


  • 中文名:續曉雲
  • 畢業院校:上海交通大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:環境科學與工程
  • 任職院校:上海交通大學


擔任多個環境領域主流期刊雜誌審稿人,包括Environ. Sci. Technol.、Environ. Pollut.、Chemosphere、 Geoderma等。




Xu X.Y.; Zheng Y.L.; Gao B.; Cao X.D. N-doped biochar synthesized by a facile ball-milling method for enhanced sorption of CO2 and reactive red. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 368, 564-572.
Xu, X.Y.; Huang H.; Zhang Y.; Xu Z.B.; Cao, X.D. Biochar as both electron donor and electron shuttle for the reduction transformation of Cr(VI) during its sorption. Environmental Pollution 2018, 244, 423-430.
Xu, X.Y.; Zhao Y.H.; Sima J.K.; Zhao L.; Cao, X.D. Indispensable role of biochar-inherent mineral constituents in its environmental applications: A review. Bioresource Technology 2017, 241: 887-899.
Xu, X.Y.; Huang, D. X.; Zhao, L.; Kan, Y.; Cao, X.D. Role of inherent inorganic constituents in SO2 sorption ability of biochars derived from three biomass wastes. Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50: 12957-12965.
Xu, X.Y.; Kan, Y.; Zhao, L.; Cao, X.D. Chemical transformation of CO2 during its capture by waste biomass derived biochars. Environmental Pollution 2016, 213: 533-540.
Xu, X.Y.;Schierz, A., Cao, X.D. Comparison of the characteristics and mechanisms of Hg(II) sorption by biochars and activated carbon, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2016, 463:55-60.
Xu, X.Y.; Cao, X.D.; Zhao, L.; Zhou, H.J.; Luo Q. Interaction of organic and inorganic fractions of biochar with Pb(II) ion: Further elucidation of mechanisms for Pb(II) removal by biochar. RSC Advances 2014, 85:44930-44937
Xu, X.Y.; Cao, X.D.; Zhao, L.; Sun, T.H. Comparison of sewage sludge- and pig manure-derived biochars for hydrogen sulfide removal. Chemosphere 2014, 111 (0): 296-303
Xu, X.Y.; Cao, X.D.; Zhao, L. Comparison of rice husk- and dairy manure-derived biochars for simultaneously removing heavy metals from aqueous solutions: Role of mineral components in biochars. Chemosphere 2013, 92(8): 955-961
Xu, X.Y.; Cao, X.D.; Zhao, L.; Wang, H.; Yu, H.; Gao, B. Removal of Cu, Zn, and Cd from aqueous solutions by the dairy manure-derived biochar. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2013, 20(1):358-368Xu, Z.;
Xu, X.Y.; Tsang, D. C.; Cao, X.D. Contrasting impacts of pre-and post-application aging of biochar on the immobilization of Cd in contaminated soils. Environmental Pollution 2018, 242, 1362-1370.Zhang, Y.; Xu, X. Y.; Cao, L. Z.; Ok, Y. S.; Cao, X. D. Characterization and quantification of electron donating capacity and its structure dependence in biochar derived from three waste biomasses. Chemosphere 2018, 211, 1073-1081.Huang, H.; Jiang, Y.;
Xu, X.Y.; Cao, X.D. In vitro bioaccessibility and health risk assessment of heavy metals in atmospheric particulate matters from three different functional areas of Shanghai, China. Science of Total Environment 2017, 610-611:546-554Dai, Y.; Liang, Y.;
Xu, X.Y.; Zhao, L.; Cao, X.D. An integrated approach for simultaneous immobilization of lead in both contaminated soil and groundwater: laboratory test and numerical modeling. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2017, 342:107-113Yang, F.; Xu, Z.; Yu, L.; Gao, B.;
Xu, X.Y.; Zhao, L.; Cao, X.D. Kaolinite enhances the stability of the dissolvable and undissolvable fractions of biochar via different mechanisms. Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(15), 8321-8329.Zhao, L.; Ding, Z.L.; Sima, J.K.;
Xu, X.Y.; Cao, X.D. Development of phosphate rock integrated with iron amendment for simultaneous immobilization of Zn and Cr (VI) in an electroplating contaminated soil. Chemosphere 2017, 182: 15-21Chen, M.; Wang, D.; Yang, F.;
Xu, X.Y.; Xu, N., Cao, X.D. Transport and retention of biochar nanoparticles in a paddy soil under environmentally-relevant solution chemistry conditions. Environmental Pollution. 2017, 230, 540-549Wang Y.; Zhang Y.; Pei L.; Ying D.;
Xu, X.Y.; Cao, X.D. Converting Ni-loaded biochars into supercapacitors: Implication on the reuse of exhausted carbonaceous sorbents. Scientific Reports 2017, 7:41523-41530Yang, F.; Zhao, L.; Gao, B.;
Xu, X.Y.; Cao, X.D. The Interfacial Behavior between Biochar and Soil Minerals and Its Effect on Biochar Stability. Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50 (5): 2264-2271.Sima, J.; Zhao, L.;
Xu, X.Y.; Luo, Q.; Cao, X.D. Transformation and bioaccessibility of lead during physiologically based extraction test: Effects of phosphate amendment and extract fluid components. RSC Advances 2016, 6: 43786-43793Liang, Y.; Cao, X.D.; Zhao, L.;
Xu, X.Y.; Harris, W. Phosphorus release from dairy manure, the manure-derived biochar, and their amended soil: effects of phosphorus nature and soil property. Journal of Environmental Quality 2014, 43, (4), 1504-1509.
丁振亮,趙玲,續曉雲,羅啟仕,曹心德*.天然磷礦物的改性及促進Pb/Zn複合污染土壤的穩定化修復, 環境化學, 2015, 34(6):1049-1056
蔣穎,司馬菁珂,趙玲,續曉雲,曹心德*.上海市居民區與工業區大氣顆粒物重金屬生物可給性與健康風險評估. 環境化學, 2016, 35(7): 1337-1345


曾先後獲得過國家留學基金、歐諾法獎學金、蘇州工業園區獎學金等;主持國家自然科學基金青年基金、國家重點研發計畫子課題、中國博士後基金一等資助、上海交通大學“優秀博士畢業生海外博士後師資儲備項目”等;在Environ. Sci. Technol.、Chem. Eng. J.、 Bioresour. Technol.等環境類期刊上發表SCI論文20多篇,其中第一作者文章10篇,2篇高被引論文(Web of Science),總引用600多次(Web of Science);
國家重點研發計畫“場地土壤污染成因與治理技術”,2018YFC1802700,中南有色金屬冶煉廠綜合防控及再開發安全利用技術研發與集成示範,2018/12-2022/11, 在研,子課題負責人。
國家自然基金海外合作項目,21428702,生物炭中潛在污染物的形成、釋放及生物可利用性機制,2015/01-2016/12, 已結題,參與。


2016年12月 上海交通大學“優秀博士畢業生海外博士後師資儲備項目”
2014年11月 蘇州工業園區獎學金
2013年05月 國家留學基金
2012年09月 上海交通大學歐諾法獎學金
2010年09月 上海交通大學一等獎學金


