)2.Luo, Xiaowei Rose & Chung, Chi-Nien. 2013. “Filling or Abusing the Institutional Void? Ownership and Management Control of Public Family Businesses in an Emerging Market.”Organization Science. 24:591-613 (published on-line June, 2012)3.Chung, Chi-Nien & Luo, Xiaowei Rose. 2013. “Leadership Succession and Firm Performance in an Emerging Economy: Successor Origin, Relational Embeddedness, and Legitimacy.”Strategic Management Journal34: 338-357 (published online Sept, 2012)4.Luo, Xiaowei Rose, Koput, Kenneth, & Powell, Walter W.. 2009. “Intellectual Capital or Signal: The Effects of Scientists on Alliance Formation in Knowledge-intensive Industries.”Research Policy.38: 1313-1325.5.Luo, Xiaowei Rose & Deng, Lina. 2009. “Do Birds of a Feather Flock Higher: Effects of Partner Similarity on Innovation in Strategic Alliances in Knowledge-intensive Industries”Journal of Management Studies46: 1005-1030.6.Luo, Xiaowei Rose, Chung, Chi-Nien, & Sobczak, Mike. 2009. “How Do Corporate Governance Model Differences Affect Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Economies?”Journal of International Business Studies40: 444-4677.Chung, Chi-Nien & Luo, Xiaowei Rose. 2008. “Institutional Logics or Agency Costs: The Influence of Corporate Governance Models on Business Group Restructuring in Emerging Economies.”Organization Science19: 766-784.8.Chung, Chi-Nien & Luo, Xiaowei Rose. 2008. “Human Agents, Contexts, and Institutional Change: The Decline of Family in the Leadership of Taiwanese Business Groups.”Organization Science19: 124-142.9.Luo, Xiaowei Rose. 2007. “Continuous Learning: the Influence of National Institutional Logics on Training Attitudes.”Organization Science18: 280-296.10.Ramirez, Francisco O., Luo, Xiaowei Rose, Schofer, Evan, & Meyer, John. 2006. “Student Achievement and National Economic Growth.”American Journal of Education113.1: 1-29.11.Luo, Xiaowei Rose & Chung, Chi-Nien. 2005. “Keeping It All in the Family: The Role of Particularistic Relationships in Business Group Performance during Institutional Transition.”Administrative Science Quarterly50: 404-439.12.Luo, Xiaowei Rose. 2003. “What Skills to Train? An Institutional Analysis of Training Consulting Organizations.”Research in the Sociology of Work12: 73-102. Elsevier Press.13.Luo, Xiaowei Rose. 2000. “The Rise of the Social Development Model: Institutional Construction of International Technology Organizations, 1856-1993.”International Studies Quarterly44:147-175.14.Jang, Yong-suk & Luo, Xiaowei Rose. 2000. “Nation-State Participation in Intergovernmental Technology Organizations.”International Journal of Comparative Sociology. 2000(3-4): 255-284.15.Luo, Xiaowei Rose. 1998. "What Affects Attitudes towards Government’s Role in Solving Unemployment? A Comparative Study of Great Britain and the United States."International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Vol. 10, No.2: 121-144.
Conference Best Paper Proceedings
1.Luo, Xiaowei Rose & Zhang, Jianjun. “Institutional or Instrumental: What Affects Corporate Social Responsibility Behavior in Emerging Economies?” Best Paper Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago. (Nominated as a candidate for the Best International Paper Award, OMT Division, 2009 AOM)
2.Luo, Xiaowei Rose & Chung, Chi-Nien. “An Institutional Perspective on Corporate Restructuring of Business Groups in Emerging Economies.” Best Paper Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia.Book Chapters
1.Luo, Xiaowei Rose. 2006. “The Development and Spread of a ‘Human Resources’ Culture.” pp225-240, in Drori, Meyer, and Hwang (eds), World Society and the Expansion of Formal Organization. Oxford University Press.
2.Luo, Xiaowei Rose. 2002. “From Technical Skills to Personal Development: Employee Training in US Organizations in the Twentieth Century.” Pp 195-211, in Kerstin Sahlin-Andersson and Lars Engwall (eds), The Expansion of Management Knowledge: Carriers, Ideas and Circulation. Stanford University Press. Research in Progress
Under review
1.Luo, Xiaowei Rose, Zhang, Jianjun, & Marquis, Chris. “Mobilization in the Internet Age: Internet Activism and Corporate Response.”
2.Luo, Xiaowei Rose, Jeong, Young-chul, & Chung, Chi-Nien. “In the Eyes of the Beholder: Global Securities Analysts’ Coverage of Family Firms in Emerging Markets.” R&R. Management Science. An earlier version presented at the 2011 annual meeting of the Academy of Management.
3.Luo, Xiaowei Rose, Wang, Danqing, & Zhang, Jianjun. “State or Market: Institutional Complexity and CSR Reporting of Chinese Firms.” An earlier version presented at the 2012 annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston. Presented at the Fifth Annual ARCS Research Conference, Berkeley-Haas School of Business, April 2013, and at the Inaugural Paul R. Lawrence Conference: Connecting Rigor and Relevance in Institutional Analysis, Harvard Business School, June 2013.
4.Luo, Xiaowei Rose, Luo, Yadong, & Lu, Stephanie. “Breaking Free: Institutional Constraints, Corporate Debt Financing, and Firm Innovation in Emerging Markets”. Luo, Xiaowei Rose & Wang, Danqing. “Unintended Consequences of Political Endorsement: The Effect of Government Endorsement on Private Firms’ Social Responsiveness in a Transitional Economy.” To be submitted. Earlier versions presented at the 2011 annual meeting of the Academy of Management, and the 2012 annual meeting of the Strategic Management Society.
5.Sullivan, Bilian N., Luo, Xiaowei Rose, & Zhou, Jieyu. “The Role of Government in Firm Innovations in China’s Transitional Economy.” To be submitted Chung, Chi-Nien, Luo, Xiaowei Rose, & Lu, Qian. “Strategies, Structure, and Governance of Firms in Emerging Economies: A Synthesis Review.” To be submitted. Zhang, Jianjun, Luo, Xiaowei Rose, Zheng, Lu, & Marquis, Chris. “Facilitator or Buffer: Political Connections and Corporate Philanthropic Donation in Chinese Firms.” Presented at the 2012 annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston.
6.Luo, Xiaowei Rose, Wang, Xiao, & Lai, Liru. The Institutional Contingency of Political Embeddedness: The Role of Political Ties in Bank Financing of Chinese Firms. Presented at the 2012 annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston.
7.Luo, Xiaowei Rose & Wang, Xiao. “Signal of Competence or Market Substitute: The Role of Social Capital in Chinese Family Firms’ Financing.” Presented at the 2010 meeting of International Association of Chinese Management Research.
8.Luo, Xiaowei Rose, & Dong, Jiyang. “Multilevel Political Embeddedness and Corporate Strategic Discretion: A Study of Industry Exits of Chinese non State-Controlled Firms.” To be submitted. Presented at paper session of the annual meeting of Academy of Management, 2013.
9.Chung, Chi-Nien, Zheng, Weiting & Luo, Xiaowei Rose. Foreign institutional ownership, political embeddedness, and corporate governance change in emerging economies. Accepted for presentation, Sydney, Australia, Strategic Management Society, 2014.
10.Luo, Xiaowei Rose, He, Xiaogang, & Zhang, Yuanfei. “How do formal and informal corporate governance affect the value of political connections for Private Firms in China?” Data analysis.
11.Luo, Xiaowei Rose & Dong, Jiyang. “Political Embeddedness and Corporate Restructuring in China.” Data analysis.
12.Luo, Xiaowei Rose & Capron, Laurence. “Investor Reaction to Conflicting Institutional Logics: Returns to Cross-Border Acquisitions Made by Chinese Firms.” Accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of Strategic Management Society, 2014.
13.Lee, Jaemin, Luo, Xiaowei Rose, & Kim, Jay. “Passing down the Throne of a Kingdom: the Influence of Performance Aspiration on CEO Succession in Family Firms.” To be submitted. Presented at the annual meeting of Strategic Management Society, 2013.Data collection stage
1.Luo, Xiaowei Rose & Sullivan, Bilian, N. “The Role of Government in Exploratory vs. Exploitative Organizational Learning in China’s Transitional Economy.” Additional wave of survey conducted, and firm-level patent data collection in progress.Publication for Managerial Audience
1.Luo, Xiaowei Rose, Hansen, Morten T., Ibarra, Herminia, & Peyer, Urs. 2012. “China’s Best Business Leaders.” July edition. Harvard Business Review China. (An article in English based on this article was published at the Harvard Business Review blog, “Top 50 Ranking of China's Business Leaders Exposes Common Myths.” http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/07/top_50_ranking_of_chinas_busin.html)Book Review
1.Luo, Xiaowei Rose. 2002. Book Review of Kevin Leicht and Mary Fennell’s Professional Work: a Sociological Approach, Academy of Management Review.Invited Submission
1.Chung, Chi-Nien & Luo, Xiaowei Rose. “Why Does Family Leadership Decline?” Peking University Business Review (in China comparable to Harvard Business Review). Peking, China.
2.Chung, Chi-Nien & Luo, Xiaowei Rose. 2006. “How to come up with a research topic?” International Association of Chinese Management Research Quarterly Newsletter: issue 3, 2006.


